Greetings from St. Louis

well, I'm from stl for 19 yrs so far. I was in a oral program for short time. I'm glad that I use asl than oral cuz oral is not impt to me. but I have 2 friends that r oral but they really sign really well. I plan to move out from stl later after college or whatever. you can expose these oral schools cuz I'm sick of them talking than using asl........

<3 brizy
Deaf Images said:
[...]I like this! B.S. Flag - not a bad idea I would raise that flag over St. Louis, Missouri. It is an audist run town. Sad to say, deafies in that town are still under plantation mentality. I may be stubborn about how Deaf can function in this audist town. Too many oral programs and not enough respect for our proud Deaf culture.
That's sad.

Deaf Images said:
I would like to post signs for Deaf visitors coming to St. Louis. "ENTER ST. LOUIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! IT IS AUDIST RUN TOWN!"
:laugh2: Interesting idea.

Deaf Images said:
Of course, there will be Deaf Nation in St. Charles area this coming Saturday. Be sure to remind those audists that ASL is our divine right and that all children and adults are allowed to use ASL in classrooms and anywhere that sun shines on..... we do not need gestapo or stupid rules telling us that we cannot use ASL.
How about everywhere else too??? ;)

Deaf Images said:
Suffice to say that we have long way to go to deprogram deafies who are suffering mental abuses from oral schools in town... believe it or not.. we have 4 oral school programs and they are NOT even on same page? What a bunch of hyprocrites!!!!!
I would agree.

Deaf Images said:
Guess what? A principal of school got booted for abusing kids and yet they gave her a farewell party! That is another hyprocrisy!!! Why can't there be justice for hundreds of poor Deaf children who suffered the past 50 years under the former principal's torturing and abusing those poor Deaf children?
She used soap, she used ruler, she used anger, she intimidated and many unbelievable abuses to poor Deaf children.
That is ridiculous. Audists can be so cruel. I'm sorry to read that.

Deaf Images said:
This is a sign of hyprocricy at work and how those hearing people are trying to sweep that under the carpet.
Don't you let them!

Deaf Images said:
I would call those audists :liar:
So would I.

Deaf Images said:
More to come soon about what I think of audists and how they pulled wool over hearing community for years and years! Time to expose them!
They make me sick....

OK, my point is that i agree with you. Very interesting post. Welcome to alldeaf. Enjoy your stay, and I hope to prove to you that not all hearing people are mean to deaf people. ;)
Good Lawd! I was here 100 posts ago!

Smiles! Thanks for your encouragements and welcome. It is a nice warm welcome from you all. Good Lawd! I was here 100 posts ago... now it is 101!

It is interesting postings about all issues affecting us!

Keep up the good communications! Knowledge is the power!

Keep empowering!

Deaf Images said:
Smiles! Thanks for your encouragements and welcome. It is a nice warm welcome from you all. Good Lawd! I was here 100 posts ago... now it is 101!

It is interesting postings about all issues affecting us!

Keep up the good communications! Knowledge is the power!

Keep empowering!

Hi Deaf Images!! :cheers:

Welcome to ALLDEAF. Make yourself comfortable and start posting and making new friends here with us...

Enjoy your stay...

I know we dont see eye to eye on many things, but I am very interested in what you were saying about a principal abusing students. What school is it and when did it happen.
As many here know, my daughter goes to an oral deaf ed school is St.Louis. I know parents that send thier children to the other school in town, both private and public. So which school are you talking about and why has it not been in the local news? I follow the local news closley and do not recall hearing abou this. As the father of a deaf daughter and a police officer, I really want to know. Hell, I may even be able to initiate an investigation. I have friends that work in the cities were all of these schools are located. Ladue, (st.l county special school dist early childhood deaf ed) Friends with the police chief. Chesterfield (St.Joseph) friends with several dets,and 2 sgts.
St.L city (cid) worked for that dept for several years and know every offiser that patrols there. Moog(Same os above) Please tell so this person can be held accountable in the criminal justice system. That is if these incidents were actually criminal in nature. Based on what you said above, these incidents do meet the crietria for assault in this state.
Lillys dad said:
I know we dont see eye to eye on many things, but I am very interested in what you were saying about a principal abusing students. What school is it and when did it happen.
As many here know, my daughter goes to an oral deaf ed school is St.Louis. I know parents that send thier children to the other school in town, both private and public. So which school are you talking about and why has it not been in the local news? I follow the local news closley and do not recall hearing abou this. As the father of a deaf daughter and a police officer, I really want to know. Hell, I may even be able to initiate an investigation. I have friends that work in the cities were all of these schools are located. Ladue, (st.l county special school dist early childhood deaf ed) Friends with the police chief. Chesterfield (St.Joseph) friends with several dets,and 2 sgts.
St.L city (cid) worked for that dept for several years and know every offiser that patrols there. Moog(Same os above) Please tell so this person can be held accountable in the criminal justice system. That is if these incidents were actually criminal in nature. Based on what you said above, these incidents do meet the crietria for assault in this state.
That is what I was wondering too. Why were charges not filed against this person?
Kinda :topic:, but I like your videos, especially your commentary on Gallaudet. Videos like those help me practice understanding ASL, like when I read Spanish web sites to practice my Spanish.