Geekiest way to lose your hearing


New Member
Nov 20, 2011
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Came across this article randomly today while searching the internet....

Anatoli Petrovich Bugorski is said to be the only person to have ever stuck his head inside a particle accelerator.....However, I hereby award Bugorski with the "geekiest way to lose one's hearing" award, because according to the article:

He lost the hearing in his left ear and experienced a constant unpleasant noise in that ear from then on.

Hearing Sparks: The Geekiest Way to Lose Your Hearing

Any thoughts?
Per the article he was dumb enough to stick his head inside a particle accelerator, but still smart enougth to complete his PhD afterwards.

:hmm: Makes me wonder how smart one actually has to be get a PhD. :hmm:

Racher, is that your blog by any chance? The blog's name, Hearing Sparks, is truly inspired. I plan on going back to read more posts.

Don't feel obligated to answer. I myself am posting under Jazzberry so am obviously a big fan of anonymity.
Racher, is that your blog by any chance? The blog's name, Hearing Sparks, is truly inspired. I plan on going back to read more posts.

i wish i had the time to blog!
i'm so busy with work, school, and stuff at

i was looking up something randomly while at work and found it by chance. i also find the blog interesting and will be going back the next chance i get :)
but i appreciate the compliment :) :ty:

Per the article he was dumb enough to stick his head inside a particle accelerator, but still smart enougth to complete his PhD afterwards.

Makes me wonder how smart one actually has to be get a PhD.

lol. i was thinking very similar to this! :laugh2:
2 of my cousins have PhDs. One still has her dad balance her checkbook. :lol:


Seriously, I think there are different kinds of intelligences. So some people may be brilliant when it comes to school work but not so clever when it comes to common sense or simple arithmetic.

But its still funny. :giggle:

Seriously, I think there are different kinds of intelligences. So some people may be brilliant when it comes to school work but not so clever when it comes to common sense or simple arithmetic.

But its still funny. :giggle:

No doubt. I have a friend who can build any engine or computer and is an incredible card and chess player but he is totally useless at crossword puzzles. I don't think he has ever been on a college campus.
Everyone has their talents.
There is a major difference between intelligence and common sense. I have seen several intelligent people lacking common sense now a days.
I am above average intelligence, but I cannot fix my car. I have known borderline intelligence people that could rebuild my car, but cannot read.

I know a guy that about intelligence and he know nothing about fixing his car.
I am above average intelligence, but I cannot fix my car. I have known borderline intelligence people that could rebuild my car, but cannot read.

I am too but cannot for the life of me do simple stupid math. My husband said to me that he doesn't understand how I can understand the physics books I read but cannot add two numbers together. The more complicated something gets the better I seem to understand. If it's simple I'm known to complicate a simple problem by thinking too much when the answer is right in front of me.

Common sense? heh, what's common sense? :giggle:
Question to everyone: would you rather be book smart lacking in common sense OR would you rather have common sense but be the dumbest person alive?

and why?
personally i think i would want common sense and lack book smarts.... that way i can always learn to be "book smart" by studying.

you can't learn common sense! lol
Question to everyone: would you rather be book smart lacking in common sense OR would you rather have common sense but be the dumbest person alive?

and why?

Intelligence levels really don't have a lot to do with being book smart. Book smart is a learning task. Of course, the more intelligence one has, the easier it is for them to make use of that which they learn from books. Intelligence is more about application of that which one learns to new and novel concepts. One can actually be "book smart" without being intellegent, the same as one can be intelligent withour having a great deal of "common sense".

I always find it amusing that people who tend to question the intelligence of those who have earned a doctorate are always those who have not earned one.:P
I always find it amusing that people who tend to question the intelligence of those who have earned a doctorate are always those who have not earned one.:P

I find it amusing when people wave their degrees in the air as proof they are not idiots.
You would, since you fall into the category of the first. Thanks for confirming that.

I should tell you, I am not interested if having a fight with you. It is quite apparent that our happy times are in the rearview mirror. No need to play polite or coy. I will keep my nose out of your way, but I am in no way afraid. I just prefer to walk the walk I have chosen. Egoism is apparent on both sides of the political spectrum. You got one more shot and you are history here. Make it count.