Ever been insulted for being deaf?

Wirelessly posted

One time I was waiting for the bus and ran into another Deaf passenger. We were happily signing away and then this drunk guy comes up and starts screaming fake deaf voice noises at us and signaling that he was gonna slit me and my dog's throat. Luckily my our bus came, but he followed us in. I was starting to really panic and plan safe escape, but then he got off several stops ahead. That was very scary.

:shock: Wow, that guy needs serious help and jail time if he tries to act on those sort of impulses! I would have been freaking out too trying to plan a safe escape (hopefully where he couldn't follow me). Glad you got out of that safe. :hug:
I was able to tell when my dad came home, I notice that when his car drove pass a window the sun would shine on it and that made a shadow on the wall! I had to be ready for combat with my dad all the time! I bet most people would think the same about me 'hearing more' and I was 'faking' being HOH! Some people will look at with piety when they hear my voice! I can see they're think
"Oh you poor 'retarded' child!" This happen to not that long ago! GRR!

:( That sort of thing disgusts me! I am relieved that hasn't happened to me yet. But with my hearing decreasing and other health issues popping up, I am worried someone my throw that "f" word (faking) out as an accusation. :eek3:
If I were you, I would just file a complaint against the co-worker for harassment and interfering with your service dog's training.

I definitely will if she tries anything like that again since I have "laid down the law". If I know that my rights are being violated, I am quick to fight for it with one exception. Unfortunately, it still a struggle for me to assert myself (as deaf) with hearing people regarding audism since I have been pressured my whole life to work harder and better to "become" hearing.
Have I been "insulted" for being bilateral DEAF since December 20, 2006. No.

Implanted Sunnybrook/Toronto Advanced Bionics- activated Aug/07

Implanted Sunnybrook/Toronto Advanced Bionics- activated Aug/07
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Yes I have numerous times, and it wasn't pleasant.
My older sister was the worst offender when we were kids. She would hide right behind me and whistle next to my ears, which caused me to fumble with my HAs, thinking they were feedbacking. Once I caught on to her act, she'd run off cackling. And oh, I just loved it when my sister would face me and pretend she was speaking but actually not making any sound, to fool me into thinking that my HAs were broken. She'd do these little taunts straight into our high school years; real mature, huh?

Anyone wanna loan me their awesome siblings who actually stand up for them???
My older sister was the worst offender when we were kids. She would hide right behind me and whistle next to my ears, which caused me to fumble with my HAs, thinking they were feedbacking. Once I caught on to her act, she'd run off cackling. And oh, I just loved it when my sister would face me and pretend she was speaking but actually not making any sound, to fool me into thinking that my HAs were broken. She'd do these little taunts straight into our high school years; real mature, huh?

Anyone wanna loan me their awesome siblings who actually stand up for them???

Just shows how much she loves you! :whistle: :D
OH it happen to me many times when I was young. Moving from England to Biloxi MS was more of cultural shock, but not only that, it far worse than I can imagine.. segregation. I get poked, name calling, ripping my HA box out of my chest, and so on. Then I finally met a African American guy who was deaf. We get along very well but the biggest problem with southern state, I get beated up (brutal..yes) cuz I was hanging out with "black boy". I'm suppose to stay away from black friend and they gave me all the name calling shit.. since they know I'm too dumb to hang out with him. I was alone again... so we found a way that we can hanged out together in a secluded place, out deep in the forest, near the river where we can go fishing together, playing robots and such. We kept our secret for long time, and we keep our distance in school, acting as we are not friend. It was a tough time for me. Then when my family finally move again to MD, it gotten better. After 4 years living there, I decided to go visit Biloxi MS again and try to find my good friend. Then I discover one of my female friend told me that he died of drug overdose. I know that he also have difficult time of him being deaf, and along with segregation on top of it.
All the time....but i learned to tune out negative comments....and just be happy for who I am.

