FL. Loses Appeal in Terri Schiavo Case

Codger said:
O.K., so now they are going to remove the feeding tube and let her starve to death out of compassion for her. O.K. I guess I never really thought about starving someone to death as being compassionate. Maybe it is and it is just beyond my ability to imagine. :dunno:

Yes, I thought the same thing, That is wrong and very disgust if you ask me.
Codger said:
O.K., so now they are going to remove the feeding tube and let her starve to death out of compassion for her. O.K. I guess I never really thought about starving someone to death as being compassionate. Maybe it is and it is just beyond my ability to imagine. :dunno:

Ditto here....and I agreee with Cheri, it's a disgusting thing to do to Terri and break her parents' hearts if she dies from starvation. :(
Toonces said:
Ditto here....and I agreee with Cheri, it's a disgusting thing to do to Terri and break her parents' hearts if she dies from starvation. :(

Both ways are painful and disgusting. Letting her live when her soul is already gone or letting her die of starvation. Clearly it is no win win situation but pick out the lesser pain. Which one do you think it is less painful? I would rather help my daughter go to Heaven than force her to stay on Earth for decades and have no quality of life.
Meg said:
Both ways are painful and disgusting. Letting her live when her soul is already gone or letting her die of starvation. Clearly it is no win win situation but pick out the lesser pain. Which one do you think it is less painful? I would rather help my daughter go to Heaven than force her to stay on Earth for decades and have no quality of life.

Meg said:
Both ways are painful and disgusting. Letting her live when her soul is already gone or letting her die of starvation. Clearly it is no win win situation but pick out the lesser pain. Which one do you think it is less painful? I would rather help my daughter go to Heaven than force her to stay on Earth for decades and have no quality of life.

Starvation is not the answer. That is murder. If someone did that to my child It would break my heart, I bet it torn Terri's parents heart too. :(
I honestly don't know that there IS a good answer. I guess my best answer is to get busy writing my own living will so that my wishes will be carried out for me. Horrible as it sounds, my preference would be to be a massive blood donor to death (painless) then an organ donor. I guess that is an issue we who are able can only decide for ourselves. Kevorkian is not the answer IMHO.
In case anyone hasn't visited this website, do check this out:

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

And be sure to click on "Myths about Terri" button to read what's the fuss all about. Most saddest of all is the letter (Titled "Why won't Michael Just Let Terri Go Home") from Schindlers pleading with Michael Schiavo to let Terri go with them so they can take care of her at home (they will even let Michael have money from Terri's estate - they don't care about money themselves!) The fact Michael refused their settlement offer is mind-boggling.

And according to the Schindlers' lawyer's latest visit to Terri last Christmas, Terri was sitting up in the chair and being alert, even responsive, toward her family relatives show that her soul is NOT gone yet! I think there is still some hope for her after all regardless of what Michael Schiavo and his lawyer said about her condition. : P

There goes my other two cents.
Toonces said:
In case anyone hasn't visited this website, do check this out:

Terri Schindler-Schiavo Foundation

And be sure to click on "Myths about Terri" button to read what's the fuss all about. Most saddest of all is the letter (Titled "Why won't Michael Just Let Terri Go Home") from Schindlers pleading with Michael Schiavo to let Terri go with them so they can take care of her at home (they will even let Michael have money from Terri's estate - they don't care about money themselves!) The fact Michael refused their settlement offer is mind-boggling.

And according to the Schindlers' lawyer's latest visit to Terri last Christmas, Terri was sitting up in the chair and being alert, even responsive, toward her family relatives show that her soul is NOT gone yet! I think there is still some hope for her after all regardless of what Michael Schiavo and his lawyer said about her condition. : P

There goes my other two cents.

I wanted to thank you for the link Toonces, some stories I've read were heartbreaking. I still think it is wrong to end Terri's life by starving her. She is innocent and do not deserved the cruel punishment. You don't end their life for them. Maybe it isn't her time to go yet, Leave it in God's hands not the people, or the court.
Cheri said:
I wanted to thank you for the link Toonces, some stories I've read were heartbreaking. I still think it is wrong to end Terri's life by starving her. She is innocent and do not deserved the cruel punishment. You don't end their life for them. Maybe it isn't her time to go yet, Leave it in God's hands not the people, or the court.

You're welcome, Cheri. Yes, I agree. ::Nods::
Meg said:
Both ways are painful and disgusting. Letting her live when her soul is already gone or letting her die of starvation. Clearly it is no win win situation but pick out the lesser pain. Which one do you think it is less painful? I would rather help my daughter go to Heaven than force her to stay on Earth for decades and have no quality of life.

I agree with your position, Meggie. I feel as you do. However, I want to correct a fallacy that seems to have permeated the minds of many people. Contrary to popular belief, her death will not be painful. Her brain is gone. She can't feel anything. But, even if she could, that's also moot. When the tube if finally pulled, she will be medicated to ensure her death will be painless.
Oceanbreeze said:
I agree with your position, Meggie. I feel as you do. However, I want to correct a fallacy that seems to have permeated the minds of many people. Contrary to popular belief, her death will not be painful. Her brain is gone. She can't feel anything. But, even if she could, that's also moot. When the tube if finally pulled, she will be medicated to ensure her death will be painless.

So what if she cannot feel anything that doesn't give anyone a right to end anyone's life period. God has fate for each one of us, and only God can tell us when our time comes not the people not the court. that my final answer on this. That a shame that you thinking about ending someone's life, when it isn't your life we are talking about here, It's Terri's life, therefore her parents has the right to feel defend about her own daughter. No Parent would want to have someone put a death row on their own child. I am a parent and I would not allow that happen to my own child. I wouldn't live with that, and either would Terri's parent.
I can see both sides of this issue. I remember when the news first came out at first I was leaning towards the "let her go" camp....but then again I read some stuff by disabilty rights activists that changed my mind. I also remember reading somewhere(Ms. Magazine boards before they were shut down) that Micheal was a wifebeater, and that Terry's condition may have been caused by abuse. I do remember reading that some docs and experts think that up to 30% of those in a PVS/coma are actually suffering from "locked in syndrome" (like the guy who wrote that book by eye blinking had)
GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terri can TALK!!!!!!!!

