hearing assist dog

Contra Oh you have a ShitZu. I love those dogs! Actually I like Yorkies with a haircut and not the long silky hair.When I was small my mom had a Maltese and said he matted badly. So I think a little yap-yap portable dog is the way to go and get it as a puppy so it doesnt come with weird quirks. They are great in letting you know when someone is near.I cant do away with my dog though when it really came down to it and I look at her I made the commitment when I took her. Im with them until the end. I had a Dauschound named Snickers when I was 15 and she was with me until I was in my 30's. With this dog I only had 5 minutes on the street , it wasnt the ideal situation for adoption. I was heartbroken over my departed old girl Taffy. Thanks for having my back girlfriend.:bowdown: I dont know if I should e-mail you back. Is your computer up and running now or I can just pm you here. I think things between pek and I got out of hand. Pete; Are you wanting to bury the hatchet? I can do that. You come at me though I dont back down, so its your choice. I never have any problems with people and am not a fighter unless I am attacked. Yes, I did post a question and am happy for replies. It is why I'm here. I truly believe ALLDEAF probably saved my life as I was in a bad way until I met others with similar problems. I did not expect to have my threads re-written and be insulted.There are some threads so bad I dont know what they are even saying so to chastise me was insulting. This is chatting with one another. When people answer me(those who know me)know I'm not going to hold them to sematics. No, Im not a baby.Im probably twice your age. I am newly deaf but a long time sufferer of hearing loss and Menieres disease.This has been pointed out, as none of us who suffer these problems are really newbies. I dont take offence to the term though as I know some do. Its all good! If my posts are choppy it may be I cannot focus on screen with things swirling from being dizzy or my family all around me and distracting.Its called life.Im not a writer so I'm not perfectly down with puncuation and grammar. Actually I am reading a novel by New York Times best selling author Eric Jerome Dickey who doesnt use proper grammar at all. As I was reading last night I saw him refer(in character) PEK which at the time was the last name I wanted to see. You may want to see what it refers to. It will give you quite a laugh. Sorry everyone this was really off topic but I needed to clear the air!:cool:
Pek1, since your profile states that are you a writer, I am sure that your pet peeve is incorrect grammar. However, this particular topic is not about proper punctuation and capitalization. I hardly constitute this forum as a ground for formal literary works. I feel that there was no reason to make a special notation in a post regarding proper spelling and grammar other then to appear obnoxious and to showcase that you are proficient in the English language. Clearly, you have proven it, but there is no need to mock others that are not up to your professional literary standards.

With that being said, I have a Shih Tzu name Bella who alerts me if anything is around my house, my car, my bedroom or down the block. Shih Tzu's were bred to alert the guards of the temple if there was an intruder by barking. She has exhibited signs of alerting me by sitting on me and licking my face if she hears my alarm go off and I do not get up. She does wonders for me.

Note taken. I don't mean to offend. When people here say something or ask for advise and I can't decifer what is being said and I respond, I'll put it in quotes and correct it, then answer it. If words are twisted around or missing but the meaning is clear, which I do find, I won't correct. I have to explain something . . . when I received hearing aids, in school I was worked with daily to deal with them and how to shut out unwanted noise and voices. I was also taught to read ahead of where I'm thinking while I'm reading? Does this make sense? I feel like it doesn't, because it doesn't make sense to me in how to explain it. It's almost like reading two lines at the same time and all the information is fed in at the same time. Gee . . . that was clear. Anyway, do you know what I'm trying to explain?? I'm not trying to be funny or insulting here. It's the way I was taught to read and comprehend. When I see overly misspelled words, in order for me to understand, I have to correct them. Yes, it drives me crazy to do it, because I want to understand what the writer, TAMI, is saying. TAMI asked a legitimate question, hence, she deserves a serious answer. If I offended her, I truly apologize, as that was not my point.

As for the dog, I think that is really cool! There are those here that would rather rely on technology than have a service animal. Which is fine with me. But, when technology fails. Then what?

