Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

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well JW and mormons aren't allowed on our property cuz we got dogs and whenever they show up and park on the side street and my dogs bark i simplly put the leash on one of my dogs and act like im walking and when they see me coming WITH A DOG they take off So since then they never came back! :)
Yep, JW came to the door once few years ago. I nodded and listened politely. They knew I was deaf, but fortunately they did not send around a deaf JW. I dislike the JW because they think the deafs are easy to convert also did not agree with them over few things such as no celebrations for b'days, xmas, and also teh blood transfusion. Tsk.
never happen to my home, possible the saleman saw at my door sign said *DEAF* will not knock at my door.
Red~Rum said:
I used to listen to JW's and accept to share Bible study with them as some of my cousins are JW, until my husband told me they are not welcome in our house as he strongly believe if I want to learn more about God, I should go to Kingdom Hall or any church not in our house, I agreed with him about it, and funny enough I don't have a time to go there as it is heavy pressure to attend Kingdom Hall for meeting, pray and assembly etc, they will look down on me if I miss one!

My husband believe Jehovah Witness pry on deaf people as easy target and I agreed with him since I learnt from JW that they keep a list of deaf residences and write a comment etc.

One Sunday morning at 6.00AM - yes SIX O'CLOCK - they came to knock our door, it makes my husband furious, and he went to answer the door saying "Leave me alone and I want to earn a quiet Sunday, not listen to your bible, FO" slamed the door hard.
Whoa! Good one! Hehehe! I've had them visit my apartment. They're like gnats... they annoy you in swarms! :eek:
pimpdaddyposse said:
my parents doesn't know that I'm gay yet. If I tell them, I may be afraid to have no place to stay... so I wanna wait until go to Gally to tell them online and see what's their react so I will know if I want to come back home for vacation or never... I'm also afraid to tell my mother right now cuz she usually blabs a rumor even though it's a big/small deal or personality thing to JW ppl so I don't want JW ppl come storming in my mom's house and cussing at me... so I want to break the news to them online and not see their faces sobbing but rather hear their words...

BTW I'm :rofl: at all of the comments...

It has been a year ago. Wow, the times flies. Haven't your parents accept for who you are? Yikes ! I can't image how they react when you will be telling them on the line.

As for me, I may have a difficult to accept if my son is a gay. Thanks God, they have girlfriends ! I may be wreck nervous if he is a gay. :|
I give the JWs an incredible display of my well endowed and naked body and ask them: "Yes?" If they ever come to my door....


No, just kidding... :)
JW and Mormon used to come by house few time...I told them "Dont bother me with your religion doctrine..please leave then gently closed door" I learned something NEVER blah about your religion belief to them you know why...they will keep pest you with their "cult" teaching compare this they are better for example, Mormon keep telling me "They are one only true church of Christ" so please get real...there are many doctrinal blahing the same statement...I personally believe in Jesus Christ as my blessing savior than getting off the topics with their stupid doctrines period. Better say nothing and act out of your own manner then you deserve the respect. As they will leave you guys in peace!
Lol, Liza!

To "donning a costume and ummm, nevermind" usi
Liza said:
I give the JWs an incredible display of my well endowed and naked body and ask them: "Yes?" If they ever come to my door....


No, just kidding... :)

:laugh2: Oooo, Lizachickie! You're being norti!!! :rofl:
I usually say when they come knocking on my door that im happy with my
own religion and not gonna convert to any other religion including yours! Boy, that really stop them!
One time, my ex fiance was working nights and the JW came to his door ignoring the sign saying he is a day sleeper, he got pissed off! He told them that he is a devil worshipper (not really) and boy! they took off like he has the plague! hehe at least it worked for him!
When I lived in Utah, suddenly lot of missionaries come to my door and try to annoy me with religous stuff, pretty annoying isn't it? Tho, when I lived in California, I had some JV come to my door, I just nod to their religon and wait til they go away, it was my friend who's a JV. I didn't want to kick her out cuz she's my friend, anyhow.
Wanna know what i think?? I think its mighty rude of these missionaries and JW people to try to stuff their religion down people's throat cuz we have freedom of religion and got the right to choose our own religion so i think they are wrong for doing door to door hawking their own religion on us ! heh!
They also have freedom of religion as well as freedom of speech. They can go door to door as long they are not pestering the residents over and over within the certain span of time, as long they are not interfering and promoting violence that could disrupt daily life, things like that. There are certain degrees of freedom of speech, and for most of the JW, they are not violating that. That's what I think. Anyone would like to comment on that?
OmnisDioscuri said:
They also have freedom of religion as well as freedom of speech. They can go door to door as long they are not pestering the residents over and over within the certain span of time, as long they are not interfering and promoting violence that could disrupt daily life, things like that. There are certain degrees of freedom of speech, and for most of the JW, they are not violating that. That's what I think. Anyone would like to comment on that?
Well, I'm in the middle of sex. I don't appreciate people coming to my door just to preach to me about JW. Secondly, I don't appreciate the fact that they are able to get their hands on all deafies in the city. :(
OmnisDioscuri said:
Elaborate on "get their hands on all deafies in the city"
Excuse me... "get their hands on addresses for all deafies in the city." ;)
VamPyroX said:
Well, I'm in the middle of sex. I don't appreciate people coming to my door just to preach to me about JW. Secondly, I don't appreciate the fact that they are able to get their hands on all deafies in the city. :(
I totally agree with you, Vamp!
I got this email a friend of mine. I disagreed with their perspective. I find that Jehovah's Witnesses people have NO respect to harrassment the people at the doors.

check out

and in (what i'm guessing will be a futile) attempt at ending these prejudiced untruths, check out the online brochure "What do JW's Believe"


Hypocrite Jehovah's Witnesses on "Hate"

Noteable quoteable;Watchtower magazine defines an,'apostate'

"If someone used to be a Jehovah's Witness, "We MUST HATE in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme ~ active aversion, to consider as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." - Watchtower, 10/1/52, p.599

Now what other institution promotes this level of hatred?

The decision about who's going to be judged and how doesn't belong to us. Only Jehovah will, and we might ignore lots of things about the way he decides. Rather than ignoring Jehovah's Witnesses' message - as any other message, what could be dangerous - even in this life, without any necessity of "Armageddon" - would be the rejection of spritual matters (Mathew 5:7; 6:33). And it's not easy nowadays, due to the pressure of other life styles, but our hope in a reall better future makes us go ahead. This is a joy nothing can buy... Unless comments like yours discourage a heart, something that rarely happens, thank heaven.

So, if I were you, I'd be careful with the things you say. We appreciate your good intentions, but it's better for you to comment based on your own knowledge or evidence, and not on the first lines you find in the web. That's a dangerous thing, you know... And I'm sure you're a man with valid arguments.

"Everyone is entitled to their own opinion,but not their own facts".D.M.

Watchtower Whistleblower: http://www.DannyHaszard.com Jehovah's Witnesses are a destructive cult!
I have had people come to my door...they did recently and I impressed them with my chinese-speaking skills...although I laaaaaaaarv Liza's idea...Oooh. That'll do it. ;)
If JW people come to my door, I would say to them "No, I am not interesting, I attend to my own church, thanks, bye" then close the door. That's it.
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