

New Member
May 17, 2004
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Being the wicked witch of the west, I thought I would start off the halloween thread. What are your plans for this wicked night?
I will wear the black gothic costume for halloween day on OCt 31. Heheh...smile.
darkangel i second that i'm going out trick or treating and going with my 24 year old sister and 29 year old brother in law oh yea and i'm 15
je_suis_chic said:
I said what are you doing... not what are you wearing. :p

Oh sorry! Some members here think you are talking about dressing up on Halloween day, If you have noticed. ;)

Back on topic: I'll be taking my boys trick and treating, as I always been doing. :thumb:
We're going to take our children trick n treat on Halloween...
I'm going to my friends party. :party: will be going as my self. The wicked witch of the west, elphaba. It will be loads and loads of fun!