Doom 3

Should I selling Doom 3? I have GeForce 5200 but doesnt good running with Doom 3, I dunno why. sell it or save it for new computer or rid of it and save money for Doom 3 on Xbox relase Oct 1?

WOW! Look at my grammar are horrible in 2004. I'm glad that I have a good video card GTX 260 now and consider upgrade GTX 295 later.
Wow, old thread!
I was wondering what was new about Doom 3 now. Or Doom 4 was in the works (no way!) ;)

JHuschke, there's a site that has all the transcriptions and captioning for Doom 3. Granted, it's not a modification ingame, but it has everything you want to read on there.
Welcome to Doom3[CC]

If you want to take it up with someone, take it up with ID software personally. But Doom 3 is 5 years old, that's probably why there aren't any subtitles. It was low-key at that time.

Games nowadays seem to come with subtitles much more frequently. I think it's due to the fact that they start releasing internationally, so it's handy to have the extra subtitles available in other countries to cheapen the need for audio dubs.

Yeah, I have went there and quite a bit of people say it won't work because it was made a while ago and was especially for XP. I have Vista, and it hasn't worked. I do see the splash screens and such, but then nothing else happens. But thanks for your help lad..I have been trying to get in contact with the [CC] modders, but no one has seemed to respond within the week I have sent them the email.

Also, the website is totally out-of-date...there are bad links for everything, including downloading the subtitle mod. Maybe there is a way for me to make a subtitle mod for Doom 3..thing is, I have never made one!
I wouldn't mind if anyone will remote assistant through my computer and set up CC in DOOM 3. I gave up after I struggle for few hours and not work! Please help me :D
Wow, old thread!
I was wondering what was new about Doom 3 now. Or Doom 4 was in the works (no way!) ;)

JHuschke, there's a site that has all the transcriptions and captioning for Doom 3. Granted, it's not a modification ingame, but it has everything you want to read on there.
Welcome to Doom3[CC]

If you want to take it up with someone, take it up with ID software personally. But Doom 3 is 5 years old, that's probably why there aren't any subtitles. It was low-key at that time.

Games nowadays seem to come with subtitles much more frequently. I think it's due to the fact that they start releasing internationally, so it's handy to have the extra subtitles available in other countries to cheapen the need for audio dubs.

I got that on my game, BUT, Doom3 had a new patch that was released a year ago I think and the CC mod that you pointed out wont work with the new u want CC to work, dont update the doom3 patch.
I wouldn't mind if anyone will remote assistant through my computer and set up CC in DOOM 3. I gave up after I struggle for few hours and not work! Please help me :D

Did you updated to the newest Doom3 patch? If you did...I believe that is your problem because CC mod havent been updated to work with the newest patch.
Games[CC] - HOME

Doom3[CC] Source Released
Doom3[CC] v2.0 source (compatible with Doom3 v1.3) is now available for download. Lately, I've been getting email saying that the mod doesn't work with Doom3. id Software recently released a patch making the latest Doom3 version 1.3.1. This makes the closed captioning mod incompatible with it and many people cannot use it anymore. I wish developers could update games without making mods have to update their source code and release new versions. Unfortunately, I can't update the mod and therefore, I'm releasing the source in the hopes that someone can do the job of porting it to work with D3 v1.3.1. Many people will be very happy! Be sure to get the assets from the official release. If you do port this, let me know so I can praise your work!
Did you updated to the newest Doom3 patch? If you did...I believe that is your problem because CC mod havent been updated to work with the newest patch.

I did update latest update but I don't know where to put CC file in Doom 3 file. That's why I want someone who know and remote assistance to put correct file.
I installed Doom 3 today and updated patch version 1.3.1 then extract all doom 3 cc. then open doom 3 and click mod and click doom 3 cc and I get error DLL. I am really frustrating with it. I get like like this:

DOOM win-x86 Jan 16 2007 15:36:51
2833 MHz Intel CPU with MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 & HTT
3328 MB System Memory
896 MB Video Memory
Winsock Initialized
Found interface: {XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX} Realtek RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC #2 - Packet Scheduler Miniport - XXX.XXX.X.XX/XXX.XXX.XXX.X
Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface
doom using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
------ Initializing File System ------
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 with checksum 0xf07eb555
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game01.pk4 with checksum 0x51c6981f
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game02.pk4 with checksum 0xf3ec6f7
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game03.pk4 with checksum 0x5d4230ea
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 with checksum 0x28d208f1
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 with checksum 0x40244be0
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 with checksum 0xc51ecdcd
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 with checksum 0xcd79d028
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x765e4f8b
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x8ffc3621
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x95b65ab
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak007.pk4 with checksum 0x666bdb3c
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x23ae5993
Current search path:
C:\Program Files\Doom 3/base
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak008.pk4 (3 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak007.pk4 (38 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak006.pk4 (48 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 (63 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game03.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game02.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game01.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
file system initialized.
----- Initializing Decls -----
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
using ARB renderSystem
renderSystem initialized.
5206 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
5206 strings read from strings/english.lang
----- Initializing Sound System ------
WARNING: LoadLibrary openal32.dll failed.
sound system initialized.
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...registered window class
...registered fake window class
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (1600x1200)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
   maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_NV_register_combiners
...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
X..GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using EXT_depth_bounds_test
---------- R_NV20_Init ----------
----------- R200_Init -----------
Not available.
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
glprogs/arbVP_glasswarp.txt: File not found
glprogs/arbFP_glasswarp.txt: File not found
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
found DLL in pak file: C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game03.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\gamex86.dll
game using MMX & SSE & SSE2 & SSE3 for SIMD processing
enabled Flush-To-Zero mode
enabled Denormals-Are-Zero mode
--------- Initializing Game ----------
gamename: baseDOOM-1
gamedate: Jan 16 2007
Initializing event system
...473 event definitions
Initializing class hierarchy
...142 classes, 191092 bytes for event callbacks
Initializing scripts
Compiled 'interpolateShaderParm': 736.8 ms
---------- Compile stats ----------

Memory usage:
     Strings: 79, 9648 bytes
  Statements: 67875, 1357500 bytes
   Functions: 2109, 250532 bytes
   Variables: 147376 bytes
    Mem used: 2476344 bytes
 Static data: 2277552 bytes
   Allocated: 3281600 bytes
 Thread size: 7068 bytes

...6 aas types
game initialized.
-------- Initializing Session --------
WARNING: idChoiceWindow::InitVars: gui 'guis/mainmenu.gui' window 'SNDBPrimary' references undefined cvar 's_driver'
session initialized
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
------------- Warnings ---------------
during DOOM 3 initialization...
WARNING: idChoiceWindow::InitVars: gui 'guis/mainmenu.gui' window 'SNDBPrimary' references undefined cvar 's_driver'
WARNING: LoadLibrary openal32.dll failed.
2 warnings
guid set to ZLqK3L+3TH4
============= ReloadEngine start =============
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...resetting display
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
------------ Game Shutdown -----------
--------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
Shutdown event system
------ Initializing File System ------
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 with checksum 0xf07eb555
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game01.pk4 with checksum 0x51c6981f
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game02.pk4 with checksum 0xf3ec6f7
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game03.pk4 with checksum 0x5d4230ea
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 with checksum 0x28d208f1
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 with checksum 0x40244be0
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 with checksum 0xc51ecdcd
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 with checksum 0xcd79d028
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 with checksum 0x765e4f8b
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 with checksum 0x8ffc3621
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak006.pk4 with checksum 0x95b65ab
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak007.pk4 with checksum 0x666bdb3c
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak008.pk4 with checksum 0x23ae5993
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\doom3cc.pk4 with checksum 0xff33a453
Loaded pk4 C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\game00.pk4 with checksum 0x64246456
Current search path:
C:\Program Files\Doom 3/doom3cc_v2.0
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\game00.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\doom3cc.pk4 (268 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3/base
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak008.pk4 (3 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak007.pk4 (38 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak006.pk4 (48 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak005.pk4 (63 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak004.pk4 (5137 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak003.pk4 (4676 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak002.pk4 (6120 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak001.pk4 (8972 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\pak000.pk4 (2698 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game03.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game02.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game01.pk4 (2 files)
C:\Program Files\Doom 3\base\game00.pk4 (2 files)
game DLL: 0x0 in pak: 0x0
Addon pk4s:
file system initialized.
background thread already running
----- Initializing Decls -----
------- Initializing renderSystem --------
renderSystem initialized.
5184 strings read from strings/english.lang
Couldn't open journal files
execing editor.cfg
execing default.cfg
execing DoomConfig.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
5184 strings read from strings/english.lang
----- Initializing Sound System ------
WARNING: LoadLibrary openal32.dll failed.
sound system initialized.
----- R_InitOpenGL -----
Initializing OpenGL subsystem
...initializing QGL
...calling LoadLibrary( 'opengl32' ): succeeded
...calling CDS: ok
...created window @ 0,0 (1600x1200)
Initializing OpenGL driver
...getting DC: succeeded
...creating GL context: succeeded
...making context current: succeeded

------- Input Initialization -------
Initializing DirectInput...
mouse: DirectInput initialized.
keyboard: DirectInput initialized.
sound: STEREO
...using GL_ARB_multitexture
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_combine
...using GL_ARB_texture_cube_map
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3
...using GL_ARB_texture_env_add
...using GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two
...using GL_ARB_texture_compression
...using GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc
...using GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
   maxTextureAnisotropy: 16.000000
...using GL_1.4_texture_lod_bias
X..GL_EXT_shared_texture_palette not found
...using GL_EXT_texture3D
...using GL_EXT_stencil_wrap
...using GL_NV_register_combiners
...using GL_EXT_stencil_two_side
X..GL_ATI_fragment_shader not found
X..GL_ATI_text_fragment_shader not found
...using GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object
...using GL_ARB_vertex_program
...using GL_ARB_fragment_program
...using EXT_depth_bounds_test
---------- R_NV20_Init ----------
----------- R200_Init -----------
Not available.
---------- R_ARB2_Init ----------
----- R_ReloadARBPrograms -----
glprogs/arbVP_glasswarp.txt: File not found
glprogs/arbFP_glasswarp.txt: File not found
using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory
using ARB2 renderSystem
found DLL in pak file: C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\game00.pk4/gamex86.dll
copy gamex86.dll to C:\Program Files\Doom 3\doom3cc_v2.0\gamex86.dll
3 0 1600 1200
Regenerated world, staticAllocCount = 0.
Shutting down sound hardware
Shutting down OpenGL subsystem
...wglMakeCurrent( NULL, NULL ): success
...deleting GL context: success
...releasing DC: success
...destroying window
...shutting down QGL
...unloading OpenGL DLL
wrong game DLL API version
I installed Doom 3 today and updated patch version 1.3.1 then extract all doom 3 cc. then open doom 3 and click mod and click doom 3 cc and I get error DLL. I am really frustrating with it. I get like like this:

The newest doom3 updated patch version 1.3.1 WONT work with the mod u are trying to use. U will need to reinstall Doom3(i am not sure if there is another way) and DONT use the update button that u see and google up version 1.3.0 (they should be out there somewhere)and update your game.

After u do all that, read this and it will show you how to plug in the mod into the game file.
The newest doom3 updated patch version 1.3.1 WONT work with the mod u are trying to use. U will need to reinstall Doom3(i am not sure if there is another way) and DONT use the update button that u see and google up version 1.3.0 (they should be out there somewhere)and update your game.

After u do all that, read this and it will show you how to plug in the mod into the game file.

All right I will do uninstall Doom 3 and reinstall then update 1.3.0 tomorrow. Thanks SoS!
Wow I have no problem with Doom3 for CC. Well, It's happen in 5 years ago. FYI I dislike CC style for Doom3. Sometime it's block my view.
Wow I have no problem with Doom3 for CC. Well, It's happen in 5 years ago. FYI I dislike CC style for Doom3. Sometime it's block my view.

Thats one of main complains for most gamers have. At first I felt it was way too much info on my screen that I dont really need. I got used to it, but at first it was annoying.
Did you updated to the newest Doom3 patch? If you did...I believe that is your problem because CC mod havent been updated to work with the newest patch.
In that case, you would probably have to re-install Doom 3 and not add any patch.

If the Doom 3 you have is already the updated version (includes the patch), then there's nothing you can do.

I had that problem with Command & Conquer years ago. There was a glitch in the game that made it more fun to play with. The patch fixed it and we couldn't exploit that glitch any more.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Doom 3 (Didn't install Doom 3 and patch yet) then start up the game and got error. Well fuck Doom 3 and anyone want Doom 3 for free. It's already 5 years old, interested Doom 3, anyone? I am looking forward to play Doom 4 and hope they will have subtitle in game.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Doom 3 (Didn't install Doom 3 and patch yet) then start up the game and got error. Well fuck Doom 3 and anyone want Doom 3 for free. It's already 5 years old, interested Doom 3, anyone? I am looking forward to play Doom 4 and hope they will have subtitle in game.

Hey, I want your Doom 3, I never got Doom 3 for PC. I love all of Doom series
Well I have Doom 2, Doom 3, and Doom 3 Resurrection of Evil. I love the Doom series but the Doom movie is ok. Who knows they make a better Doom movie. As for Doom 4, I look forward to it and I hope my graphic card can handle the Doom 4. When will Doom 4 be released?
I finally got it!! It looks and runs wonderful on my PC, I tweaking a bit for widescreen but still looks not correct for 16:10 ratios mode... :) I forget to put a CC mods after I already patched to 1.3.1. :doh:
I am trying to make it widescreen at 1440x900, but it looks bit offset. Is it looking naturally wide to you?
