Favorite Subway sandwiches?

It's not exactly a big secret that it's cheaper to make your own food. Customers are really paying for the convenience or they simply just cannot buy their own food at the store. For example, when I used to travel for my job I just couldn't buy food at a store and store it at the hotel; I just had to eat out.

I agree it's cheaper to make your own food. I just told what the seafood sandwich was because a few customers that liked it thought it was some type of secret only subway recipe, and some customers were shocked when I told them it was only two ingredients. People ate the seafood as a salad more than they did as a sub.
I can understand that some customers are douche but businesses has to take a stand not being taken advantage of. I don't mind Subway and the only couple of things I like from them is the Italian BMT or tuna.

Italian BMT has always been a best seller. Also people used to think that BMT were initials for Boston Manhattan Transfer. I guess they thought this because of a Subway route. It really stands for Bigger, Meatier, Tastier. Also the Tuna is Starkist tuna and Kraft mayo mixed in a bowl.
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seafood delight is pollocks that been dye red and formed to look like crabmeat. Some people get sick from eating this, I get horrible headaches from the red dye. Subway may had stopped selling seafood delight b/c too many people where getting sick . There is no 'seafood' in seafood delight . It's fake crabmeat .

Some people get sick from eating this, I get horrible headaches from the red
dye. Subway may had stopped selling seafood delight b/c too many people where getting sick . There is no 'seafood' in seafood delight . It's fake crabmeat .

You are correct, it is imitation crabmeat. My stores quit selling it because we threw away more than we sold. I haven't seen the seafood in a long time at the subways I worked at. If you do see the seafood sub at a subway, it's because there is a option for a owner to offer a regional sub. For example, you may see a a sub called the pizza sub at one subway, and not at another. Some stores participate in the offering of a regional sub and some only offer menu only items.