On a lighter note . . . you know what the best thing is about having a hearing dog? No one can sneak up behind you and scare you!
I sincerely apologize, TAMI SAM

Contra Oh you have a ShitZu. I love those dogs! Actually I like Yorkies with a haircut and not the long silky hair.When I was small my mom had a Maltese and said he matted badly. So I think a little yap-yap portable dog is the way to go and get it as a puppy so it doesnt come with weird quirks. They are great in letting you know when someone is near.I cant do away with my dog though when it really came down to it and I look at her I made the commitment when I took her. Im with them until the end. I had a Dauschound named Snickers when I was 15 and she was with me until I was in my 30's. With this dog I only had 5 minutes on the street , it wasnt the ideal situation for adoption. I was heartbroken over my departed old girl Taffy. Thanks for having my back girlfriend.:bowdown: I dont know if I should e-mail you back. Is your computer up and running now or I can just pm you here. I think things between pek and I got out of hand. Pete; Are you wanting to bury the hatchet? I can do that. You come at me though I dont back down, so its your choice. I never have any problems with people and am not a fighter unless I am attacked. Yes, I did post a question and am happy for replies. It is why I'm here. I truly believe ALLDEAF probably saved my life as I was in a bad way until I met others with similar problems. I did not expect to have my threads re-written and be insulted.There are some threads so bad I dont know what they are even saying so to chastise me was insulting. This is chatting with one another. When people answer me(those who know me)know I'm not going to hold them to sematics. No, Im not a baby.Im probably twice your age. I am newly deaf but a long time sufferer of hearing loss and Menieres disease.This has been pointed out, as none of us who suffer these problems are really newbies. I dont take offence to the term though as I know some do. Its all good! If my posts are choppy it may be I cannot focus on screen with things swirling from being dizzy or my family all around me and distracting.Its called life.Im not a writer so I'm not perfectly down with puncuation and grammar. Actually I am reading a novel by New York Times best selling author Eric Jerome Dickey who doesnt use proper grammar at all. As I was reading last night I saw him refer(in character) PEK which at the time was the last name I wanted to see. You may want to see what it refers to. It will give you quite a laugh. Sorry everyone this was really off topic but I needed to clear the air!:cool:

I think, even though I apologized in the previous post, I think you are owed a personal apology. I got a little carried away and I am sorry. I did not mean to offend you, as that's not what I wanted to do to you or anyone else. I will not call people names anymore, as I should have not done it. I should have not called you a baby and will not do it again. Consider the hatchet buried.

I googled Menieres Disease Meniere's Disease and even google asked me if I meant Meniere's Disease.:roll: Even I get corrected with the spelling!:eek3: With that . . . Is there pain with this, TAMI SAM? I'm not thrilled to know that I'm in the age rage for this. I'm getting a headache just reading all the information on it.:dizzy: The information says there is some pain, discomfort, et al. Does this put you down so you can't do anything or go anywhere? I've fought ear infections about ten years ago, then again two years ago, how does that compare?

I will contact one of the moderators and ask him/her to delete the posts that I insulted you in. I don't think it would be proper for others to see them and get all mad and rehash this again. Hopefully, it'll get deleted. Please give me a day or so.
Pete: I take back what I said about you being a small man. You are a very big man to apologize and I accept. I also Thank-You it means alot to me. I hope we can be friends and forget any of this ever happened. As far as I am concerned you dont have to have posts deleted unless you want to. I dont think anyone will or SHOULD give you a hard time. Actually you showed character and should be proud. Ok that being said...I hope to God you never, ever get Menieres Disease. It is the most horrible and helpless and scary feeling you can have. I dont have any pain and really never heard of any who did, although for some reason migraine headaches seem to accompany it. I will give you as short of a version of what happened to me as I can. As a kid I knew I was different, I could'nt roll down hills,go on merry-go-rounds that sort of thing. As a teenager I used to get sporatic tinnitus. When I was 23 my fiance was over my apt.and it hit me out of the blue. Knocked me right down to the ground.I was spinning violently and thought I must being having a stroke. He rushed me to the ER and the Dr. was an old-timer and diagnosed me right there(some goes years trying to find out what is wrong with them so I guess I was lucky if you can call it that) I will never forget what the Dr. said. "You have Meniere's Disease it wont kill you but you are going to wish it would" I figured you dont know me I'm tough. Well nobody is that tough. I probably went to 20 doctors until I found one who could help me. He just happens to be the sugeon where I was evaluated for a CI. Anyway, because I was young he wanted to wait to operate to see if it would let up. It didnt. It was so horrible that I told him if you dont help me I would rather be dead than live like this. I had a 5 hour surgery -endo-lyphatic sac drainage with a shunt.I was still dizzy.He couldnt operate in that area again as it needed to heal. MeanwhileI was trying to get on Social Sec.because there was no way I could work. Then my fiance died of pancritsis,so I had to move back home with my Mom. Finally I had a 1 hour surgery to patch a fluid leak.Then I was fine. I went on with my life. Worked my way up in the supermarket industry was a Deli Manager, got married,had my son.Then it went into my other ear. I was devastated had same surgeries plus 1 extra fluid leak patch done.I went back to school and became a assistant dietician and just wasnt able to keep up the load. Its a life destructing disease. This May after seeing my original surgeon in NYC for the implant he thinks I'm in the burn out stage.(My second ear surgeries were done by a sugeon in NJ)The dizzyness isnt so horrific. The original dizziness well the only way I can explain it is if someone threw you into the round up or tilt-awhirl carnival rides for 4 hours or so and wouldnt let you out. This said, you must have at least- tinnitus,hearing loss and vertigo for it to be diagnosed as Menieres Disease. How old are you Pete?Why are you worried you may get it? As a child I did have alot of ear infections but thet were not treated correctly so just stay on top of those. I hope you never have to experience what I went through!


I have helped a few people certify their own dogs here in Florida. Hearing ear dogs can be a blessing for many. My own dog is a loveable pet, but I use her body language to cue in to things I do not hear like approaches from behind, someone at the door, etc.

I, like you, have Menieres as well as fluctuating hearing loss in both ears. I still function well with HA's but I know that eventually I will not be able to. I do not have the vertigo or dizziness anymore, which is a blessing in itself.

I have enjoyed reading these exchanges and I hope to continue to participate and learn.

