For those with hearing aids, I have 7 questions. Please help!


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Jan 29, 2013
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Hi! I'm a student studying hearing sciences and as part of my school work, I am required to interview three people who wear/have worn hearing aids about their history and feelings toward the devices. If you would be so kind to answer the following 7 questions regarding your experience with hearing aids, I'd greatly appreciate it! The questions are:

1) How long have you worn hearing aids?
2) How long did you suspect you had hearing loss before getting the hearing aids?
3) How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4) Do you feel like you are benefitting from your hearing aids?
5) What complaints do you have about your hearings aids?
6) Do you feel like the hearing aids have been what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would be?
7) Did you get the hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Again, I appreciate your help. Please answer these questions as candid as you'd like!

You're the best! - Jordan
1) Since I was about 3/4 yrs old
2) N/A
3) Depends... Sometimes all day, sometimes only when I need them. When I go out, definitely need them. I enjoy complete silence. But also enjoy music, I usually have headphones.
4) Yes definitely, theyre necessary.
5) The molds harden too fast.
6) I actually like my old analog hearing aids better. These digital ones are subpar.
7) Audiologist.
6) I actually like my old analog hearing aids better. These digital ones are subpar.

I FINALLY get my new hearing aids tomorrow. I've been waiting a few months now. Anyway, I wore them when I was a kid but that was over 20 years ago. I'm now 36 and have a hearing 3 year old that I really would like to hear. SOOOOOOO... I'm getting hearing aids.

My audiologist warned me of this but she still stood by the digital ones being better. She explained it pretty well... they just SOUND different. We are trained to the old inconsistent and over-amplified analogs. The digitals are more correct.

I was offered the Widex Super 440 and the Phonak Naida V. I reclutantly chose the Widex because I want accuracy as opposed to overampflication. The audiologist warned me that I will need to have an open mind and try to "train" myself to hear those sounds.

ARRRRRGHHHH! I'm nervous. I am probably going to hate these hearing aids and will probably never consistently wear them but I gotta try 'em for my kid. I'm tired of seeing people melt when he talks to them. I wanna melt too!
I FINALLY get my new hearing aids tomorrow. I've been waiting a few months now. Anyway, I wore them when I was a kid but that was over 20 years ago. I'm now 36 and have a hearing 3 year old that I really would like to hear. SOOOOOOO... I'm getting hearing aids.

My audiologist warned me of this but she still stood by the digital ones being better. She explained it pretty well... they just SOUND different. We are trained to the old inconsistent and over-amplified analogs. The digitals are more correct.

I was offered the Widex Super 440 and the Phonak Naida V. I reclutantly chose the Widex because I want accuracy as opposed to overampflication. The audiologist warned me that I will need to have an open mind and try to "train" myself to hear those sounds.

ARRRRRGHHHH! I'm nervous. I am probably going to hate these hearing aids and will probably never consistently wear them but I gotta try 'em for my kid. I'm tired of seeing people melt when he talks to them. I wanna melt too!

same here that is what audiologist told me about digital ones are better. I decided to take phonak naida V UP because i had otican for 7 yrs. I couldnt stand otican for so long. I remember I grew up, had phonak so i decided to go back to phonak. I DO feel like I found my home. :dunno2: let me know how do you like widex super 440. I havent seen widex super yet. i will google it later. good luck.
I FINALLY get my new hearing aids tomorrow. I've been waiting a few months now. Anyway, I wore them when I was a kid but that was over 20 years ago. I'm now 36 and have a hearing 3 year old that I really would like to hear. SOOOOOOO... I'm getting hearing aids.

My audiologist warned me of this but she still stood by the digital ones being better. She explained it pretty well... they just SOUND different. We are trained to the old inconsistent and over-amplified analogs. The digitals are more correct.

I was offered the Widex Super 440 and the Phonak Naida V. I reclutantly chose the Widex because I want accuracy as opposed to overampflication. The audiologist warned me that I will need to have an open mind and try to "train" myself to hear those sounds.

ARRRRRGHHHH! I'm nervous. I am probably going to hate these hearing aids and will probably never consistently wear them but I gotta try 'em for my kid. I'm tired of seeing people melt when he talks to them. I wanna melt too!

Things definitely sound different. I absolutely hated the digitals when I got them and would still wear the analogs. I told my audiologist this and he tells me it takes time to get used to them. Kids voices are so nice, but also hard to understand sometimes.
Keep in mind that audiologists are trained to convince everyone that digital is the best.

Just read an article somewhere that more and more people are demanding music be sold on vinyl records again instead of digital media. Why? Analog sounds so much better.

Problem is that it costs more to make analog circuits, and need bigger parts.
Keep in mind that audiologists are trained to convince everyone that digital is the best.

Just read an article somewhere that more and more people are demanding music be sold on vinyl records again instead of digital media. Why? Analog sounds so much better.

