Does anybody have anxiety/panic disorder?

Sweetheart said:
I have Panariod Personality Disoder. I will be worry for no reason, such like that. I have problems with panariod abt everything. But right now, I get a little better but later, I will get better more and more for sure.

Sweetheart, what helps calm you down? Do you do something relaxing or take relax medicine?
Sweetheart said:
I have Panariod Personality Disoder. I will be worry for no reason, such like that. I have problems with panariod abt everything. But right now, I get a little better but later, I will get better more and more for sure.

Yeah my 10 years younger sister Tanja has the similar problem as you... It´s not very easy with her because she refused to get the help... She´s very co-dependancy person.

Peachlady´s post
Sweetheart, what helps calm you down? Do you do something relaxing or take relax medicine?

medicine do not solve anything but execise, do something to get mind off... use any hobby, go for a walk, etc.
I had panic disorder when I was a late teen. It sucked.

I didn't have panic attacks for almost a decade and just about a month ago, I had a panic attack due to excessive anxiety but I just let it go instead of fighting with it. That definitely made the panic attack go away much sooner.
In the past I suffered from panick attacks but I had these attacks only
because my mother was dying and I had no one to talk to, that and
I at one point before moving here lived in a very bad neighborhood where
I had 14 attempted break ins on my home so my nerves stayed very shot because of that.

I couldn't sit still for very long periods because I felt I needed to run to get away from all that around me I could not control and inside I hurt so much emotionally it was more than I could bear so I had to just get a grip, and find things that would calm me, for me that is outdoor work, I also had to eliminate from my life all the things which upset me.
Hi Everyone,
I am hearing, but I thought I would share that I also have panic disorder, along with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and bipolar disorder. It's very hard sometimes. Right now, I am facing finals at college, as well as my housing being up in the air (I have to move soon and don't know where I am going).
:eek: As you probabably know, stress triggers all of these disorders, so I am struggling with depression again. It's good to know that I am not alone. :applause:
God bless,