Dr. Phil Show Features DeafBlind Triplets who Received CIs

I'm glad your mother's health insurance is able to cover your Imitrex -- and yes, Imitrex is quite expensive! :eek:

I take Imitrex (100 mg tablets) and have been taking it for the past several years. It works like a charm! :) If I don't take Imitrex, I have the same symptoms you described -- nausea, vomiting, dizziness and sensitivity to sound.

I'm also taking Depakote which happens to be a migraine preventative. Ever since I've been on the Depakote, I haven't had any migraines. Without the Depakote, I'd have 2-3 migraines per week. :ugh:

Speaking of which, I have an amusing story to tell you...After my 1st CI surgery, I woke up with a migraine but didn't realize it because of how tired and groggy I felt.

After being given two doses of Tylenol by my nurse, I realized that it wasn't helping the pain. Once I was given Imitrex, all was fine. :)

Every time I think back to that day, I can't help but LOL at the fact that it took me almost 24 hours to realize I had a migraine. :lol:

I also can't sleep to music because like you said, it's too stumulating. I prefer listening to talk radio (or white noise) -- although if I'm listening to an interesting talk radio program, I can't sleep. :)

Wow, I usually get bad migraines 2 to 3 times a week too... dr is kicking me for taking tylenol all the time that could damage my stomach... grr... I will ask for Imitrex or Depakote to kill those migraines... I get them when there's season change or air pressure drop so fast.. or rain...
Wow, I usually get bad migraines 2 to 3 times a week too... dr is kicking me for taking tylenol all the time that could damage my stomach... grr... I will ask for Imitrex or Depakote to kill those migraines... I get them when there's season change or air pressure drop so fast.. or rain...

If your doctor will prescribe them, I'd ask for Imitrex and Depakote (or another migraine preventative like Verapamil -- I used to take that years ago).

Although I haven't had any migraines since being on Depakote, I feel better knowing I have Imitrex just in case. As you know, migraines are debilitating and without medication can take days before they completely disappear.

I also get migraines from cigarette/cigar smoke and allergy attacks (I have year-round allergies and am allergic to dust, pollen, mold and cigarette/cigar smoke) so I take Fexofenadine (Allegra generic). This also cuts down on my migraines.

Prior to being on Fexofenadine, I was on Zyrtec -- until my insurance company no longer paid for it. :pissed:

Fortunately, the Fexofenadine works just as well for me as Zyrtec although my PCP said that we could always appeal if/when the medication loses its effectiveness.

If you end up taking Depakote, be aware that it has side effects such as drowsiness. During the first week I was on Depakote, I felt extremely tired, but this gradually improved each day I took the medication. After one week, I no longer felt tired. Some people also experience weight gain, but this shouldn't be a problem if you exercise on a regular basis.

If you have the chance to try Depakote and/or Imitrex, let me know how it works for you. :)

P.S. If your doctor is unwilling to prescribe Imitrex and Depakote, see if your insurance will pay for an appointment with a neurologist. I saw a neurologist years ago (until I started working with my current PCP) and he had no problem prescribing the medication I needed for my migraines.
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Do you realize the natural father divorced himself from this situation immediately? We can not say anything about the step-father as he is still there living in this household![/QUOT

I don't believe the natural father divorced his family immediately. I know for a fact that he is in their lives still. As a matter of fact the natural father didn't divorce his kids and he and his ex wife divorced for other reasons than the children. Maybe you should check your sources. Before you start assuming things you know nothing about. How did you reach the conclusion above by watching the Dr Phil show?:afro:
Lets get the facts right

Do you realize the natural father divorced himself from this situation immediately? We can not say anything about the step-father as he is still there living in this household!

I am the girls biological father,

Fact - mysel and Liz got divorced in October 2005.
Fact - Liz and George where married In December of December 2005 after a 14 month affair.

Fact - the Children lived with me in the family home until December 2005.

At no point did I desert or divorce myself from the situation. So please get your facts straight.
I am the girls biological father,

Fact - mysel and Liz got divorced in October 2005.
Fact - Liz and George where married In December of December 2005 after a 14 month affair.

Fact - the Children lived with me in the family home until December 2005.

