
What is your Zodiac Sign?

  • Total voters
23 air sign
17 fire sign
9 water sign
14 earth sign

mutable sign(Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces, Virgo)- 24 -in between personality
fixed sign(Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo)- 18 -stubborn personality
cardinal sign(Capricorn, Libra, Cancer, Aries)- 21 -head start personality
Capricorn here... I am fine and dandy... not really depressed...if you have something to do, then you will not think of depression...
i'm a libra and i balance my judgement and when im ticked off i ll render judgement :) have a nice day now ya'll gonna go talk story with my frieinds :)
Whew!. LOL. Atleast I don't feel so out of place here.
I have seen a few Virgos here. That's good. :)

I'm a Virgo, too. :) YAY!. :thumb:

Born: 9/11. I bet ya didn't know that?.

Yup. it's true!. :cool:
Anne. said:
Whew!. LOL. Atleast I don't feel so out of place here.
I have seen a few Virgos here. That's good. :)

I'm a Virgo, too. :) YAY!. :thumb:

Born: 9/11. I bet ya didn't know that?.

Yup. it's true!. :cool:

Whew, a conservative sign.... :dance2: YAY!!!!
Magatsu said:
While I plan to say something about maddox... maddox is funny and hilarious at these times but he sometimes can be very crybaby person at these moments... or can be very exaggerating. I used to like to read his articles but not any longer.

His whines lately are downright boring. Just want to say something about maddox.

Back to topic, Libra is leading now?! I definitely have to pm few sags who didn't vote yet like Gnarly and other sag'ers...

Edit: Ah one thing about maddox, {unnecessary comment removed} it made me shudder every time anyone mention or post the links about maddox. Heh!
Hey, 'Gatsu!

I voted! YOu didn't PM me although... ;-)

Saggies are leading now... should we call it victory??? :)
gnarlydorkette said:
Saggies are leading now... should we call it victory??? :)

Not anymore, Libras are in the lead now... with Virgins, Sags, Water Bearers and Twins close behind!
um, we need more Capricorn here, so that Alex would have a Stock business like Forum.
shhhhhh,,, ckfarbes and sequoias didn't do the poll here, and they are libras.

Don't tell them., shhh. :ugh:
Roadrunner said:
I am NOT into astrology and the likeness of what it holds...at least I can state that my zodiac sign is Aquarius--

i second that... it is virgo...

<-- huggin person :naughty: