Have you ever wear a brace on your teeth?

Have you ever wear a brace on your teeth?

  • Never get a brace

    Votes: 13 35.1%
  • Got a brace before

    Votes: 21 56.8%
  • Will get a brace

    Votes: 2 5.4%
  • Still wearing a brace

    Votes: 1 2.7%

  • Total voters
Yeah! I am plan to get invisalign for my lower teeth.

I had a metal brace when I was teen. Until I got a regular retainer. I stopped wear it when I was 17 years old. Because, I had a wisdom teeth pushed my retainer to make a tight and discomforted. My upper teeth is fine but my lower teeth is little crooked. It's not bad at all. I am still want to get an invisalign for my lower teeth.

I am honest with you. I has 4 front fake caps on my upper front teeth because my real teeth was gap and small. Nobody can notice my teeth. It's 11 years old now.

I can't use a carrot to bite from my front upper teeth because of caps. I can't get a whitening crest stripes. It's suck! It's not sharp enough.

I need to get a new teeth like a real. I don't care if anyone think about me. I want to be more confidence about myself.

I voted I will get a brace..

I plan to get Invisalign - Straighten Your Teeth With Clear, Invisible Braces to correct my teeth..
I've never worn braces or retainer. All but two of my teeth are perfectly straight. Both of my lateral incisors are slightly crooked and I have an overbite.

Neither of my 2 sisters nor my brother ever had to wear braces. My brother did have to wear a retainer for a while.

I do remember having to get my wisdom teeth removed. Dentist told me that I'd sleep thru surgery. I never fell asleep and watched him take out my teeth. :shock:
I had braces for 3 year. I didnt complain about that. I hated my ugly cranky teeth. I thank god that I had braces and my teeth look so nice. I wore regular retainer for few years. I had 4 wisdom remove. It was so painful after remove one wisdom because dr had to cut my gum and get it out.
I had braces for 3 year. I didnt complain about that. I hated my ugly cranky teeth. I thank god that I had braces and my teeth look so nice. I wore regular retainer for few years. I had 4 wisdom remove. It was so painful after remove one wisdom because dr had to cut my gum and get it out.
I know how you feel. The experience of having braces was no fun but the results are wonderful. (I also had a similar wisdom tooth experience.) :)

I'm forever grateful to my dad for paying for my braces.
got brace on teeth when 24 years, wore it until I was 27. Loved it! best thing I did!
Had braces for 2 and half yrs and I got a beautiful smile now! THANKS MOM! I could see it when I was a younger girl I had a ugly teeth which it was mixed up. I understand how it would look like...I would never been smiled at all without braces. :D
Getting your wisdom teeth removed isn't really that painful if they give you plenty of novacaine. I've had three wisdom teeth removed, and it was no big deal. It only hurts a bit when they give you novacaine, and then after the novacaine takes effect, you'll only feel pressure, not pain, when the dentist removes the teeth.

Of course, before I had the wisdom teeth removed, they hurt like hell! But after they were removed, I felt so much better! Go figure.

That's true. The only exception is if the teeth are very impacted or there's infection present. Then, it will hurt like HELL. I had my lower teeth removed, but still have my upper wisdom teeth. Like you, I was awake. They gave me lots of novacaine. Afterward, they gave me motrin and a narcotic for pain relief.

It can either be no big deal or a VERY big deal. Everybody is different. :)
I was 13 years old when I had silver braces. My braces came off when I was 16 years old. My teeth are straight. I still have my full teeth but never lose single tooth. :)
I didn't vote because I was not sure what I had was a brace or a retainer. It was just a wire behind my upper teeth and had two cups so it can be glued to my back molars. A small wire was on the big wire and its job is to push a single errant tooth outward. I don't recall how long I had to wear it. There is no wire tighten, etc. Do you know what that is called?

Had 3 widsom teeth removed. The fourth one never showed up. I dunno why. Still have all of my teeth although 3 of molars are capped now.
Does anyone have like that?

I got it after removed the brace after 2 years and failed to use metal retainer then ended to got bonded retainer, it means struck on back of teeth.

Prior to brace, I have very crappy teeth, it used to be straight when I had baby teeth in it, after all baby teeth gone then new teeth grew so unfit and became very crappy, I refuse to show my teeth when take school picture.

Invisalign is good for people with light-mild separated of teeth or little not straight, if you have severe crappy teeth or not very straight then get metal brace, it's depends on dentist and dentist would define about recommended on Invisalign or metal brace, metal brace could be painful but more effective.
My son might having it soon or later.

Cool about colorful one :

Be proud to wear braces like Tom Cruise :)
Colorful braces tends to be tad expensive, yikes!
Does anyone have like that?

No. I never have one. It's different from yours.
I got it after removed the brace after 2 years and failed to use metal retainer then ended to got bonded retainer, it means struck on back of teeth.

I wore a retainer when I was 15 until 18. I stopped wear them because it start move and too tight unfit. It wasn't comfort. I had a wisdom teeth pushed my teeth move. I had wisdom teeth remove when I was 20. I am so happy. It's all over.
Prior to brace, I have very crappy teeth, it used to be straight when I had baby teeth in it, after all baby teeth gone then new teeth grew so unfit and became very crappy, I refuse to show my teeth when take school picture.
Same here. I had a crooked teeth. It was bad! I refused to show a picture with my teeth smile when I was in 4 grader until freshman. I hate to show my brace on my teeth on pictures. After my brace remove. I got first smile with picture when I was almost 16 in sophomore years.
Invisalign is good for people with light-mild separated of teeth or little not straight, if you have severe crappy teeth or not very straight then get metal brace, it's depends on dentist and dentist would define about recommended on Invisalign or metal brace, metal brace could be painful but more effective.

I will get invisalign for my lower teeth. I never like metal retainer. It's not comfortable. I am on my husband's insurance for dental. I will go to same as his dentist in January for my first check up.
Does anyone have like that?

I got it after removed the brace after 2 years and failed to use metal retainer then ended to got bonded retainer, it means struck on back of teeth.

Prior to brace, I have very crappy teeth, it used to be straight when I had baby teeth in it, after all baby teeth gone then new teeth grew so unfit and became very crappy, I refuse to show my teeth when take school picture.

Invisalign is good for people with light-mild separated of teeth or little not straight, if you have severe crappy teeth or not very straight then get metal brace, it's depends on dentist and dentist would define about recommended on Invisalign or metal brace, metal brace could be painful but more effective.

I have that...I still have it....Denist told me that I have to have that for rest of my life. It's only on bottom of my teeth...it can be annoying sometimes but most of the time, it doesn't bother me.