First Love...

wow, i can't believe it.. cheri actually showed me the pic! :-o
OldNavyGirl said:
wow, i can't believe it.. cheri actually showed me the pic! :-o

Yes, And you still owe me 50.00... Remember cash only! :mrgreen:
Deaf258 said:
Smart move, Magatsu. :squint: Yes, we'll discuss this matter on PM or AIM! :pissed:

Oh my god!! :eek: You are gayyy?? Why!! you not tell me first :pissed: He was love you first?? oh No..:ugh: I just brokenhearted right now...:tears:
jai said:
Oh my god!! :eek: You are gayyy?? Why!! you not tell me first :pissed: He was love you first?? oh No..:ugh: I just brokenhearted right now...:tears:

:-o :-o :-o :-o :-o ......OY VEY......or playing games??
I did have first love for a short time. He was a hearing, we had to part away because he was going to college to become a doctor. I was in High School still.

We still keep in contact once in a while. He is married now, has a 16 yr old stepdaughter. He is OB GYN dr. now, getting very successful, he speaks Spanish and Sign Language for preggy women. I applause him for that, since I was his first deaf GF, he still practices sign language, Good for him! ;)
My frist love was in highschool...he was hearing. We dated for 8 months and then he broke up the relationship to go after this slut. Which I find it ironic cuz the girl he went after didnt like him that way and I later dated and was engaged to her brother.
I will be with my first love this summer :mrgreen: He lives on the other side of England so will have to travel to visit each other. I've known him since we were 3, he is deaf too.
I dont know..I really want to find my true first and last love, My husband got his first love is me i could see
at h.s. my first date I thought, wrong, it was different, lately other just friend hearing man i m now still feeling and wondering about him, he was my grammar, words meant, teacher/best friend i was his sign language teacher and... long story
My first true love is when I had a first love sight to a girl named Eleanora J. Racz. Last month, We decided to go to St.Francis School for the Deaf Basketball Tourney then when she came in subway.. smile and waved at me and it was the first time we had met then I had a first love sight and I stared at her all the time in the train and she didnt realized that I stared at her and when she talk to me, my heart begun beating so hard which I can feel.. its so unbelievable.. then later.. everything had changed the story is that my good friend named Hector Padilla maked out with that girl whom I love sighted and I knew that girl love my good friend very dearly... I was smirked, jealous.. I felt really hurt so much which yall couldnt imagine.. then weeks later, I admited her that I love her and she understood how much I really love her but she said she love someone else *my good friend*. Remember, Everyone never forget their true love. :cry:
shezzbeav said:
Hey people,

Just wondering who was your first love? Tell us the story!

I'll tell you guys mine if you want me to.

:fart: That's my first love story.
Magatsu said:
It can be shocking for many of you... but Deaf258 was my first love. I think the first love experience is quite personal for AD'ers so I rather to keep that to myself. Thanks.

:jaw: :jaw:

Deaf258 said:
Smart move, Magatsu. :squint: Yes, we'll discuss this matter on PM or AIM! :pissed:


Cheri said:
Nope, Acutally I saw the webcamera pictures of Magatsu and Deaf258, It might hurt your eyes, It's nasty enough. Magatsu was whipping Deaf258's ass.

:ugh: I think I gonna need a DRINK! :beer: :::drinking whole bottle of Jack Daniels::: :shock: ....

Deaf258 said:
Damn it, Cheri!! SHH!

Why am I always the last person to know?.. :tears:

*Going back to the store to buy a bottle of Jack Daniels*
Gosh, it's been long times... My first love was Tony, a little boy from hearing school that my bus had sharing the hearing school's students and my deaf school's students to ride. That time, the older deaf girl told me that Tony had a crush on me and said "I love you". She can read lips, and I was surprised and being shy to Tony. I think I was 6 or 7 years old. We didn't start dating until I had a crush on Freddie then we dated at the deaf school. But I dated with him twice.
My first love is Roadrunner :69: :laugh2:

:dunno: Did I do smthg wrong? That was someone else.
;) My first true love happened when I was 18 years old, I worked part time at a jewelry factory after school. I met this guy Cecil who worked there, we became friends. I found out through the other employes :gossip: that he liked me, but, because I was a year older than him, he was afraid to ask me out. Well he finally got up the nerve to ask me out, and we had dated 2 years. I graduated high school in 1970, and he gave me an engagement ring a month later. We had planned a May 1972 wedding. Cecil graduated high school in 1971 and got a job at a store called Zayre's (later called Ames). 2 of my high school classmates worked in the same store, and knew that I was engaged to Cecil, and proceeded to tell me that he had been flirting and later led into cheating on me behind my back. One night while Cecil was working, one of the girls I went to high school with, called me and told me to come to the store because Cecil was with one of his groupies, so I went, and caught him holding hands with a woman not only older, I mean a lot older, but, she was married or should I say seperated with her husband at that time. Well, needless to say, I gave back his diamond ring, of course there were tears and heartbreak, he wanted me to give him another chance, and I wouldn't because I knew he was still going out with this girl. Well, he married her, lasted 5 years because he got another girl pregnant, divorced and married the pregnant girl. So, I was thankful I never married him.
I did meet the true love of my life, my husband Manny, we got married 27 years ago, he is deaf, we have 2 wonderful daughters, and a foster son, who is also deaf, that we hope to adopt. So, everything worked out for the best!!! :angel:
My story is very similar to Cheri's. Met a guy, Kevin, in 5th grade, we were just a little cute couple for a while and broke up in middle school.. we continued to be friends throughout middle school til we got to high school, we started dating, my first kiss was in 9th grade with him. We broke up again and til my junior year, we dated again and became very serious. We were very much in love with each other. He was actually my first of everything. I became engaged to him for about 2 years after we graduated. We talked about having kids, growing old together, he was my bestfriend as well. I was able to tell him everything that i could think of. Unfortunetly, We drifted apart when we were in college. He wasn't ready to settle down and I was. He ended up cheating on me so I decided it was for the best that we just be friends. I married another guy, Jeff. Jeff became very violent with me so I left him. Kevin was always there for me, he let me stay at his place to be safe and keep my daughter safe too. Then he moved to another state, found himself a girlfriend and married her. He's still married to her to this day as I'm very happy with my fiance, Chris. We still talk sometimes whenever possible but nothing personal.. just more general. true love will always be forever in your heart but learn to move on with your life. Its for the best too.