Favorite Author


Staff Member
Feb 27, 2003
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Who's your favorite author, and why???

John Grisham is my favorite author of all time! I just like the way he writes, and I've read most of his books so far. They are easy to read and very entertaining.

The other day, I bought "The Summons" and plan to read it after I'm done with "The Brethren." His new book just came out and I believe it's called "The King of Torts." :thumb:

My favorite is Shakespeare too, I have all of his works into one book.. (Its a pretty thick book, :laugh2: I like to read it whenever I'm bored or have nothing to do..or while I'm on car trips. I also like to read poetry, so I'd say my other favorite author is Robert Frost. :)
mine is...

Terry Brooks! He's the best!


You might remember him as the author who took the movie scripts and turned them into novels: Hook and Star Trek: First Episode. He also wrote several series of novels. One of them is my favorite of all: the Shannara books.
My favourite author would be Franz Kafka, a Czech-German Jewish writer who lived in Prague. He wrote interesting stories such as "Amerika," "The Process," "Metamorphosis," "The Castle," "The Penal Colony," etc... His stories has a gothic feeling to it, with some strange things in it. His stories are similar to Orwell's stories, such as "1984."
Originally posted by Alex
Who's your favorite author, and why???

John Grisham is my favorite author of all time! I just like the way he writes, and I've read most of his books so far. They are easy to read and very entertaining.

The other day, I bought "The Summons" and plan to read it after I'm done with "The Brethren." His new book just came out and I believe it's called "The King of Torts." :thumb:

I like John Grisham too! I am halfway through the Summons right now :)
I like Stephen King and Anne Rice. I like both of them bec I like the way they think in horror stories by imaging things to be scary so much. :D


Stephen King

Anne Rice
I also like stephen king's books I read dreamcatcher..now there's a movie of that coming soon :)
my favorite author is Nicholas Sparks. He's the guy who wrote the books that were made into movies which were "A Walk To Remember" and "A Message In A Bottle". He writes mostly love stories but they're not too graphic, just how I like it. I have and read all his books except the newest one, "Nights In Rodanthe". ;)

Mine is Nicky Gumble as i am currently reading "Question of Life"
uh... theres too many authors that i like... i'm currently reading a book by douglas adams ("The Resturant (sp? i just woke up so pardon me) at the End of the Universe")
Stephen King, Terry Goodkind, Neil Gaiman, Chuck Palahniuk...and too many more.

I'm a frigging bookworm. :D
My favorite authors are:

Chuck Palahniuk, I love his writing style and creative stories (Believe me, It was really very dark humor) that he wrote "Fight Club", "Survivor", "Choke", and his newly released book called "Lullaby" I did already read "Choke" and currently reading "Survivor"



Kahlil Gibran, he wrote really a true beautiful love story about his first love. "The Broken Wings"

"I was eighteen years of age when love opened my eyes with its magic rays and touched my spirit for the first time with its fiery fingers and Selma Karamy was the first woman who awakened my spirit with her beauty and led me into the garden of high affections where days pass like dreams and night likes weddings. "

Stephen King, Anne Rice, VC Andrews, John Grisham, Sandra Brown, and robert Jordan
Originally posted by kuifje75
My favourite author would be Franz Kafka, a Czech-German Jewish writer who lived in Prague. He wrote interesting stories such as "Amerika," "The Process," "Metamorphosis," "The Castle," "The Penal Colony," etc... His stories has a gothic feeling to it, with some strange things in it. His stories are similar to Orwell's stories, such as "1984."

Several years ago.. Mr. Franz Kafka was awarded a lifetime achievement award at the Oscars and a lot of celebrities was contemplemating boycotting the Oscars because of his philosophies and his stories. His stories was made into movies and this angered a lot of celebrities when they heard Franz Kafka was going to fly into USA to receive his Lifetime Achievement award. A particular actor was really well-known for his actions into boycotting the awards because he felt nothing but disgust for Kafka. Kafka was really nervous receiving his award, spoke in Polish... but surprisingly.. when he walked on stage.. he received a standing ovation after the audience watched a 10 minute long story about Kafka's life story. *sorry for going off-topic!!*:D
:laugh2: Mwahahahaha!!! You can see I love to sign/talk/type!!! Intelligence can be so god-damn stimulating!!! ;) However... this chick LOVES this author by the name of Robert Munsch and get this... he's a children's author!!! He carefully chose a wonderful illustrator for his books and the illustrator drew the characters very realistically. It was like a magnet to all the children I bought the books and gave it to.


You can click on to that URL and see the profile of Robert Munsch and see his books, etc. His books are so amazing! I loved "Love You Forever", it made me weep, it was so heart-felt!