Hatred Against Asl!!

Yes ange26s, Oral requires long tedious practice. It was very hard to read lips takes a lot of focus, and can be extremely tiring, but it became easy after using it so much, but you don't always get 100% of what's being said, because of some letters would read the same, like "B and P" and if a guy has a mustache that covers the top of his lips that would be extremely hard to read his lips. That's why signs should be included in case there's a missed on lip-reading. What bothers me the most is the hearing parents who choose oral methods with their deaf children cochlear implant or not, giving deaf children this tool to fit in with their families and society at large, and not thinking what would fit better for their own child. Just like most of us stated that ASL and speech together is the best route to go with-- giving deaf children the full understanding, without being missed out on any conversations or words or sentences. ;)
Well, my daughter is getting a CI soon.I do not believe it is a horrible thing that is inflicted on children.I think it is all how you raise your children and the choices you unfortunately have to make for them.I do not have anything against ASL.I am learning ASL and teaching my daughter.I do agree that MANY parents tend to forget when it all comes down to it,your child is still deaf.I was linked up with a parent today,and her daughter was implanted.I asked her if she was teaching her daughter ASL and she said no.She said her daughter lip reads when not wearing her implant.Her daughter is 4 1/2 yrs. old.I have to admitt I was annoyed a little by this.I try to imagine myself in that situation.How hard it must be to lip read! I COULD NOT put my daughter through that.I do not think implants are a bad thing,but I do believe more parents should be educated about ASL and how they CAN do both.I can definitly understand why a parent may choose to only sign.For me, it is all about communicating with my daughter and her having choices.I am not trying to "normalize" my daughter.Just like there is animosity against ASL, I sometimes think there is animosity against CI.In my opinion, I think if a parent is going to implant their child, they should really consider ASL too.It is soo sad that some people have such an ugly attitude about ASL

:gpost:!! I agree with Jillioie here, we need more parents like you!! This is an excellent post!!!
I can't view the video here in the office until I am home from work few hours later.

ange26s made an excellence post. Yes we need more parents like her.
Thumbs up. I do believe children who are implanted can benefit greatly from being fluent in both ASL and English. It's just a pity a lot of parents are so resistant to learning a new language. I personally know many, many deaf people whose parents are like that. Some of them are even ashamed of their children's deafness.

The more choices a child is given, the better. An oral-only approach is a very dangerous route to go on because of the odds. Even with cochlear implant, it can be either a hit or miss.

It's not about Deaf Culture or anything like that. It's about making an environment accessible to the deaf child and the parents. With both Spoken English and ASL, you are giving the child a 100% accessible environment.

It's a very simple approach, but the trick is trying to convince a hearing parent that it's the best route to go on. Especially when they have no experience in interacting with deaf and hard of hearing people.

It's a win-win situation, whether they want to believe it or not.

Well said, Banjo!
I'm all for CI and I think it is great to give that child the opportunity. As long as the parents also believes in teaching that child ASL along with it.
Having the child being totally oral without ASL will damage the childs future. I have also seen a parent have a deaf child and started to teach that child ASL but as soon as the child was implanted she wanted that child to be just oral. I was even told by the parent to not to sign to that child. She gave up everything to make that child learn to talk.

Any normal parent will do what they think is best for the child. Even though we may not agree....Just give out resources and keep education and options available to parents.
Your beliefs are the same as mine regarding CIs, spoken language and ASL. I grew up on lipreading alone with HAs...I missed out so much and I was always worn out from constantly working extra hard to communicate. Yes, I know that the majority of the hearing world will not learn sign language and I accept that but I cant see how it is ok to use lipreading to acquire language and in the academic setting. I prefer that the oral skills to be taught for communication with non-signers.

That is terrible when the hearing parent want to give up ASL once her child got the CI, just want her daughter to talk oral. I don't like that and it make me pissed off when hearing parents don't understand anything about being deaf. She is trying to change (fix) her daughter to be able to hear better so that the daughter can talk oral. She need to go to the Hearing Society or someone who knows about being deaf. The parent need to get her reality check and wake up that she is ruining her daughter's life. ASL is the best way to help the child with CI or HA. :nono: and :crazy:
U know..that is interesting cuz people used to say that about me as a HA user and now the CI is the new thing..they are saying the same thing. When the next new technology comes along, people will probably say the same stuff. It seems like there is just so much value put on the deaf's child's ability to hear and speak rather than the accomplishments the child can do.

If I had to choose...to have a deaf child who can speak and hear so well and only can say "The Earth is round" perfectly but only limited to knowing that the Earth is round or a deaf child who doesnt have any oral skills but can describe the different features on the Earth inside and out. I would choose the latter. I prefer the children have knowledge than be able to talk perfectly. I see the same old patterns repeating themselves..."oh my god...this child can talk!!" rather than saying "Can this child answer complext questions?"

The oralists are alive and well on YouTube, and judging from their comments, they are no better informed than they were 200 years ago.:giggle:
The oralists are alive and well on YouTube, and judging from their comments, they are no better informed than they were 200 years ago.:giggle:

I just want to scream and say "YOU ARE SOOOOOO STUPID!!!!"

I guess I will still continue to see an influx of children being referred to my school with language delays for years to come. Pretty pathetic, huh?
I just want to scream and say "YOU ARE SOOOOOO STUPID!!!!"

I guess I will still continue to see an influx of children being referred to my school with language delays for years to come. Pretty pathetic, huh?

Well, my daughter is getting a CI soon.I do not believe it is a horrible thing that is inflicted on children.I think it is all how you raise your children and the choices you unfortunately have to make for them.I do not have anything against ASL.I am learning ASL and teaching my daughter.I do agree that MANY parents tend to forget when it all comes down to it,your child is still deaf.I was linked up with a parent today,and her daughter was implanted.I asked her if she was teaching her daughter ASL and she said no.She said her daughter lip reads when not wearing her implant.Her daughter is 4 1/2 yrs. old.I have to admitt I was annoyed a little by this.I try to imagine myself in that situation.How hard it must be to lip read! I COULD NOT put my daughter through that.I do not think implants are a bad thing,but I do believe more parents should be educated about ASL and how they CAN do both.I can definitly understand why a parent may choose to only sign. For me, it is all about communicating with my daughter and her having choices.I am not trying to "normalize" my daughter.Just like there is animosity against ASL, I sometimes think there is animosity against CI.In my opinion, I think if a parent is going to implant their child, they should really consider ASL too.It is soo sad that some people have such an ugly attitude about ASL


While I'm not against implants in the child, I also don't think that CIs will help with all commiucation situations and that is why I favor Bi-Bi Ed over a ASL or an Oral only ed.

See the part I bolded? Most hearing never understand how vital communication is for the deaf. You seem to be one of those rare hearing who realizes how vital communication is for the deaf.
In Canada, I learn that there is one province, Nova Scotia, has become a law to have every child who is D/d/HOH get the CI.

Please learn all the facts about a situation before spreading outrageous gossip like this. That isn't even close to the truth and just causes more unnecessary fear and panic.

Nova Scotia News - TheChronicleHerald.ca (12/14/07)

Funding starts soon for double cochlear implants

The province will begin paying for double cochlear implants in January, Health Minister Chris d’Entremont announced Wednesday.

Since 2001, Nova Scotia has funded single implants of a device that can capture sound and transmit it into electrical signals that people with profound hearing loss can hear.

Having implants in both ears can significantly improve hearing and speech skills in some patients.

To be a good candidate for double implants, a patient should have profound hearing loss in both ears, be at least a year old and have tried hearing aids for at least six months with no success. The new policy is expected to benefit about 30 Nova Scotians at a cost of $300,000 a year.
Hello, I was viewing various Vlogs till I came across this-

YouTube - This Child Is Deaf?

It is about a child forced to undergo cochlear implant surgery without her consent- then teached how to oral and etc.

I left a message asking if they will teach her ASL, and I cant believe the hatred replies I got. So I ask you- loyal deaf readers- to go check this Vlog out and leave comments supporting the beautiful language of ASL!

Ahh so if you made the first remark which had to do with asl, and really it sounds like you think because she's deaf she absolutely needs asl or she'll never learn a thing....others disagreed and that hurt your feelings? ugh. you need to grow thicker skin.

Now this remark " lol i did it on purpose you tard " was posted by the same person who posted the question/statement regarding sign language. This is hatred and it is completely nasty because tard is and always will be degrading to children like my daughter. If (whomever) needs to use the insult that degrades children and adults like my child. whomever used that insult lost all crediblity in my eyes.

I am prayin' that ONE DAY the company who invented CI will close down. *prayin' *

Excuse me, I find that offensive! I happen to think CI was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was quite glad that my parents did make that choice. Look, CI is not for everyone...one of my friend's brother have CI and it did not work for him while on other hand, it work for her. It depends on each person.

Anyways, CI can be the best for some of us like for me and my friends who have CI while other is not the best idea for them. I'm so glad that they have invented CI and I do look forward to the day they improve CI. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you should criztize/hate them.
Excuse me, I find that offensive! I happen to think CI was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was quite glad that my parents did make that choice. Look, CI is not for everyone...one of my friend's brother have CI and it did not work for him while on other hand, it work for her. It depends on each person.

Anyways, CI can be the best for some of us like for me and my friends who have CI while other is not the best idea for them. I'm so glad that they have invented CI and I do look forward to the day they improve CI. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you should criztize/hate them.

Very well said. :)
How would you know that a child with cochlear implant can talk better than a child with hearing aids? You're deaf, so what do you know? You cannot even hear yourself. :crazy:

Just having better access to sound will help the person with a CI speak better. if one hears ones intonation one can correct it if necessary. Sure a profoundly deaf person can learn to speak well (using HA's or not) but it takes much more effort to ensure that all is correct and if no hearing is available to hear one self intonation can be off, from my personal experience pronunciation can be off to. I've really been surprised at how some words are actually pronounced differently now that I can hear them.
Just having better access to sound will help the person with a CI speak better. if one hears ones intonation one can correct it if necessary. Sure a profoundly deaf person can learn to speak well (using HA's or not) but it takes much more effort to ensure that all is correct and if no hearing is available to hear one self intonation can be off, from my personal experience pronunciation can be off to. I've really been surprised at how some words are actually pronounced differently now that I can hear them.

That is faulty logic. It does not necessarily follow that improved sound perception will automatically lead to improved speech. That is the kind of falicious reasoning that leads to false hope and the belief that every implanted child will be able to develop intelligible speech.
That is faulty logic. It does not necessarily follow that improved sound perception will automatically lead to improved speech. That is the kind of falicious reasoning that leads to false hope and the belief that every implanted child will be able to develop intelligible speech.

Yeah, otherwise my parent's friend wouldn't be so disappointed in the fact that his grandson with the CI can't speak. I have no idea when he was implanted though. He mentioned his grandson to my parents after he met me at a party and found out that I have good speech and that I planned to get implanted. If Shel's students are any example; it's quite possible he was implanted as an infant.
Excuse me, I find that offensive! I happen to think CI was the best thing that ever happened to me and I was quite glad that my parents did make that choice. Look, CI is not for everyone...one of my friend's brother have CI and it did not work for him while on other hand, it work for her. It depends on each person.

Well, I find that offensive if, some hearing parents don't learn ASL for the sake of CI ( deaf ) children. It's an insulting to me.

Anyways, CI can be the best for some of us like for me and my friends who have CI while other is not the best idea for them. I'm so glad that they have invented CI and I do look forward to the day they improve CI. Just because you don't like them doesn't mean you should criztize/hate them.

May I ask : Do you sign in ASL ?