Guess what

Congratulations on getting a new puppy! Bunny is sure soo cute!!! Very beautiful too.
Golden Retriever are good dogs.. very smart.... my late sister had one.. oh boy he was so smart...
awww! how cute! :) it would be great to see how big the puppy get as well. :)
I will post pics of her as she gets bigger. We got an interesting reaction today. She got a chance to play with our friend's golden. She was scared for a little, then she opened up and was playing. She started to show that boy that she is the boss. Only thing was, the boy pup tried to mate with her. We laughed about that.
We got a new puppy. It is funny, our daughter(Jazzy) loves her, but soon as the puppy plays with her or smells her, Jazzy gets scared. Then again, the puppy is the same size, if not bigger, then her.

Awww, Shes such doll! ! Can I have her! ! lol

