'Hero Dog' Pulls Injured Friend From Oncoming Traffic


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Oct 2, 2005
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You're gonna want to see this video. FOXNews.com - 'Hero Dog' Pulls Injured Friend From Oncoming Traffic - International News | News of the World | Middle East News | Europe News [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XJQTaC-R6w]YouTube - Dog saves injured buddy from busy highway[/ame] The translation of the announcer is as follows:

"These images seen from the surveillance cameras show a very common situation with our overpopulated highways. It is normal for us to see dogs run over. In the video, we can see this dog fighting for his life because he was run over by the vehicle.

"What is very touching is to see the very heroic actions of this other dog who is trying to pull him to the side of the highway. We are going to keep seeing things like this until we find a solution to the dogs living on the streets."

Too bad no license plates can been decifered or company names on the sides of the trucks. That dog is my hero!
wow what a hero pulling other one to safety
i don't know if one have survived ?
I am sure someone with a warm heart and deep pockets saw this and contacted the local pound to pay for the adoption and vet bills of both dogs. The dogs obviously knew each other and were running buddies (possibly mates if they were male and female). Its been documented that mates within the dog world will not abandon each other when one is sick or ill. In the Toklat wolf pack in the Denali its been documented that the alpha female was stuck in a trap for two weeks and her mate and pups stayed close by until she died (actually killed by a fur trapper), and when her body was taken away the mate and pups returned to the location of their den and mourned their for some time. Likely as they associated the den and smell with their mate and mother. This further proves that there is a complex social structure within the dog world and that dogs can and do show compassion for one another.
That's pretty cool, Dixie! I hope the dog lived, too and someone with deep pockets stepped in.
Oh yes, i saw that on the news, i was so shocked and then
started to cry for the poor dogs! that dog was so brave
to pull the injured dog off the road, bless the hero dog!!
Wow.. Hope those dogs get well soon..

It remind me of the story of my three cousins. One of my cousins got pissed off because other cousin turned the music too loud while she was on the phone and hitting him with the phone, then other cousin joined trying to stop the fighting, then the dog bite the cousin who turned the music too loud, his armpit's skin off and the cousin with the phone, her leg's skin off, they had to go to the hostipal. Somehow the dog stopped them from fighting.

I do believe in the animals saving people's lives..
This happened in Chile. The dog being dragged by the hero dog was confirmed dead from impact but a lot of Chileans are looking for the hero dog to adopt him. I don't know if he has been found or not at this time. I hope they find him so he would have a good life off the streets.
This happened in Chile. The dog being dragged by the hero dog was confirmed dead from impact but a lot of Chileans are looking for the hero dog to adopt him. I don't know if he has been found or not at this time. I hope they find him so he would have a good life off the streets.

Oh yes, i hope so! He really does deserve a good home and
a good steak!
I saw it on news and they said that dog was already dead when other dog tried to pull it off the road.

And that highway crew tried to find that hero dog but they could not find that dog.

That's so sad.

It's like what I tried to do when I was a kid. My sis and I saw a cat on highway and it was barely alive. I tried to get the cars to stop, but of course it's highway so they didn't. I (not too sure who crossed I don't remember that part very clearly) but someone crossed and brought it to side but it was dead by the time cat was off the road. I felt bad for that cat. Cat's face is haunting because of it's eyes and had it paw reaching out and looked like it said meow or something.

I almost forgot about it until that video.

That's a fate I do not wish on any animals, getting killed by a car.
I remember I was riding home with my aunt from her house as I had stayed the night with my cousin. As we turned the street corner to get on the main highway, we felt a bump in the engine. It was a cold day and a apparently the cat had crawled up into the inside of the bumper where it was still warm from the engine, and when the car stopped at the intersection it had tried to jump out, about the time we moved again the cat jumped out and we ran over it. I remember looking in the rear view mirror and seeing its legs and feet flailing in the air. I felt bad for the cat, so my aunt turned around and picked up the cat. It was already dead and so we took to it to a back road and laid it in a ditch. I remember my aunt telling me not to tell my cousin. (Because she is a woman to be feared, I never said another word about the incident, but I still felt awful.) I think I was around 8 or 9 when this happened.
Even squirrels and rabbits, when they run across the road in front of me, I'll slow down or stop and let them go. A deer would be difficult, due to insurance regulations, so it's best to hit the deer instead of swerving off the road.
I forgot to tell, I also remember when I was in the school bus, there's a semi truck in the front of us and somehow there are something dead on the freeway and the semi truck went over on that then all of the parts of the body splashed all over on the school bus's windsheild.. I was sitting on the front at that time and it ruined my day..
When I drove a school bus, I hit the brakes from hitting a dog, which was immediately called by its owner. The kids screamed and I missed.

Another time, birds were flying around my bus and one hit me head on, right into the grill, killing it instantly.

I was driving my car at night one time when a bird hit my side window, which was partway down. If it was any further down, the bird would have hit me instead of the window and falling inside my car.
Oh please, people...dont discuss your heartbreaking
"i ran over this dog or cat" stories....
it is too heartbreaking and unbearable to read :(