First daughters of Obama not vacinnated against H1N1

Loghead, if you're not high risk you may not have the opportunity to get a vaccination. Lack of enough vaccine may make the whole argument moot.
The problem is that this is not the case. It might not be related to the H1N1 flu. It could be other kind of flu, or some kind of infections, or their immune system is weakening due poor diet and exercise.

The drug corporations got the money from the government and produced massively of H1N1 drug in order to make a lot of money so that the people get the free shots. Finally, the corporations got the right time as being so greedy.

I heard a rumor that the Swine Flu in 1918 and H1N1 Flu this year is not the same disease. I am not sure about that. Many general doctors will tell you because they believe in their medicine without a research. Most doctors for instance surgeons do not have time to hear about the flu because they work in the hospital all the times. That's a big difference.

I probably think that top line of agents from the government and medical corporations focus on some things that don't share with lower level of doctors so the doctors just take the orders from them.

It is probably harder for Obama to find the comparison with the top and lower levels. It's a perfect example of a book which called, "The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain." Isn't that irony?
I heard a rumor that the Swine Flu in 1918 and H1N1 Flu this year is not the same disease. I am not sure about that. Many general doctors will tell you because they believe in their medicine without a research. Most doctors for instance surgeons do not have time to hear about the flu because they work in the hospital all the times. That's a big difference.

I believe the 1918 flu was avian. My great grandmother died of it. Leaving my grandmother and her sister as half orphans.
I believe the 1918 flu was avian. My great grandmother died of it. Leaving my grandmother and her sister as half orphans.

The Spanish Flu is a strain of H1N1. The one we see nowadays and the one back in 1918 are different strains. Back then, it wiped out half of my family.

Both avian and swine flu are the same virus, just different strains. It doesn't matter if they are avian or swine, since they could cross the species barrier anyway... just that it's a name designated for the sake of public media.
The problem is that this is not the case. It might not be related to the H1N1 flu. It could be other kind of flu, or some kind of infections, or their immune system is weakening due poor diet and exercise.

The drug corporations got the money from the government and produced massively of H1N1 drug in order to make a lot of money so that the people get the free shots. Finally, the corporations got the right time as being so greedy.

I heard a rumor that the Swine Flu in 1918 and H1N1 Flu this year is not the same disease. I am not sure about that. Many general doctors will tell you because they believe in their medicine without a research. Most doctors for instance surgeons do not have time to hear about the flu because they work in the hospital all the times. That's a big difference.

I probably think that top line of agents from the government and medical corporations focus on some things that don't share with lower level of doctors so the doctors just take the orders from them.

It is probably harder for Obama to find the comparison with the top and lower levels. It's a perfect example of a book which called, "The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain." Isn't that irony?

it's not a rumor. it's a fact. that the strain from 1918 and h1N1 strain are NOT THE SAME. and believe me - doctors are quite aware of it.. otherwise they wouldn't be doctors and they can easily get sued if they do not know what they're doing.

It's just that the public is misinformed about it... mostly because of media interested in generating hype instead of truth.
They are available to high risk groups ONLY. Obama's daugthers do not fit into that high risk group.

Nor have they been available for the last few weeks. Seasonal flu shots have been available for the last few weeks. The first doses of H1N1 vaccine were shipped to public health depts. for administration to high risk groups only just last week.

This was a weak attempt indeed to slam Obama. You really should pay closer attention to the news. Rather than making Obama look bad, you have simply shown yourself to be uninformed.

or intellectual dishonesty? :hmm:
Yes, I understand what the vaccine does to help, but I just don't think it's a good idea. My dad has a rather odd conspiracy theory. It's a stupid theory, but I can agree with him that the H1N1 vaccine is not something that I really want to get.

Conspiracy theories abound in my family, too, but I'm also leery of the vaccine for one simple reason. It's been mandated that every child be vaccinated! What happens if you decide you don't want to get the vaccine? Whats in the vaccine? They want to vaccinate our children with it. I'm not one to go around espousing to weird theories or paranoia, but I'm also not liking this idea of a mandate or the idea that H1N1 is now a national emergency. We had issues in the past with the Norwalk virus where it sickened passengers on cruise ships, and there was never a national emergency then, but there is one now. Why?

This all seems very political and I'm uneasy.
So Obama is a bad parent role model?

Obama declared it to be a national emergency yet his oldest daughter with asthma hasn't been innoculated with the swine flu vaccine. That's enough for people to question those things. Especially when you had Kathleen Sebelius lecturing/urging parents they must have their children vaccinated in order to avoid any serious outbreak of the swine flu.

