'Hero Dog' Pulls Injured Friend From Oncoming Traffic

I've only ever ran over a squirrel once but then when i came back not long after but it wasn't there so maybe it was only injured..anyways what a great story and a great dog!
Oh please, people...dont discuss your heartbreaking
"i ran over this dog or cat" stories....
it is too heartbreaking and unbearable to read :(

Okay, people, you heard the lady . . . knock off the sad "I hit a chihuahua stories . . . " :)

That should clear it up.

Oh, by the way, I hit a deer once, early on a Christmas eve day. I only knocked the wind out of her, but scared the daylights out of me and for years, I refused to drive at night in Wisconsin because of it. Yes, the deer lived.
I hate seeing people run over the animals... UGH!! I hope the animals have the insurance. LOL!! We need to save animals for the world...If we see less and less of animals around here... look like the world goes ugly...Need to see the world beautiful with animals. SAVE THE ANIMALS!