Got a bad temper?

Well, actually... it's possible. There are some people who just have no regard for anyone else around them. I've seen couples at the mall who are screaming and arguing with each other. People are walking by giving them weird looks. Sometimes, one of them will turn to someone else walking by and say, "What the hell are you looking at!?" Of course, most of these end up being cut short by security and are escorted out of the building. ;)
A 'wee bit' Irish

Well, actually... it's possible. There are some people who just have no regard for anyone else around them. I've seen couples at the mall who are screaming and arguing with each other. People are walking by giving them weird looks. Sometimes, one of them will turn to someone else walking by and say, "What the hell are you looking at!?" Of course, most of these end up being cut short by security and are escorted out of the building. ;)

I'm a security guard and wouldn't touch these folks with a ten-foot pole. If it's at a mall or large store, I'd get someone to call the police. Security gets peanuts for pay and police have proper training to deal with them.

I'm in my forties and still have an awful temper. Yesterday I went off on a prank caller. My BS threshold is almost zilch. I'll bust my a** at work, but many times my temper has got me in trouble. It's tough to constantly bite my lip, but necessary if I want to pay bills. STUCK! :(