First daughters of Obama not vacinnated against H1N1


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Jul 9, 2006
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President Obama's school age daughters have not been vaccinated against the H1N1 flu virus. White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs says the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk.

The Centers for Disease Control recommend that children ages 6 months through 18 years of age receive a vaccination against the H1N1 flu virus. At this time only children with chronic medical conditions are receiving the vaccination because their immune system is not strong enough to fight off the strain. The CDC also says a regular seasonal flu shot does not protect against the virus.
First Daughters Not Vaccinated Against H1N1 Row 2, Seat 4

Yet Obama recently declared the H1N1 swine flu a national emergency??
Obama Declares Swine Flu Emergency - H1N1 Vaccinations and Hand Sanitizers Run Low in Many Areas - Associated Content -

If you were not anti Obama, you would say "How noble that they didn't use special privilege and reserved limited vaccine for high risk."

Although the older child has asthma and really should be priority.
If you were not anti Obama, you would say "How noble that they didn't use special privilege and reserved limited vaccine for high risk."

Although the older child has asthma and really should be priority.

Let's not presume too much here about me. It is expected that the president and his family get the vaccine first in an outbreak. Now, this looks more like an irresponsible lack of judgement if he is the one recommending the H1N1 vaccination but don't follow through. And by not following through what message does that send to the American people? That the vaccine isn't safe, effective or what?
President Obama's daughters do not qualify as a target group to receive the limited vaccine available. One of the girls has allergies but I don't know if she has asthma.

Priority for H1N1 vaccinations:

If the supply of the vaccine initially available is not adequate to meet demand for vaccination among the five target groups listed above, ACIP recommends that the following subset of the initial target groups receive priority for vaccination until vaccine availability increases (order of target groups does not indicate priority):

* pregnant women,
* persons who live with or provide care for infants aged <6 months (e.g., parents, siblings, and daycare providers),
* health-care and emergency medical services personnel who have direct contact with patients or infectious material,
* children aged 6 months--4 years, and
* children and adolescents aged 5--18 years who have medical conditions that put them at higher risk for influenza-related complications.

This subset of the five target groups comprises approximately 42 million persons in the United States. Vaccination programs and providers should give priority to this subset of the five target groups only if vaccine availability is too limited to initiate vaccination for all persons in the five initial target groups.

Use of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine

In my area, only nasal vaccinations are available. You can't have the nasal vaccine if you have asthma. This may be why a daughter with asthma is not vaccinated. Asthma patients must wait for the injection.
yeah, like anyone with H1N1symptons is going to be allowed within a hundred yards of them. :roll:

Where you been, nutjob??? we missed you! :)
President Obama's daughters do not qualify as a target group to receive the limited vaccine available. One of the girls has allergies but I don't know if she has asthma.

Priority for H1N1 vaccinations:

Use of Influenza A (H1N1) 2009 Monovalent Vaccine

In my area, only nasal vaccinations are available. You can't have the nasal vaccine if you have asthma. This may be why a daughter with asthma is not vaccinated. Asthma patients must wait for the injection.

The older Obama daughter has asthma.

An analysis in 10 states of people hospitalized with the pandemic strain of H1N1 influenza shows that asthma is by far the most common underlying condition associated with severe cases of the disease.
Asthma found to be leading complication in H1N1 flu cases --

Shots are already available.
Hundreds turned away at clinics giving H1N1 shots :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Metro & Tri-State

And it has been available for the past few weeks. Although many of them as trials for asthma sufferers.
New H1N1 influenza vaccine trial to be launched for asthma patients

I guess they waited to see how those guinea pigs would react to the H1N1 vaccine shots work out.
My son has asthma and no injections are available in my area. My physician has nasal vaccines for toddlers only. As I explained earlier, asthma patients cannot take the nasal spray which contains live virus. My son needs the injection. I'm going to have him vaccinated as soon as I can.

People with asthma take steroid medications which weakens their resistance, especially people with severe asthma. Asthma patients may need more than one injections for protection and that's what's currently being studied in the study you cited. Of course, asthma patients are at high risk for complications from any influenza. My son and family are always the first ones in the dr's office for the seasonal flu vaccine. We all had the regular flu vaccine in Sept. So far, we've been very fortunate. My son hasn't been hospitalized since he was one year old. I'm hoping that we can keep him well again this year.
Bottom line is that the H1N1 vaccine shots have been available over the last few weeks.
Bottom line is that the H1N1 vaccine shots have been available over the last few weeks.

They are available to high risk groups ONLY. Obama's daugthers do not fit into that high risk group.

Nor have they been available for the last few weeks. Seasonal flu shots have been available for the last few weeks. The first doses of H1N1 vaccine were shipped to public health depts. for administration to high risk groups only just last week.

This was a weak attempt indeed to slam Obama. You really should pay closer attention to the news. Rather than making Obama look bad, you have simply shown yourself to be uninformed.
They are available to high risk groups ONLY. Obama's daugthers do not fit into that high risk group.

Nor have they been available for the last few weeks. Seasonal flu shots have been available for the last few weeks. The first doses of H1N1 vaccine were shipped to public health depts. for administration to high risk groups only just last week.

This was a weak attempt indeed to slam Obama. You really should pay closer attention to the news. Rather than making Obama look bad, you have simply shown yourself to be uninformed.

Thanks for rich information.

I cannot believe about right wing guy being paranoid.
Thanks for rich information.

I cannot believe about right wing guy being paranoid.

You are welcome. Again, we are getting distortions and misrepresentations of the truth around here.
I don't want to get the vaccine. Not because I don't like needles (well, who does anyway...), but because I don't want to put something into my body that I am very unsure of. It hasn't been tested long enough for me to be willing to get it.
I don't want to get the vaccine. Not because I don't like needles (well, who does anyway...), but because I don't want to put something into my body that I am very unsure of. It hasn't been tested long enough for me to be willing to get it.

But if you contract the flu, you will be putting something into your body that hasn't been tested at all: the virus that causes H1N1.
I don't want to get the vaccine. Not because I don't like needles (well, who does anyway...), but because I don't want to put something into my body that I am very unsure of. It hasn't been tested long enough for me to be willing to get it.

It will nice to have one time liquid flu med that prevent from flu for 1 year.
But if you contract the flu, you will be putting something into your body that hasn't been tested at all: the virus that causes H1N1.

True. I just don't like the looks of it. It all seems very peculiar to me.
When you get a vaccination, it contains a dead virus that causes the body to make antibodies to the virus. Even if you get the flu, you will have a milder case because you already have some antibodies. When you skip the vaccination, you get the live virus and your body has to create enough antibodies to destroy the virus in your body. The basic idea is really simple.
When you get a vaccination, it contains a dead virus that causes the body to make antibodies to the virus. Even if you get the flu, you will have a milder case because you already have some antibodies. When you skip the vaccination, you get the live virus and your body has to create enough antibodies to destroy the virus in your body. The basic idea is really simple.

Yes, I understand what the vaccine does to help, but I just don't think it's a good idea. My dad has a rather odd conspiracy theory. It's a stupid theory, but I can agree with him that the H1N1 vaccine is not something that I really want to get.
So Obama is a bad parent role model?
Funny thing; I bet if one of Obama's kids died from H1N1, there would be sympathy on one side, and chastizing of his parental abilities on the other. It never ends.
I have bad asthma and there has not been enough vaccine here to get to my risk group.

It is in very short supply and in Iowa so far only in county health clinics. And each clinic has run out before people who are higher risk than I am have all gotten vaccine.