down with RIAA!

LinuxGold said:
I heartily agree with you there!

That would be nice, everyone puts in 40 hours, and everything (within reason) would be free. People would be fed, clothed, and provided with nice things for they're house. There really isnt a reason why people cant work 40 hours and not be able to provide for themselfs and they're family comfortably. I really believe that it is in the worlds best interest to do this, but it isnt likely to happen within my lifetime. Hell, even if it was 48 hours a week, free health care, food, clothing, and a nice place to live in, cant argue with that, so long as its not like russia 10-40 years ago.
megladon, you can't have it both ways. You're proposing a communist-type system yet you say "but not like russia". How can you have a communist system and have it not be like Russia?

You said "not in my life time". Why not?
Bush_in_2004! said:
megladon, you can't have it both ways. You're proposing a communist-type system yet you say "but not like russia". How can you have a communist system and have it not be like Russia?

You said "not in my life time". Why not?

Because russia the government dictated who would get what, and how much. What we need, is more then that. If we're going to only work for the fact that we know we can get by, and be taken care of forever, and we're mainly only working for the betterment of ourselfs and humans... We cant have things like in russia. There really isnt a reason why people cant all have a house, not an appartment, a house, maybe not a mansion, but that is life. If we all worked to better ourselfs, there isnt a reason we all couldnt be happy with what we had. I say it wont happen in my life because of greed, and how everything is. Hell, look how long it took to get the euro going. Sure the dollar is used almost everywhere, but its not the official currancy of most countrys. We'll need to wait another 50 years, when europe is run by 1 govt, advancements in food production mean food decaying from lack of being eaten, before we're like, hey, we make enough we can just give it away to places that need it... It will happen someday, assuming we make it that far.
megladon, well you've made your argument although it still doesn't make much sense to me.

Nutty, can't afford CDs? You can LEGALLY download hot tracks at the iTunes Store for .99 cents each.
and to mention that Apple is coming out with the Windows version of iTunes store by the end of this year.
Banjo said:
and to mention that Apple is coming out with the Windows version of iTunes store by the end of this year.

I'll bet Bill Gates is steaming over this.
Bush_in_2004! said:
I'll bet Bill Gates is steaming over this.

and the fact that iLife softwares that Apple has provided is far superior to Microsoft's red-taped digital softwares.
Nuty said:

And they WILL punish you for it. Severely. They will come to your house and hurt you. Brutally. If you download music, you will pay, one way or another. But I can't afford
the CD!

holy cow, That AD.. from RIAA... that's threaten! no excuse to kill people when they caught you.. that's threaten..
Jeez... what's the big deal with RIAA? If they didn't overcharge us, we wouldn't abuse their sales so much.

I read in a newspaper recently that they announced the names and picture of various people being sued... before those people even knew about it. One woman got a call from a newspaper because her daughter's picture was published. Jeez! Even a 75-yr-old man is being sued because his grandson downloads music when he visits.