Elderly women forced to live in garage

Now I know who the couple were. They both are Chinese immigrants and new to Canada. It is really funny that Chinese people was suppose to take good care of the elderly unless it was not true. I remember the quote from China saying that they have a lot of respect to their elderly people and will listen to their wisdom and their experiences. But if there is some Chinese elderly being abused because of their lack of sympathy for their father or mother. Then that is wrong.

If the Chinese couple don't know how to take care of the man's mother, then they should have gone to the caseworker or someone for help how to care for his mother, even if she has Alzheimer's Disease. I wish the couple would explain about the situation why they put his mother in the garage like that. It is a shame that happen to elderly woman who had to suffer under extra extreme condition which she could not handle at all. :(
My parents live in an assisted living center, and though I agree about the frequent lack of quality care, they do not use health aides or volunteers. The staff are licensed professionals and they still cringe when they see me. :lol:

My mother wanted to move into a assisted living center to be closer to me but it did not work. The owner cringe whenever she saw me and my mother hated being around any thing of argument! I was very protected of my mother as she did not know how to stand up for herself and I stop at nothing and mom could not deal it. I was guilty of loving my mother too much! You can't win!
This is obscenely disgusting. I do not like my mother, she has not treated me well, but if she needed care I would no more put her in a basement than I would put my children in one in the middle of winter!! That poor woman deserved at least the minimum of human care, a warm home, food, clean water, a toilet, clothes and access to medical care. No matter what we may do, everyone deserves the basics.

Well said! You seem to be a level-headed young lady!
My mother wanted to move into a assisted living center to be closer to me but it did not work. The owner cringe whenever she saw me and my mother hated being around any thing of argument! I was very protected of my mother as she did not know how to stand up for herself and I stop at nothing and mom could not deal it. I was guilty of loving my mother too much! You can't win!

It is good that you are protective of your mother. We need more people like you!
I would agreed with posts but this post totally sick but its so helpless!!
Ouch, if couple is unable to take care of their grandma so they should send her to nursing home.
It is good that you are protective of your mother. We need more people like you!

My mother dies in 2008. My dad got drunk and wanted to to hit my mother, I told dad that he had to go through me to hit my mother! My dad could had really hurt my mom , she was a little woman. Dad backed off! He could had knocked my block off , but he respected me for standing up to him!
I agree. He had elderly abuse at first hand by his stepson and his wife. That is terrible. What about Mickey's wife? Did she tell her son to stop abusing his stepfather or is that her son? :hmm:

I am not sure what his wife did , she may had been afraid of him too.
Groucho Marx was abused too when he got older. How sad!