Have the Jehovah Witness people come to your door?

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They refuse to participate in politics and government, yet they still pay taxes. :bsflag:
just get this doorknocker

I tell them that they interrupted me while cleaning and how about if we talk while they help me dust. And no, don't give me the flyer, because I'm cleaning, so I'll just throw it away. Then I start the vacuum cleaner. (If you're NOT actually cleaning, just pretend! :lol)
Your post is right except for one thing. The "No Solicitors" sign does not apply to JW's. Because they do not sell anything.
For all of you who would like JW's not to come again, you do not have to be rude or anything. Just tell them "Do not come back. Please write in your record that I do not want anyone to come here again."
For anyone with an open mind, you might try actually having a conversation with one before you decide to "scare them away".
romantz said:
Your post is right except for one thing. The "No Solicitors" sign does not apply to JW's. Because they do not sell anything.
For all of you who would like JW's not to come again, you do not have to be rude or anything. Just tell them "Do not come back. Please write in your record that I do not want anyone to come here again."
For anyone with an open mind, you might try actually having a conversation with one before you decide to "scare them away".

r u one?
Would you kindly tell me where to get this knocker! I'd love that on my front door. Not just to keep JW out, they are to be meant to keep these closed minded freakos OUT of my property! I need not hear their craps!

darkangel8603 said:
just get this doorknocker

Well it is better to have a strange religion than no religion at all. How many of you have studied the JW and really understand what they stand for?

Don't knock it until you have tried it.
Lantana said:
...How many of you have studied the JW and really understand what they stand for?
I have.
romantz said:
Your post is right except for one thing. The "No Solicitors" sign does not apply to JW's. Because they do not sell anything.
For all of you who would like JW's not to come again, you do not have to be rude or anything. Just tell them "Do not come back. Please write in your record that I do not want anyone to come here again."
For anyone with an open mind, you might try actually having a conversation with one before you decide to "scare them away".

Welcome to AD and share your posts here or any threads with us. :thumb:

Yes, I´m agree with you that it would be nicer for anyone to tell JW to not come back in polite way instead of bitching/rude to them. Yes, I know it won´t hurt anyone to answer the door and tell them to not come back because JW won´t bite them...
Lantana said:
Well it is better to have a strange religion than no religion at all. How many of you have studied the JW and really understand what they stand for?

Don't knock it until you have tried it.

Yes, I have. I study the JW and understand their belief. I respect them what they are.
any religion

Hmm, I'm not really religious.. I've been baptized, and i've been a member of a mormon church, and have read a few other religions, smile.

One thing I've come to realize, is that almost all of them have the same end goal - to join a greater thing at the end of your life. But oddly enough, each of them claims the other as the wrong religion. Some not so much in words, but by the general sense that the scripture or the people involved in said religion instills in us..

So the conclusion that I've come to, is that all religion is a farce. Bear with me a minute - SUppose, that at one time in history, there existed someone who was either really really smart (Reference: Rain man of scientific perception), or really insane (Reference: Wacko, Texas and others), who convinced people of certain things. And our lack of understanding of how things work lead us to believe them, and we turned it into a religion, which was then carried down our respetive bloodlines, with each generation not knowing any better, and either killing disbelievers in the name of god, or otherwise instilling fear or making questioning of the religion voodoo.. Or something along the lines of what I've described here. NOBODY in the entire world, not even the pope, can offer concrete proof of any religion actually being de-facto, nor prove that there is a higher being, a heaven, a hell, or anything in between. They can quote scripture and claim the white speckles they see at the corners of their eyes are angels, all they want.. but at the end of the day, it's all hearsay.

Yeah Yeah, I know there's lots of people out there who'll claim they've seen angels, spoken to god, prayed and had family or friends healed.. "miracles".. But look at the news, look at stories people say in papers, magazines, books.. EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM mentions god and praying at least ONCE, especially if the person lives. No books or magazines mentino god or prayer if the subject dies. It's like, society is saying "you better mention prayer or god and be thankful that you survived, or we'll all hate your guts!". People feel obliged to say things, even if its not true. Hell, I bet more than half of them are probabaly thinking "sh*t, i should have screwed her in high school!" moments before they think they're gonna die.. not "oh god, forgive me for all my sins.. i repent! i repent!" .. that is, if they think anything at all.

But it's not to say that religion is bad. Religion is GOOD, to a level. I'd hate to think what the world would be like today without religion.. And to imagine how many of our laws that protect us from harm that probably wouldnt exist, either.

