Hangover Myths (January 1st National Hangover Day)

oh. Did I just flip flopped again! oh my! :giggle:
hang over cured!!

this is a guirented cure for a hangover.
1 bottle of orange gaterade
1 prenatle vit.
one packet of bc powder(you can use goodies if you cant find bc)
one packet of emergan-c

take gaterade and take a couple of drinks from it then add the emergan-c to the bottle. shake like hell
put bc (or goddies) powder on your toungue along with the prenatle vit. and wash down with gaterade concocktion.
wait 4 min.
have a brite and hangover free day!

the bc powder clears out the headach
the gaterade adds electrolites that you lost
the prenatle vit. slowly replaces all of the vit and min. that you lost cus you drank
and the emergan-c helps deliver the vits that you need on an express train till the prenatle can kick in

learned this trick while stationed with the marine corps.
Moderation is the answer. I only got really hungover once in college and I've never done it again. It's miserable!
this is a guirented cure for a hangover.
1 bottle of orange gaterade
1 prenatle vit.
one packet of bc powder(you can use goodies if you cant find bc)
one packet of emergan-c

take gaterade and take a couple of drinks from it then add the emergan-c to the bottle. shake like hell
put bc (or goddies) powder on your toungue along with the prenatle vit. and wash down with gaterade concocktion.
wait 4 min.
have a brite and hangover free day!

the bc powder clears out the headach
the gaterade adds electrolites that you lost
the prenatle vit. slowly replaces all of the vit and min. that you lost cus you drank
and the emergan-c helps deliver the vits that you need on an express train till the prenatle can kick in

learned this trick while stationed with the marine corps.

I used to be a heavy drinker, I'd wake up the next morning hungover as hell, then I'd drink some more so my head would stop hurting. Not brightest idea coming from a drunk, lol.

I finally said enough is enough, no more alcohol. So I stopped drinking, but not without a few relapses. Now I've been dried out since 2007. Aside from the Jack Daniel's I had last night with mom, I've not drank any, and I can't remember the last time I was hungover, and that can only be a good thing!

Here we go again. The New Year is fast approaching. What are your hangover remedies?

Some people claim they are myths and some swears by their remedies.
Fresh squeezed fruit and vegtables juice and a very greasy breakfast full of protein. Works wonders. The juice is full of vitamins and the greasy high protein breakfast balances out the excess sugars from the alcohol consumption. Works wonders!
By the hair of the dog that bit me...no more. :)

HAHA!...Just thought of that..."Hair of the Dog"...a friend I worked with was taking it to stores and putting it on "display"...(in the 90's)...dunno if it worked or not!...and forgot all the ingredients in it.....I never used it because once I got so sick from drinking alcohol...I never drank it again!...Lesson Learned the Hard Way. I puked for 2 days....
Fresh squeezed fruit and vegtables juice and a very greasy breakfast full of protein. Works wonders. The juice is full of vitamins and the greasy high protein breakfast balances out the excess sugars from the alcohol consumption. Works wonders!

Apple Juice. Sounds good.

Greasy breakfast?? :barf: I will just stick with a high protein breakfast without all the grease.
I down tons of water and scrambled eggs in the morning. Some times it works some times it definitely does not. Massive hangover days are long gone for me
The best way to avoid getting any hangovers at all is to not drink at all.
That is like teaching people best way to avoid pregnancy and STDs is by abstinence.

Well, that is true too as well.

Some people choose to drink, they will suffer the consequences if they drink excessively. There's no way around it.
Well, that is true too as well. Nothing wrong with it.

Some people choose to drink, they will suffer the consequences if they drink excessively. There's no way around it.

No need for a remedy, if their is no cause. I agree.
No need for a remedy, if their is no cause. I agree.


The fact is, people know what a hangover is and how to get one. If they know how to get one, they know how to avoid it in the first place. People shouldn't be complaining about how bad their hangovers are because they put themselves there in the first place.

The fact is, people know what a hangover is and how to get one. If they know how to get one, they know how to avoid it in the first place. People shouldn't be complaining about how bad their hangovers are because they put themselves there in the first place.

I know how to avoid a hangover :) No coloured alcohol. Learned this from a doctor who explained coloured booze like red wine, whiskey, etc is what gives you hangovers, clear non-coloured booze like vodka and gin won't. Turns out he was right.