Welcome Dogirl

:welcome::welcome:Hi Dogirl I would love to hear more about you in detail, that is if you dont mind. you can always send me a private msg too.How did your dizziness stop? God I cannot wait until the day.I have had some remissions but alas it comes back although with less venegance every time. Have you had any surgeries?Well you never know you may not lose all your hearing.its interesting.I remember asking Dr as I was told menieres will be gone but not until it takes your hearing.He said it wasnt true but in my case apparently it is looking like it is.Your work with dogs must be very rewarding. I look forward to you posting again and welcome to alldeaf! Tami
Pete: I take back what I said about you being a small man. You are a very big man to apologize and I accept. I also Thank-You it means alot to me. I hope we can be friends and forget any of this ever happened. As far as I am concerned you dont have to have posts deleted unless you want to. I dont think anyone will or SHOULD give you a hard time. Actually you showed character and should be proud. Ok that being said...I hope to God you never, ever get Menieres Disease. It is the most horrible and helpless and scary feeling you can have. I dont have any pain and really never heard of any who did, although for some reason migraine headaches seem to accompany it. I will give you as short of a version of what happened to me as I can. As a kid I knew I was different, I could'nt roll down hills,go on merry-go-rounds that sort of thing. As a teenager I used to get sporatic tinnitus. When I was 23 my fiance was over my apt.and it hit me out of the blue. Knocked me right down to the ground.I was spinning violently and thought I must being having a stroke. He rushed me to the ER and the Dr. was an old-timer and diagnosed me right there(some goes years trying to find out what is wrong with them so I guess I was lucky if you can call it that) I will never forget what the Dr. said. "You have Meniere's Disease it wont kill you but you are going to wish it would" I figured you dont know me I'm tough. Well nobody is that tough. I probably went to 20 doctors until I found one who could help me. He just happens to be the sugeon where I was evaluated for a CI. Anyway, because I was young he wanted to wait to operate to see if it would let up. It didnt. It was so horrible that I told him if you dont help me I would rather be dead than live like this. I had a 5 hour surgery -endo-lyphatic sac drainage with a shunt.I was still dizzy.He couldnt operate in that area again as it needed to heal. MeanwhileI was trying to get on Social Sec.because there was no way I could work. Then my fiance died of pancritsis,so I had to move back home with my Mom. Finally I had a 1 hour surgery to patch a fluid leak.Then I was fine. I went on with my life. Worked my way up in the supermarket industry was a Deli Manager, got married,had my son.Then it went into my other ear. I was devastated had same surgeries plus 1 extra fluid leak patch done.I went back to school and became a assistant dietician and just wasnt able to keep up the load. Its a life destructing disease. This May after seeing my original surgeon in NYC for the implant he thinks I'm in the burn out stage.(My second ear surgeries were done by a sugeon in NJ)The dizzyness isnt so horrific. The original dizziness well the only way I can explain it is if someone threw you into the round up or tilt-awhirl carnival rides for 4 hours or so and wouldnt let you out. This said, you must have at least- tinnitus,hearing loss and vertigo for it to be diagnosed as Menieres Disease. How old are you Pete?Why are you worried you may get it? As a child I did have alot of ear infections but thet were not treated correctly so just stay on top of those. I hope you never have to experience what I went through!

Don't worry about the name calling . . . we all do it from time to time. Actually, I am a little short -- only 5'7" and, dripping wet, 142lbs.:D My mouth and keyboard typing gets me into more trouble than my size does! ;) I am 44, but don't tell anyone, okay? What's your age?

Okay, sister . . . you've got me stumped. The original surgeon said "burn out stage." What is that? Does this mean that your ear can no longer take an operation?

To answer your question. I've had some headaches and it feels like, sometimes, my eyes pop and twitch. I can't explain this one. Maybe it's nothing, maybe it's stress. I'll wait another month before taking any kind of action.

As for the ear infections, think I said (somewhere on the forums) I was getting them very periodically during the 1990s and the surgeon (ENT) who did my sinus surgery offered to put tubes in my ears to drain them, of which I'm scared to death of doing. I don't want to take a chance in case of more hearing loss. It took time, but I now can decifer when there is pain and when my mind is playing tricks on me. If I've never said it, then this is the first time I mentioned my ear infections.

With my hearing aids out, I can hear next to nothing. If you were here and we were out walking at night with Snickers and the weather is windy, you'd see me as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. I am that jumpy.
Hi Pete: Im just going to write you a quick msg. as I go to ENT tomorrow and will know more. Dont be afraid of putting tubes in your ears.I did mine last January.I did it right in the office.Didnt get numb just shoved it in there.It was a little sore not terrible.I think its actually better to let the bad stuff drain out then have it sit inside canal. I really dont think what you described has anything to do with the ears although there is something called nystagmus.That is the eye going back and forth usually during dizziness trying to get its bearing for the brain. My age you ask-46 and I'm the same height as your are too! Not the same weight thanks to prednisone! Burn out is what I want to check with Dr. before I tell you wrong info. I was to believe the vestibular system was damaged and the dizziness would stop.I'll let you know after appointment . Tami
Keep us posted, TAMI SAM. I'm praying for you (sorry this was late, as I was out of town).
Pete Thanks I really appreciate that! Sorry I didnt see your post until now.I usually dont come on over the weekend! Hope you are feeling better too.