My son has autism and is picked on daily. I hate the r word because of it...I try to go into the schools as often as I can and teach kids that he is no different then them he only learns different and acts different but has the same feelings...emotions so forth...and then share what he is good at.

Yes, some people are rude and ignorant...but I think knowledge is the key. I am never scared to answer questions or inform people because the more they understand...hopefully the more they can learn to accept
All the time....but i learned to tune out negative comments....and just be happy for who I am.

My son has autism and is picked on daily. I hate the r word because of it...I try to go into the schools as often as I can and teach kids that he is no different then them he only learns different and acts different but has the same feelings...emotions so forth...and then share what he is good at.

Yes, some people are rude and ignorant...but I think knowledge is the key. I am never scared to answer questions or inform people because the more they understand...hopefully the more they can learn to accept

Good post.
I agree, all the time. Every so often someone will come into this Deaf community and say things that infuriate us, but we are learning to strike a balance, as you say. Thank goodness for hearing folk, they do have a purpose after all. :lol:
I have never been insulted for being deaf, I think. At least not explicitly. I experience general difficulties that come with a disability, but life is manageable to me.
OH it happen to me many times when I was young. Moving from England to Biloxi MS was more of cultural shock, but not only that, it far worse than I can imagine.. segregation. I get poked, name calling, ripping my HA box out of my chest, and so on. Then I finally met a African American guy who was deaf. We get along very well but the biggest problem with southern state, I get beated up (brutal..yes) cuz I was hanging out with "black boy". I'm suppose to stay away from black friend and they gave me all the name calling shit.. since they know I'm too dumb to hang out with him. I was alone again... so we found a way that we can hanged out together in a secluded place, out deep in the forest, near the river where we can go fishing together, playing robots and such. We kept our secret for long time, and we keep our distance in school, acting as we are not friend. It was a tough time for me. Then when my family finally move again to MD, it gotten better. After 4 years living there, I decided to go visit Biloxi MS again and try to find my good friend. Then I discover one of my female friend told me that he died of drug overdose. I know that he also have difficult time of him being deaf, and along with segregation on top of it.

Moving from England to anywhere in USA is a shock and I'm sorry for your experience. Move back to Biloxi soon, that is a great city to live (as long as no major hurricane come in). Then you can hop over to Mobile for Mardi Gras.
Heck Yeah !

As I have endured a significant deterioration of my Hearing these last 8-10 months, I have experienced 2 things. First, in public places where the background noise eliminates most speech recognition, people like waiters/waitresses, cashiers etc ... look at me like I am a tard... cuz they speak and I dont reply.

Secondly, while the majority of people I work with are very understanding, and "get it", there are one or two who say something once, and when I ask them to repeat it, blow me off and walk away. I have heard a couple of people, commenting to each other about "..forget it he cant hear you..." and then laughing about it. Pretty sad... especially when you consider these people all work in the same HOSPITAL I do .. and are suppossedly sensitive to those who aren't 100%.
As I have endured a significant deterioration of my Hearing these last 8-10 months, I have experienced 2 things. First, in public places where the background noise eliminates most speech recognition, people like waiters/waitresses, cashiers etc ... look at me like I am a tard... cuz they speak and I dont reply.

Secondly, while the majority of people I work with are very understanding, and "get it", there are one or two who say something once, and when I ask them to repeat it, blow me off and walk away. I have heard a couple of people, commenting to each other about "..forget it he cant hear you..." and then laughing about it. Pretty sad... especially when you consider these people all work in the same HOSPITAL I do .. and are suppossedly sensitive to those who aren't 100%.

We consider the bolded insensitive. Perhaps you could say they consider you "lacking in intellect."
^^^Thank you Botti! You read my mind there.
My Apologies to all for using a term that was deemed insensitive. I might suggest that such comebacks, be relayed through private messages instead of in public. Now, I find myself embarrassed by having a member correct me in public .. and another comment back to him... also in public.