At no point did I desert or divorce myself from the situation. So please get your facts straight.

wow! i can't believe this. you're the triplets' biological father? it's great having you here! welcome! :)
wow! i can't believe this. you're the triplets' biological father? it's great having you here! welcome! :)

Ditto! I do hope he sticks around. I'm sure there is much insight he can give us with his experience.

i sincerely hope you do not decide to leave ad. you could offer us so much insight as to what it is like to raise 3 deafblind triplets.

i'm totally deafblind myself. i was born totally blind, but was born with a mild hearing loss until it continued to progress. by age 24, i was severely to profoudly deaf.

i received my first ci in december, 2004 and my second in february, 2006.

i sincerely hope you do not decide to leave ad. you could offer us so much insight as to what it is like to raise 3 deafblind triplets.

i'm totally deafblind myself. i was born totally blind, but was born with a mild hearing loss until it continued to progress. by age 24, i was severely to profoudly deaf.

i received my first ci in december, 2004 and my second in february, 2006.

Me too! I'm also deafblind.

Did you watch this show yesterday?? I did watch whole it. I am heartbreaking for Emma and Zoe. :-( Because they are still in diapers at 10 ages. Tsk tsk tsk on Liz!!!! I don't sympathy for her relationship situation and not take care of triplets and no service for their needs. I am not a Dr. Phil's fans!!! Now The lady is from New Jersey told Liz to send triplets to Texas School for the Blind and Visual Impaired in Houston, Texas. How stupid of Liz for not research the internet and find a deafblind service at blind school!

Dr. Phil.com - Shows - Silent Darkness Follow-Up
How stupid of Liz for not research the internet and find a deafblind service at blind school!
I KNOW. Virtually ALL blind schools have deafblind programs, and virtually all of them are experianced with deaf-blind multiply disabled kids (b/c most deaf-blind kids are that way due to severe disabilites. However there ARE quite a few high functioning deaf blind folks due to Usher's)
I KNOW. Virtually ALL blind schools have deafblind programs, and virtually all of them are experianced with deaf-blind multiply disabled kids (b/c most deaf-blind kids are that way due to severe disabilites. However there ARE quite a few high functioning deaf blind folks due to Usher's)

Yeah. That's right. It's TRAGIC! Liz made excuse to abandon girls due to hearing loss and have no longer hear her voice. That is why they are fit and temper tartum. Liz treated them like a retard! That's WRONG!!! I believe Liz have mental illness.
These kiddos are severely handicapped, but it is no excuse. They need to be in a program that specializes in Deaf-blind kids! Why on earth are they mainstreamed???? I think it might be in their best interest to be residential. I feel bad for the mom, she is clearly overwhelmed, but still!!! If she can handle the kids, she needs to find a place with people who can.
This entire story has been screwed from the get-go, and personally, I think Dr. Phil exploits families like this. It sickens me like you wouldn't believe.

This family needs tough love. They need to be told that they can't care for their children's needs themselves, and they need help. They need to get those kids into a program; possibly a residential placement like a few have already suggested. These parents should also be told that if they don't do this, they'll be facing neglect charges! To deny those children the opportunity to strive to their full potential IS neglect in my mind!
Man, there's no way any of that can be easy for the mother. But part of me is thinking "jesus, those girls are -way- behind others their age" and that's sad. There's no way two parents can provide three deafblind children with the support they need, as much as I hate to say that. There's not enough hours in a day.

I agree....even if the triplets were hearing/seeing....they would be a "handful"!But they are deaf/blind, which makes it so much harder. Its overwhelming!
This entire story has been screwed from the get-go, and personally, I think Dr. Phil exploits families like this. It sickens me like you wouldn't believe.

This family needs tough love. They need to be told that they can't care for their children's needs themselves, and they need help. They need to get those kids into a program; possibly a residential placement like a few have already suggested. These parents should also be told that if they don't do this, they'll be facing neglect charges! To deny those children the opportunity to strive to their full potential IS neglect in my mind!

Yeah that's exact what I thought of Liz's neglected Emma and Zoe. :(
Did you watch this show yesterday?? I did watch whole it. I am heartbreaking for Emma and Zoe. :-( Because they are still in diapers at 10 ages. Tsk tsk tsk on Liz!!!! I don't sympathy for her relationship situation and not take care of triplets and no service for their needs. I am not a Dr. Phil's fans!!! Now The lady is from New Jersey told Liz to send triplets to Texas School for the Blind and Visual Impaired in Houston, Texas. How stupid of Liz for not research the internet and find a deafblind service at blind school!

