down with RIAA!

The world would be a lot better if it was like Star Trek. Why? In the Star Trek universe, everything is free. It only costs money if you go to specific areas in the universe/gallaxy. However, in the Federation (our homeworld)... everything is free. Your status is not by how much money you have but by the skills you have. Food is replicated. Just say what you want and it's provided. Holodecks are available for anyone for anything. Just say what you want and the holodeck makes it. Hell, you could ask for CedarPoint and it becomes available for you to walk around for free! You get the thrill of CedarPoint in a room that's no bigger than a 1-bedroom apartment! Movies? Go see them for free!
I'm curious as to how we support these "free" sites? What would be the motivation for people to go out and create "free" sites on the web?
Still am 258 about that...although, I'm :deaf:, my husband has been forewarned about this...he doesn't have to worry about anything that RIAA will have against him because he only downloads music for his own use. ;)
kalboy said:

Easy way to beat them, set up shop at, they created they're own country on an old oil rig off the coast of brit. They're 1 thing they refuse to host, kiddy porn, so anything thats copywrited, screw that, put it up. The only thing is the $$ to host it there, the riaa couldnt do crap to get ip's from people, everyone would need a login, and you'd have to find a way to charge them say 25$ for a lifetime membership or whatever, then host gig's of files and songs, and tell the riaa to piss off.
m sez: "so anything thats copywrited, screw that'

me: so, what do you have to say to the writers, artists, musicians, et al of the world? screw em?
Bush_in_2004! said:
m sez: "so anything thats copywrited, screw that'

me: so, what do you have to say to the writers, artists, musicians, et al of the world? screw em?

The above mentioned appear in no way to not be able to afford what they want in life. I pay for what i really enjoy. The day when i'll buy a cd to find out that it only has 1 song on it i like are over. I refuse to pay 12+ dollars for 1 song. It is the recording industry that is the real evil here. The fact that it costs them on average about 2 cents to make a cd. The cd then sells from 10 bucks to 19-20 depending on who the band is.

The fact is they've been making a killing on us for years by selling us cheap plastic for vastly inflated amounts. And now that something threatens they're profit, the horns come out and they're true face is shown. Its not just music that this could happen to. Any market that over charges its goods in this way could have the bottem cut out of it if there was a way to distribute it cheaper. Sadly its not always that easy, but with the net and cheap cable connections, the riaa has to get pissy about a few dollars.

What else is sad, is that they dont want me to be able to copy a cd for my own use. I use the hell outa cd's, and they do scratch rather easy. Why cant i copy a cd for my own use? Well they made some stupid laws vastly restricting what i can do with my own stuff. So, they expect me to buy a brand new cd every time mine gets enough scratches in it where i cant listen to the songs without it skipping. Thats BS, and i'm waving the BULLSHIT flag all over on that.
m, I agree with you on some of the aspects of the RIAA. In fact, some changes is being considered by Congress.

However, to encourage a blanket disregard to copyright laws will earn you no support. In fact, such comments only stregnthen the RIAA because they can point to post like yours and make their case.

Go ahead and complain loud as you want about the RIAA, you have that right. But to encourage law breaking, well that's another story.
Bush_in_2004! said:
m, I agree with you on some of the aspects of the RIAA. In fact, some changes is being considered by Congress.

However, to encourage a blanket disregard to copyright laws will earn you no support. In fact, such comments only stregnthen the RIAA because they can point to post like yours and make their case.

Go ahead and complain loud as you want about the RIAA, you have that right. But to encourage law breaking, well that's another story.

Laws are only about as good as the people that make them. Riaa, assholes, the laws they help write up, worthless. And we all know what people do with stupid laws. Anyone reading AD speed? Speeding, a semi useless law, people do it all the time, and most get away with it. I'm not saying that to go out and comit rampant crimes is a good thing, what i'm saying is that if your 1 of the faceless masses doing something and there is little or no chance of being caught and it helps you out without really hurting anyone (riaa isnt anyone trust me) then go for it.
"there is little or no chance of being caught and it helps you out without really hurting anyone"

hmm . . . thats what Kenneth Lay thought.

Laws are written by the will of the voters. If you don't like the law(s), vote out the people that are writing them. By becoming a thug, especially one that gets caught, you'll find your concerns pretty much ignored by the masses. :eek:

By the way the RIAA DOES have some vital purposes but I suspect you're in no mood to hear about them.
VamPyroX said:
The world would be a lot better if it was like Star Trek. Why? In the Star Trek universe, everything is free. It only costs money if you go to specific areas in the universe/gallaxy. However, in the Federation (our homeworld)... everything is free. Your status is not by how much money you have but by the skills you have. Food is replicated. Just say what you want and it's provided. Holodecks are available for anyone for anything. Just say what you want and the holodeck makes it. Hell, you could ask for CedarPoint and it becomes available for you to walk around for free! You get the thrill of CedarPoint in a room that's no bigger than a 1-bedroom apartment! Movies? Go see them for free!
I heartily agree with you there!