Got a cochlear implant? Thinking about one?


New Member
Dec 20, 2005
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Who here has a CI or is thinking of one?

I have the Clarion CII and received it about three years ago.
i have a ci, i got it about a months ago (the surgery) and the outer part a couple weeks ago.

I got the Advance Bionic Clarion.
I'm another Australian going through the process of assessment. I'm congenitally severely/profoundly deaf but was doing really well on HAs until 3 months ago when I had a sudden increase in my hearing loss in my most depended ear. It's given me recruitment which makes wearing my aids unbearable. :sadwave:

I never wanted a CI before and blew off an audi who suggested one to me a few years ago but now I'm desperate to qualify!

How about list the reasons why you opted for CI?
Oligarchist, I think that's why I didn't realize you had a it very recently....we were posting at deafnotes, five years ago!
Received mine in March '05. It is the Cochlear Freedom.

Taking up DD's line...

Reasons...not in any particular order...
1) Losing hearing rapidly (projected to be totally deaf less than five years)
2) I want to function like a hearing person in a hearing world (A hearing person who happens to be deaf :mrgreen:
3) My speech was beginning to decline
4) I had no real alternatives as HAs weren't doing it for me
5) Heard how CIs were really helping people

Note on point 2 above, I make no claim that I'm just like a normal hearing person with my CI. But I can fool many people in thinking that I am and that made it totally worthwhile for me.
thinkn of gettn ci

i was wondering if speech sounds clear and if you can listen to music.i find listening to music is unbearable.i wear two behind the ear senso divas now

i was told i need ci,can you listen to music and understand it? i wear behind the ears now.
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I am in processing with tests for CI...I just had cat scan few days ago and I forgot to call ENT..duh me! So I'll call first thing on Monday morning if I ever remember to! LMAO! I am probably go for Freedom. So I'll just wait and see what ENT says.
saywhatt said:
i was told i need ci,can you listen to music and understand it? i wear behind the ears now.

Yep. I do it all the time at work especially. Generally, I listen to instrumentals not vocals (I especially love listening to radiooiambient off internet). When I do listen to vocals and depending on the song, I can get the words.

CI since March '05
sr171soars, Do you have difficulty in understanding human speech in difficult environments such as noise ? Do you have a single CI or bilateral CI's ? Is one CI enough to function properly ? I don't have CI.. Probably, I can make good with new super power ha's .. anyway if I lose more of my hearing one day then I may need CI.. and I want to ask CI users about MED-EL combi 40 + Tempo speech processor.. Is there anyone who uses this brand of CI.. Are you happy with this brand ? Thanks for your answers.

sr171soars said:
Yep. I do it all the time at work especially. Generally, I listen to instrumentals not vocals (I especially love listening to radiooiambient off internet). When I do listen to vocals and depending on the song, I can get the words.

CI since March '05
Nope not thinking of getting one, Why should I? My speech is well understood, I don't need to hear annoying sounds, I prefer peace and quiet. ;)
I tried getting one before, but I was told it wouldn't help me cause of the amount of hearing lost I have.... :dunno:...
Cheri said:
Nope not thinking of getting one, Why should I? My speech is well understood, I don't need to hear annoying sounds, I prefer peace and quiet. ;)
Cheri, I wish I could behave as you do but it isn't possible.. Because I was born hearing and so the people around me want me to live in hearing world ( and I think most of hard of hearing people have the same trouble!!! ) That's why I always seek for best hearing (assisting) devices for myself.. I don't have the luxury to have a quiet life.. I would love to have 'silence' anyway.. I also prefer peace and quiet but in another ways.. I don't have to reject hearing devices just for living in peace!!!! Why should I forbid myself enjoying world of sounds ??? :dizzy:
Seven years ago when I went from hoh to deaf at age 27 I was seeking for CI, but they said my hearing is still too good so I couldn't get one.
Maybe when you get older and more hearing you loose, you may can get CI? :dunno:

Catmandu said:
Seven years ago when I went from hoh to deaf at age 27 I was seeking for CI, but they said my hearing is still too good so I couldn't get one.
For me rather not want to use CI .. I can use my hearing aids good enough. if my hearing loss become FULL deaf still no matter what cause I am born deaf that is what who I am.

Before was planning to get one but think not want it and my mom wants me to have one. I told her I dnnt want to wear it CI then she got upset till accept me for not to wear CI and she is happy with it that I am wear my hearing aids are good enough. and also she accept if I dont wear my hearing aids.
Mama2AFTIV said:
Maybe when you get older and more hearing you loose, you may can get CI? :dunno:
Well, that's true... seven years has passed and I've gotten used to my type of hearing loss now. I'm doing ok with two digital hearing aids. If I became profoundly deaf and hearing aids doesn't do me any good then I would reconsider about getting CI.
ecevit said:
sr171soars, Do you have difficulty in understanding human speech in difficult environments such as noise ? Do you have a single CI or bilateral CI's ? Is one CI enough to function properly ? I don't have CI.. Probably, I can make good with new super power ha's .. anyway if I lose more of my hearing one day then I may need CI.. and I want to ask CI users about MED-EL combi 40 + Tempo speech processor.. Is there anyone who uses this brand of CI.. Are you happy with this brand ? Thanks for your answers.

As for hearing when in noisy environments, it depends on the type of "noise". In general, no I don't have too much trouble. I have been to several basketball games and I caught most of the annoucers said and I can talk easily enough with people around me. I use a "loud noise" setting for these situations and it works well for me. For lessor loud environments, I use my normal setting and do pretty well. Not everybody has good noise discrimination for speech. When they tested me they couldn't figure out why I did so well with noise in the background compared to without. Just fortunate...I guess.

I have a single CI and it works fine for me. Yes, one is enough to function properly. Two is a nice thing (sound directionality) but not absolutely necessary.

I can't answer about the Med-el brand as I use the Cochlear Freedom and I absolutely love it.