Problem is that it costs more to make analog circuits, and need bigger parts.

do they still sell analog??? just wonder
ok... this is the 3rd person I've seen post on here with the exact same set of questions..... in less than 2 weeks!
Keep in mind that audiologists are trained to convince everyone that digital is the best.

Just read an article somewhere that more and more people are demanding music be sold on vinyl records again instead of digital media. Why? Analog sounds so much better.

Problem is that it costs more to make analog circuits, and need bigger parts.

Agreed. An Audiologist has a duty to the company that supplies the aids.

Get a hearing test from a hospital then pick out an aid and find an Audi that sells that aid.
Hi! I'm a student studying hearing sciences and as part of my school work, I am required to interview three people who wear/have worn hearing aids about their history and feelings toward the devices. If you would be so kind to answer the following 7 questions regarding your experience with hearing aids, I'd greatly appreciate it! The questions are:

1) How long have you worn hearing aids?
2) How long did you suspect you had hearing loss before getting the hearing aids?
3) How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4) Do you feel like you are benefitting from your hearing aids?
5) What complaints do you have about your hearings aids?
6) Do you feel like the hearing aids have been what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would be?
7) Did you get the hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Again, I appreciate your help. Please answer these questions as candid as you'd like!

You're the best! - Jordan

1) 31,356 Hours
2) 468 Fortnights
3) 54,329 Seconds
4) Would I wear them if I wasn't?
5) I can hear whales plotting our demise and no one believes me.
6) Electronic equipment that amplifies sound? Yes.
7) Both
1) 31,356 Hours
2) 468 Fortnights
3) 54,329 Seconds
4) Would I wear them if I wasn't?
5) I can hear whales plotting our demise and no one believes me.
6) Electronic equipment that amplifies sound? Yes.
7) Both

You speak whale??
ok... this is the 3rd person I've seen post on here with the exact same set of questions..... in less than 2 weeks!

I'm wondering if they are in the same class, they should do like group homework, so just one person asks the questions for ALL of them.

I'll bite though, give them a little variety

1) How long have you worn hearing aids?

about 11-12 years, since I was 26 maybe 27 I forget.

2) How long did you suspect you had hearing loss before getting the hearing aids?

I knew I had loss in my left ear since I was 20 but since I could hear fine with my right I didn't get it aided. Then my hearing started going in my right ear when I 25, almost 26, and I started losing it very very quickly, it was quite noticeable. I began the process of getting aids as soon I realized it. Unfortunately I went through the VR and they wanted me to see doctors, who wanted me to see specialist and get MRI's and CTscans to make sure I didn't have a tumor. It dragged the process out, was almost a year later that I finally got my aids. That['s why the gap between when I realized I needed them, and when I got them. It wasn't denial or anything on my part.

3) How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?

From when I get up til I go to bed so like 18 hours. Unless it's my day off, I might do a deaf day and let my ear breath.

4) Do you feel like you are benefitting from your hearing aids?

Yes, family and friends maybe argue that, considering how hard it is for me to understand speech, but considering I can't hear anything, not even my own voice, without them, I say yes.

5) What complaints do you have about your hearings aids?

None, other than the price tag, they're a tool not a magic wand.

6) Do you feel like the hearing aids have been what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would be?

Uh, they told me they would be hearing aids.......refer to my answer above I guess. The only audi I've been to that talked up hearing aids, saying I would be almost able to hear like I did when I was 20 was also talking about using hearing aids after I had a stapedsectomy so it wasn't like he was trying to tell me the aids could do something they couldn't all by themselves.

7) Did you get the hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Hi! I'm a student studying hearing sciences and as part of my school work, I am required to interview three people who wear/have worn hearing aids about their history and feelings toward the devices. If you would be so kind to answer the following 7 questions regarding your experience with hearing aids, I'd greatly appreciate it! The questions are:

1) How long have you worn hearing aids?
2) How long did you suspect you had hearing loss before getting the hearing aids?
3) How long do you wear your hearing aids each day?
4) Do you feel like you are benefitting from your hearing aids?
5) What complaints do you have about your hearings aids?
6) Do you feel like the hearing aids have been what your audiologist or hearing aid dealer told you they would be?
7) Did you get the hearing aids from an audiologist or a hearing aid dealer?

Again, I appreciate your help. Please answer these questions as candid as you'd like!

You're the best! - Jordan

Do you realize some people are born deaf or HOH and that it was their parents or a doctor realize this?
wooooooommmmm..... I mean, Yes.

haha I was afraid you wouldn't get the Nemo reference, I <3 that movie, I'm 37 and I am not ashamed!!
haha I was afraid you wouldn't get the Nemo reference, I <3 that movie, I'm 37 and I am not ashamed!!

I'm 36 and in the hard hat industry. I can like... quote... almost the entire movie. I am also not ashamed.