Pinky, I'm sorry that you need to reserve harsh criticism for the parents of the DB triplets when you can share support for them. You only have one little baby to take care of. They have three DeafBlind children to take care of themselves.

I believe Liz have mental illness.

Do you have a medical degree to DX Liz? Again, you need to really step back and keep your "harsh criticism" to yourself, thank you.

These kiddos are severely handicapped, but it is no excuse. They need to be in a program that specializes in Deaf-blind kids! Why on earth are they mainstreamed???? I think it might be in their best interest to be residential. I feel bad for the mom, she is clearly overwhelmed, but still!!! If she can handle the kids, she needs to find a place with people who can.

Thank you, FJ!! You said it very well. Granted the three girls are in the very wrong program, Mom is very overwhelmed and shouldn't be criticized at the very get-go.

This entire story has been screwed from the get-go, and personally, I think Dr. Phil exploits families like this. It sickens me like you wouldn't believe.

This family needs tough love. They need to be told that they can't care for their children's needs themselves, and they need help. They need to get those kids into a program; possibly a residential placement like a few have already suggested. These parents should also be told that if they don't do this, they'll be facing neglect charges! To deny those children the opportunity to strive to their full potential IS neglect in my mind!

Why Dr Phil continues his self-serving show baffles me especially when he has to follow the Hippocratic Oath - "First do no harm."

You brought up a lot of excellent points, thank you so much.

I agree....even if the triplets were hearing/seeing....they would be a "handful"!But they are deaf/blind, which makes it so much harder. Its overwhelming!

My point exactly here, three is a handful. Imagine three DeafBlind infants and my point to Pinky, she has no right to call Liz "stupid", "negligent " or assume she has a "mental illness" based on the fact Liz "abandoned" her children because her girls cannot hear her voice.

Pinky may be a first timer Mom but Pinky will feel like losing her mind when she has three kids all at the same time and has to change three diapers at the same time.

I don't have children, I do feel like I'm losing my mind when I misplace my keys!
The Hippocratic Oath doesn't apply to Dr. Phil since he's a former psychologist, not a practicing medical doctor. Psychologists are not required to abide by the Hippocratic Oath.

Furthermore, the translation often referred to in the Oath is best translated as "to abstain from doing harm," not "do no harm." Why the big difference? The former implies refraining from doing unnecessary harm; the latter implies doing no harm at all.
These kiddos are severely handicapped, but it is no excuse. They need to be in a program that specializes in Deaf-blind kids! Why on earth are they mainstreamed???? I think it might be in their best interest to be residential. I feel bad for the mom, she is clearly overwhelmed, but still!!! If she can handle the kids, she needs to find a place with people who can.
I KNOW!!!!! I have to say we REALLY need to get rid of the stigma of placing kids in a residental school both for dhh kids AND severely handicapped kids. I really think a lot of the experts and disabilty rights activists who push "living at home always" DO NOT understand that local resources may not be the best for even kids who arre "just dhh"
Also in the case of severely disabled kids, it is VERY difficult to take care of them. Multiply that by three, and it's too much for almost any parent.
The Hippocratic Oath doesn't apply to Dr. Phil since he's a former psychologist. Psychologists are not required to abide by the Hippocratic Oath.

Even as a former psychologist, Dr Phil is bound by The Oath of Geneva.

When he is on The Dr Phil Show, he practises psychology by dispensing solicited advice therefore he is bound by ethical boundaries.

The Oath of Geneva

Physician's Oath

At the time of being admitted as a member of the medical profession:

I solemnly pledge myself to consecrate my life to the service of humanity;
I will give to my teachers the respect and gratitude which is their due;
I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity; the health of my patient will be my first consideration;
I will maintain by all the means in my power, the honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession; my colleagues will be my brothers;
I will not permit considerations of religion, nationality, race, party politics or social standing to intervene between my duty and my patient;
I will maintain the utmost respect for human life from the time of conception, even under threat, I will not use my medical knowledge contrary to the laws of humanity;
I make these promises solemnly, freely and upon my honor.