They show her talking on the phone... on Fox News tv.

So let her LIVE!!!!! :ily:
Miss*Pinocchio said:
GOOD NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Terri can TALK!!!!!!!!

They show her talking on the phone... on Fox News tv.

So let her LIVE!!!!! :ily:

:lol: Boy, are you jumping the gun!!! It not Terri, but another woman who was in a car accident years ago. The woman you are speaking of is severely disabled, but never was diagnosed PVS. She was considered aphasic. She spoke for the first time in twenty years, and that's what made it noteworthy.

:::sigh::::check your sources before you post things in error.
OH damn!!! I was hopeing.... I hope they don't kill her.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Focus on the Family Founder and Chairman Dr. James C. Dobson today renewed his call for the preservation of the life of Terri Shiavo, citing the miraculous return of Sarah Scantlin's memory and ability to speak, 20 years after being struck by a drunk driver:

"Terri Schiavo deserves the same chance at life that Sarah Scantlin was given. Both cases have involved women who suffered debilitating injuries and continued to live in a disabled state. Today we celebrate the news that Ms. Scantlin has regained her memory and ability to speak, and is apparently on the road to recovery.
"Mental disabilities do not damage a person's worth - the preciousness of life is not defined by one's abilities. Those who suffer a disabling injury are entitled to the same right to life as we all are. Those seeking to take away Mrs. Schiavo's right to life should have second thoughts after hearing Sarah Scantlin's story."
Miss*Pinocchio said:
OH damn!!! I was hopeing.... I hope they don't kill her.

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 11 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Focus on the Family Founder and Chairman Dr. James C. Dobson today renewed his call for the preservation of the life of Terri Shiavo, citing the miraculous return of Sarah Scantlin's memory and ability to speak, 20 years after being struck by a drunk driver:

"Terri Schiavo deserves the same chance at life that Sarah Scantlin was given. Both cases have involved women who suffered debilitating injuries and continued to live in a disabled state. Today we celebrate the news that Ms. Scantlin has regained her memory and ability to speak, and is apparently on the road to recovery.
"Mental disabilities do not damage a person's worth - the preciousness of life is not defined by one's abilities. Those who suffer a disabling injury are entitled to the same right to life as we all are. Those seeking to take away Mrs. Schiavo's right to life should have second thoughts after hearing Sarah Scantlin's story."

There is one major difference between the two women. Terri's brain is mush, and she can't be rehabilitated.
Oceanbreeze said:
There is one major difference between the two women. Terri's brain is mush, and she can't be rehabilitated.

If Terri talks one day, and after she can be able to do some things...
Would it be sad if she reads this about what you said that her brain is mush?
Miss*Pinocchio said:
If Terri talks one day, and after she can be able to do some things...
Would it be sad if she reads this about what you said that her brain is mush?

LOL Why am I arguing with you? It's obvious you really don't know much about this case.

Okay, I'm done until someone has something intelligent they want to add.
I understand how the parents must be feeling about losing their daugther and having her husband taking the role of having her to die is because he did not want to see her suffer anymore nor she was getting any better, so he rather to see her off the feeding tube and let her die in peace, as the doctors had stated that also....

This is one of the toughness decision to make as a parent, since I am a parent myself too and yes it would be hard to let my child go, but then again I will think real hard on this by knowing my child's brains is dead, and hearing from serveral doctors on whether or not there will ever be any improvements or any changes in the furture for my child to be healthy once again, yet knowing my child might be in pain, and see no changing in any of this, and also thinking do I want to see her/him be happy again? Do I want to see my child walking around enjoying her/his life than staying in the hospital bed for weeks, for months even years? or spending the rest of her/his life by laying there? and not seeking out where my child should be enjoying his/her life?....I would rather to see my child be happy once again and I know my child would be once he/she is in heaven, being able to enjoy the life that my child deserves to have, not a life where you lay in bed for the rest of your life by a machine that is keeping you alive....That's not a kind of life I would want to put my child thru, I rather to die to see that happen to my child....I will let my child go and let her/him be free from all the pain and suffering and let my child have peace in heaven where my child will be happy again!!:)...
^Angel^ said:
I understand how the parents must be feeling about losing their daugther and having her husband taking the role of having her to die is because he did not want to see her suffer anymore nor she was getting any better, so he rather to see her off the feeding tube and let her die in peace, as the doctors had stated that also....

This is one of the toughness decision to make as a parent, since I am a parent myself too and yes it would be hard to let my child go, but then again I will think real hard on this by knowing my child's brains is dead, and hearing from serveral doctors on whether or not there will ever be any improvements or any changes in the furture for my child to be healthy once again, yet knowing my child might be in pain, and see no changing in any of this, and also thinking do I want to see her/him be happy again? Do I want to see my child walking around enjoying her/his life than staying in the hospital bed for weeks, for months even years? or spending the rest of her/his life by laying there? and not seeking out where my child should be enjoying his/her life?....I would rather to see my child be happy once again and I know my child would be once he/she is in heaven, being able to enjoy the life that my child deserves to have, not a life where you lay in bed for the rest of your life by a machine that is keeping you alive....That's not a kind of life I would want to put my child thru, I rather to die to see that happen to my child....I will let my child go and let her/him be free from all the pain and suffering and let my child have peace in heaven where my child will be happy again!!:)...

:gpost: ^Angel^