I just think that religion is overly abused (Just think of all those homosexual catholic priests!), forced upon us through family, culture, and other social heirarchies. And last, but not least, religion no longer has any real weight in the world's powers any more. Bush certainly claims his strength is in god, but I doubt he's sending soldiers to iraq for god, increasing our taxes for god, or anything else at all that he's done in office since he took oath, for that matter. It's all just a verbal mask in which to hide behind, to justify (either to the people, or to themselves) that what they're doing is right.

Soo, that ends my 2 cents on the subject. My advice to you: Someone knocks on your door, regardless of the religion they're preaching, invite them in.. make them coffee.. offer them cake.. then preach the hell out of them, instead of them to you, and see if you can't convince them that their religion is wrong, that they're doing a sin. If you dont actually convince them, you'll certainly scare the hell out of the entire group. (I guarantee you they'll quip up during their next groupie and tell the story!) It's more fun than slamming doors in their faces, smile.

Alternatively, you could buy a satanic book and when they show up, just put it on the coffee table and invite them in.. watch them get all worked up and shaking! :rl: :naughty:
Well my husband was sooooooo bad to them two days ago cuz he is getting so tired of them come here everyweek even I told them to mark us off the list, they still come here.
jazzy said:
Well my husband was sooooooo bad to them two days ago cuz he is getting so tired of them come here everyweek even I told them to mark us off the list, they still come here.

Simple is ask them to not come ever again because you are not interested.
Liebling:-))) said:
Simple is ask them to not come ever again because you are not interested.

Yes we did and they still come here even I asked them to remove our name from their listen.
I am shocked.

I have been studying to become an interpreter for about a year. One of the 1st things I learned is d/Deaf people are often misunderstood and stereotyped. It is wrong and d/Deaf hate it.
And yet, I have read this entire thread and see example after example of stereotyping, misunderstanding, and down-right lies. I would think as a group, most of the people here would understand how this feels and avoid doing it to others. I guess I am wrong about that.
There have been a few reasonable comments, but the majority have been completely close minded.
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't expect you to agree with my beliefs. If I come to your door, it is because I am following a command from Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Whether you listen to the message or not is your decision.
And no, we do not "target" deaf people. We do, however, attempt to give people the message in their own language, whatever language that may be. Currently, we print literature in 252 languages. And we have many publications available in ASL and several other Sign Languages, on DVD or VHs. Many of us have also taken the time to learn a new language so that we can help more people understand the Bible.
Again, if you listen or not is your decision. But everyone should have to opportunity to make an informed decision. So before you post another "fact" about a person or group of people, maybe you should make sure it is true.
I just think that religion is overly abused (Just think of all those homosexual catholic priests!), forced upon us through family, culture, and other social heirarchies. And last, but not least, religion no longer has any real weight in the world's powers any more. Bush certainly claims his strength is in god, but I doubt he's sending soldiers to iraq for god, increasing our taxes for god, or anything else at all that he's done in office since he took oath, for that matter. It's all just a verbal mask in which to hide behind, to justify (either to the people, or to themselves) that what they're doing is right.
I agree.....Man, MANY Christian types tend to think that we nonbelievers have not heard the word of God....but, it's RAMPENT in our society.... It's just that the hyper Christian Utopia of a theocracy isn't in bloom.
say what?

What a hypocrite! What does being discriminated against as a deaf/hh person have to do with religion? Religion is a choice, deafness isnt. Nobody here is misunderstanding anything about JW.. Read again! What everyone's complaining about is the fact that they keep coming to our doors.. invading our private sanctuary to preach their word, rather than allow us to make the choice of going to a JW church or not.. :werd:

romantz said:
I have been studying to become an interpreter for about a year. One of the 1st things I learned is d/Deaf people are often misunderstood and stereotyped. It is wrong and d/Deaf hate it.
And yet, I have read this entire thread and see example after example of stereotyping, misunderstanding, and down-right lies. I would think as a group, most of the people here would understand how this feels and avoid doing it to others. I guess I am wrong about that.
There have been a few reasonable comments, but the majority have been completely close minded.
I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses. I don't expect you to agree with my beliefs. If I come to your door, it is because I am following a command from Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20) Whether you listen to the message or not is your decision.
And no, we do not "target" deaf people. We do, however, attempt to give people the message in their own language, whatever language that may be. Currently, we print literature in 252 languages. And we have many publications available in ASL and several other Sign Languages, on DVD or VHs. Many of us have also taken the time to learn a new language so that we can help more people understand the Bible.
Again, if you listen or not is your decision. But everyone should have to opportunity to make an informed decision. So before you post another "fact" about a person or group of people, maybe you should make sure it is true.
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