Feel Sorry?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
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Let's suppose...

You are Person A.

You used to date Person B.

Person B is now with Person C.

Do you ever feel sorry for Person B or Person C now that they are together?

If so, why? (If not, why not?)
don t feel sorry for anyone or yourself,,,just go find person D and then person B and C will feel sorry
I have.

For the girl that started dating my ex. Only felt bad for her, for a short time.

The new girlfriend at the time would call me, and complain about my ex. I simply told her, why I left him.

She decided to stay with my ex. and continued to call me. (to gripe about him) I told her to not call me anymore. I said what I had to say. That it was her choice to stay with him or not.

So I quit feeling sorry for her. Due to she has a choice.
Not really, I would be happy for them and it happened to me before. I rather to see a person I care about be happy. If I love them enough to let them go, then it means I really love and care for them to be happy.
Let's suppose...

You are Person A.

You used to date Person B.

Person B is now with Person C.

Do you ever feel sorry for Person B or Person C now that they are together?

If so, why? (If not, why not?)

I never felt sorry for person B... But I have with person C for a short time. My post above explains why.
Depends on whoever it is. Normally I wouldnt really feel sorry for either of them since if that person I used to date with...not in a relationship with is a different story so I wouldnt really care.
I wish B and C the best of luck! If B is a cheater they will NEVER change.
I would not care about B or C its not my problem.
Well, if there was something seriously wrong with B and that is why we broke up, I would feel sorry for C if they couldn't see the problem.
Well, if there was something seriously wrong with B and that is why we broke up, I would feel sorry for C if they couldn't see the problem.

YUP!!! YUP!!!

Glad someone sees it.

But the issue I had with person C. Was that she kept calling me about the problems she had with person B. :shock:

I told person C!! What I had to say! She kept calling me! I was like "girl!!" do not call me again!! You and I both know how person B is. That is why I left. Told her if she decided to stay with person B.. To not call me anymore!!

I had to get rid of person C to completely rid of person B. :dizzy:
Let's suppose...

You are Person A.

You used to date Person B.

Person B is now with Person C.

Do you ever feel sorry for Person B or Person C now that they are together?

If so, why? (If not, why not?)

Nah, I will not feel sorry to any of them. I will just move on and let the Person B and Person C find out themselves. Person B could figure it out himself/herself.
Each person has one small flaw differently than other person that may be fit in with Person C to work well. Not all of them work well. :)
Let's suppose...

You are Person A.

You used to date Person B.

Person B is now with Person C.

Do you ever feel sorry for Person B or Person C now that they are together?

If so, why? (If not, why not?)

Now why would A feel any sympathy towards B & C? That relationship may or may not work. A should save him/herself unecessary anxiety or emotional baggage and start fresh single, or like above, with D - or even E & F, G-Z...A's choice.
I have.

For the girl that started dating my ex. Only felt bad for her, for a short time.

The new girlfriend at the time would call me, and complain about my ex. I simply told her, why I left him.

She decided to stay with my ex. and continued to call me. (to gripe about him) I told her to not call me anymore. I said what I had to say. That it was her choice to stay with him or not.

So I quit feeling sorry for her. Due to she has a choice.
Yeah, I've seen it happen with some people. I've seen some women talk about the men that they wouldn't be caught dead dating. Then they end up dating these men and eventually get knocked up only to be dumped by the men soon after. Then these women start complaining about how the men they dated were assholes. Then why did these women date these men in the first place when they knew these men were already assholes? :roll:
The way I see it for me, is it's better you try not to think too much of it unless you really cared for B or still have feelings.
Yeah, it's good to talk about B+C for a little to relieve some stress or feelings, after the chatter dies though, I'd let it die.

Life's too short, I try to forget it to go for the better.

Either go out with a bang and die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
( Universal blanket statement above ;) )
The way I see it for me, is it's better you try not to think too much of it unless you really cared for B or still have feelings.
Yeah, it's good to talk about B+C for a little to relieve some stress or feelings, after the chatter dies though, I'd let it die.

Life's too short, I try to forget it to go for the better.

Either go out with a bang and die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
( Universal blanket statement above ;) )
The reason why I asked is because sometimes the relationship between Person A and Person B ends so badly (usually cuz of Person B) that Person A will worry about the next person that Person B meets... which would be Person C.

But as you have said, it could also be a situation where Person A still has feelings for Person B that when Person B meets Person C... Person A begins to worry about Person B. :dizzy:
Let's suppose...

You are Person A.

You used to date Person B.

Person B is now with Person C.

Do you ever feel sorry for Person B or Person C now that they are together?

If so, why? (If not, why not?)

If i were not married, i would have replied differently.

So i am married. I can answer:
i don't feel sorry for either B or C because every one has the unique jigsaw puzzle to match to each other. Like B jigsaw puzzle did not match me as A jigsaw puzzle that i am not the right one to match with B. until I found the right D jigsaw puzzle to match me. I forget the two of them B and C because i was too busy happy to be with D jigsaw puzzle. :shrug:
I don't feel sorry for them but let them find out themselves.

Maybe the relationship doesn't work on person A with person B but it does work on person B with person C.

I was not happy with my ex but my friend is happy with him. My friend was not happy with my hubby but my hubby is happy with me... I have seen often like that in real life... that's why I don't involve in but let them find out themselves.

That depends on the situation, supposedly person B had committed a crime of murder, I would be overly concerned of the safely of person C, so yea I'll have sympathy for person C, and I'll also inform person C about person B.