Hangover Myths (January 1st National Hangover Day)


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Dec 19, 2007
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9 Myths About Your Hangover

I figured since January 1st is National Hangover Day. Here are some myths on Hangovers.

If you guys have anymore Myths on hangovers or any cures for Hangovers share them with us.

Sex would cure a hangover.

Sex is the cure for most everything anyway!!! LOL You know.........Chipped a nail.......have sex..............stubbed my toe............have sex............drank too much...........have sex!!!! :giggle: :giggle:
Sex is the cure for most everything anyway!!! LOL You know.........Chipped a nail.......have sex..............stubbed my toe............have sex............drank too much...........have sex!!!! :giggle: :giggle:

:h5: it cures chipped nails!?!?! WOW, gotta try that one day. LOL

Hey it is New Years Eve. Drink plenty of water and eat good today before you guys party down! Don't get too drunk and sloppy.

I keep refreshments such as Cracker and Cheese supplied to my guest and alternative drinks so they can have something in between. I know it may not cure hangovers but a least it keeps my guest from starving...
I make sure I have heaps of pasta before a big night of drinking - it surely helps your hangover the next morning!
:h5: it cures chipped nails!?!?! WOW, gotta try that one day. LOL

Hey it is New Years Eve. Drink plenty of water and eat good today before you guys party down! Don't get too drunk and sloppy.

I keep refreshments such as Cracker and Cheese supplied to my guest and alternative drinks so they can have something in between. I know it may not cure hangovers but a least it keeps my guest from starving...

well.............ok...........may be not a cure for a chipped nail...........but makes you forget about it for an hour or two!!!! :giggle: :giggle:
Ok This is a thread from last year that a few may add to.

I know I will have a few on New Years Eve.

Just reminding people of a few Hangover myths.

any other remedies that you can think of besides of not drinking at all?

Curious of what seems to help some people.

Have fun with this thread.
I know drinking lots of water before you go to bed helps with a hangover.

That is one I do agree with. Re hydration. I also Drink water in between drinking alcoholic beverages not in each one but randomly.

Dehydration is one the factors of a hangover.
I know drinking lots of water before you go to bed helps with a hangover.

This is actually true, because alcohol dehydrates the body. I'm not sure if it helps the hangover by preventing it?

At any rate, if one is unfornate enough to be hungover, they should eat a balance meal of carbs and protein. I think there's something to blood sugar regulation that causes the hangover. Alcohol tends to make someone hypoglycemic (it does my Mother). The theory is that if you can raise your blood sugar and keep it level, you'll suffer less. Carbs will raise the blood sugar and proteins will help level it.

I rarely drink, though. :giggle: If someone is brave enough to try it, let me know what you think!
I know drinking lots of water before you go to bed helps with a hangover.

That's true but drinking lots of water the next day while hung over with vomiting doesnt help!
Few weeks ago, I had too much to drink and sure enough, I had a BAD hangover. It wasn't fun at all, ha.

Yes, Drinking water between taking these alcoholic beverages helps and also eating something before you drink helps too.
Yes drinking lots of water before bed and in between drinks helps with the hangover effect.

Alcohol is both a suppressant and it dehydrates your body.

Water encourages you to wake up often in the middle of the night to urinate. When you do wake up to urinate, drink more water thus the intensity of the hangover is much less.

The worst thing you can do while having a hangover is to sleep in. You want to keep mobile & active.
Yes drinking lots of water before bed and in between drinks helps with the hangover effect.

Alcohol is both a suppressant and it dehydrates your body.

Water encourages you to wake up often in the middle of the night to urinate. When you do wake up to urinate, drink more water thus the intensity of the hangover is much less.

The worst thing you can do while having a hangover is to sleep in. You want to keep mobile & active.

as long as keeping mobile and active doesn't require a lot of work :giggle:
Some people were talking about the Anti Hangover pill you can take before you drink.

But the instructions is Drink plenty of Water when you take it. :lol:

Go figure!