Sebelius: Americans should get swine flu shot - Swine flu-

For one thing, the Obama is sure sending lots of mixed messages.
Conspiracy theories abound in my family, too, but I'm also leery of the vaccine for one simple reason. It's been mandated that every child be vaccinated! What happens if you decide you don't want to get the vaccine? Whats in the vaccine? They want to vaccinate our children with it. I'm not one to go around espousing to weird theories or paranoia, but I'm also not liking this idea of a mandate or the idea that H1N1 is now a national emergency. We had issues in the past with the Norwalk virus where it sickened passengers on cruise ships, and there was never a national emergency then, but there is one now. Why?

This all seems very political and I'm uneasy.

Exactly. And now the Obama kids are not going to get vaccinated? That's enough to get people to question the "emergency" call or even danger about H1N1.
Exactly. And now the Obama kids are not going to get vaccinated? That's enough to get people to question the "emergency" call or even danger about H1N1.

what part of "high risk group only" do you not understand?
They are Obama's daughters. He will do what he wish to do as a father with them...he's the president. he feeds them, he sheltered them, and take them to school. The kids will be fine.


The real emergency goes to the public nationwide. This is after all, a flu season.
The declaration of a national emergency is preparation for a potential situation. For example, when a hurricane is in the Gulf Coast, the president will declare a national emergency so that the resources can be gathered and transported for recovery. In the case of flu, the hospitals can make arrangements to transfer patients to less crowded facilities and set up temporary operations if needed.
...People with asthma take steroid medications which weakens their resistance, especially people with severe asthma....
I take Prednisone, a catabolic steroid, for chronic hives. Because it suppresses my immune system, I was told by my doctor that I can no longer get any kind of flu shots.
Reba, so with asthma it can be a toss up on getting a flu shot or not? Dependent on how severe and the kind of medication one takes? What about children with asthma?

What I'm seeing is that people will simply question the national emergency declaration on swine flu while the Obama's do not get theirs and at the same time have the Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius say that Americans should get their swine flu vaccination are bound send a bunch of conflicting and mixed messages. The president's daughter do not need it but Health secretary says Americans should get vaccinated and she get vaccinated as well?

Sebelius: Americans should get swine flu shot - Swine flu-
Reba, so with asthma it can be a toss up on getting a flu shot or not? Dependent on how severe and the kind of medication one takes? What about children with asthma?

What I'm seeing is that people will simply question the national emergency declaration on swine flu while the Obama's do not get theirs and at the same time have the Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius say that Americans should get their swine flu vaccination are bound send a bunch of conflicting and mixed messages. The president's daughter do not need it but Health secretary says Americans should get vaccinated and she get vaccinated as well?

Sebelius: Americans should get swine flu shot - Swine flu-

So should President Obama go ahead and get them vaccinated even though it's only available to high-risk groups at the moment?

Reba, prednisone is strong. Sorry that you have to deal with hives. :eek3: Pardon me for mothering you, but did your dr tell you that you're at higher risk of osteoperosis on this drug? I mention this because my grandmother had this problem. She took prednisone long term and had severe osteoporosis. Now, we know this risk and you can prevent it. Take good care of your bones! You probably already know this. We all need to take care of our bones. :D

Permanent Side Effects of Prednisone

My kid uses a steroid inhaler. Fortunately, his asthma is controlled without oral steroids. Our physician recommended the flu vaccination for him. If you have asthma, it's best to consult your physician.
Reba, so with asthma it can be a toss up on getting a flu shot or not? Dependent on how severe and the kind of medication one takes? What about children with asthma?
I don't have any personal experience with asthma, so I leave that question to those who do.
Reba, prednisone is strong. Sorry that you have to deal with hives. :eek3: Pardon me for mothering you, but did your dr tell you that you're at higher risk of osteoperosis on this drug? I mention this because my grandmother had this problem. She took prednisone long term and had severe osteoporosis. Now, we know this risk and you can prevent it. Take good care of your bones! You probably already know this. We all need to take care of our bones. :D

Permanent Side Effects of Prednisone
I've been monitored for osteoporosis for years. Once I hit 50, I've had a bone scan every other year. So far, just a little osteopenia. I take twice-daily calcium + D. I don't take Fosamax or anything related, because I won't be able to have oral surgery if I do. It's bad enough that the oral surgeon turned me down because of the Prednisone.

The other bad news is that I also take thyroid replacement. :(

Thanks for the concern. I'm still the 5'3" that I've been since I was a teen. :P
Yea, me, too. :D The good thing about growing older and knowing that I need to take care of my bones got me back in the gym. :wave: