don't want to pay child support?

The worse I heard was a father injecting his son with HIV to get out of child support.....

Wow, Seriously - That is just messed up! :roll:

Anyone can be a mother or a father but it takes more than that to actually to be an parent to take responsibility for their child/children.
I would have to move out to another country to avoid the child support instead.
Very pathetic of him. I remember a similar story years ago where a former player from the Carolina Panthers hired some men to kill his ex gf who was preggy and he was worried about being forced to pay child support. :roll:

So three men gunned down the young woman on the car chase with their Uzi, and was rushed to the hospital bleeding to death and she died but the baby, which was a miracle survived.

One day while he was in prison he said he wanted to see the baby...alot of us went WTF? He said he regret for what he done and he wanted to see his son but I dont think he ever got the chance so he's spending some time in prison for a VERY long time.

It is a terrible loss to the baby's mother and he is being raised by his grandmother, the mother of her daughter who was shot and killed.

I did heard this story, I'm admit it ... men really an idiot!

I love children, I love kids and they are so cute! Why I should kill my own kid for no reason? I really not like it because my kid is same my blood, but people? WTF? sound like they do care about money more than kid.

If I have own kid and if Kid's Mother is not my wife or girlfriend, I will hire a good lawyer because I have a good job so I will make sure ... every 2 weeks for mother's place and 2 weeks for father's place so mother don't need get my own money! because I can feed my own kid or I can spend any money with my own kid for 2 weeks and kid's mother can spend her money with her own kid for 2 weeks (total 4 weeks for one month!)

I don't care if kid's mother want a money for drugs or drinking or clothes, she will NEVER get my own money! if she is not my wife or girlfriend! Many of my friends did agreed with me and support my idea. I know some women got money from Child Support and most money do not go for her own kid or kids, most she do spend money over herself enjoy, I seem many of women done! I did heard many of women done! women should know ... Child Support Money is Not Party, Not Fun Spend for Only Mother? No, this is wrong! Child Support Money for ONLY KID! Kid want new clothes then use this Child Support Money and Kid want McDonald's then use this Child Support Money, Women know better.
No. Move to Canada to beat your ass up. :D

You won't because many deaf tried to find me but mostly of them never find me and they know my favour is private life.

If you find me, I will say "good for you" and wanna drink a Canadian Beer? :laugh2:
I've seen cases where a formal letter is hand-delivered to the father and the father (knowing that it's in regards to child support) simply denies being that person.

*Bob knocks on door*
*Jack opens door*
Bob: "Hello, is Jack here?"
Jack: *thinking that it's related to his ex-wife and child support* "No, Jack isn't here."
Bob: "Okay, have a nice day."

It's usually a problem when they're out-of-state.

Dads aren't the only ones killing kids ya know, so do mothers.

Most don't care for protection when having sex, they want to "feel" the sex.

Most have expectations not to have kids, they're kidding themselves when they think that.

Speaking of mothers, alot of babies end up in the trash cans or find a way to get rid of them because of disapproving BFs.

Bottom line, alot of males and females are selfish.