Do you go to a gym?

I wish I had a partner to go to the gym because I need the motivation to make me go. The weather has been warming up lately so hopefully I'll start walking around the 3-mile lake. Many people are walking so watching them walking makes me walk. :)
Drink whey protein shakes to gain weight.

:whip: ride em cowboy.

Yes and No.

Drink whey or casein or egg protein will help muscle fibers to grow, AS LONG it is in recommended intake according to the lean body weight.

Too much protein = convert into fat
Under protein = convert into fat

Surprising, eh? This is because human bodies have the tendencies to starve themselves and could have ended up in binge eating or eat incorrect balanced food. Having said that, right amount of protein will help you to satisfy hunger and maintain muscle fibers.
93 pounds. Thats light? How tall are you?

I'm 210 pounds 6'4", 18% fat. I used to weigh more than 260 pounds, 32% fat. It was a huge transformation for me, sweat, tears, torture and dedication brings results I wanted. Rock on Summer, here I come.

I am only 5'3
Bowflex is that a machine?

If so its very expensive if I am correct? Does it work better than the gym?
Bowflex is that a machine?

If so its very expensive if I am correct? Does it work better than the gym?

It works just as well as a all depends on the person who is more motivated to exercise at home or at the gym. If u are motivated to exercise at home then it would be worth it but if not..gym is probably better. I used to buy all these exercise machines for my home but they ended up collecting dust so I go to the gym. I realized that for me to stay motivated with exercise, I must go to the gym straight after work cuz if I step in my home, I dont want to exercise. Weird pychological thing with me. :giggle:
you have LTF in md!??? :shock:

i thought they only had them out here?? wow!!!
my bf is a member... he wants me to join with him but it is so damn costly (intiate fee plus monthly) sheesh! but it is a beautiful gym!!! have never seen a gym like LTF! with two swimming pools (indoor and outdoor)... and also rockclimbing classes!!!??? other than different classes like aqua, aerobic, kickboxing, etc... i am tempted to join but we are moving back to the city in a few months and we don't have LTF in the city... only out the burbs... :roll:

ONLY ONE LFT in MD and it is 5 MINS from my work...LUCKY ME!!! I used to be a member of Gold's Gym and my co workers started telling me about LFT..I had never heard of it. They were saying how they were looking forward to the grand opening (May 2006, I think) and I was like ok whatever. It opens, my friends talk about how much they enjoy going to the gym and I was like ok whatever...a gym is a gym, right? In July, my friend came over to hang out with me. She said she felt sore cuz she had just finished worked out. I asked her where and she said LFT..I was like huh? 5th person to join? So, I asked her about it and she was alll excited and kept telling me all this about it. Most of the info went over my head...after she left, my curiosity got the best of me so I checked its website. Looked neat so I called and made an appt. Told my husband we have an appt Sunday morning...and he was like NO I want to sleep in...*grumbling*. We went..I went :jaw: cancelled my Gold Gym's membership and joined! I love it over the summer cuz I can take my kids swimming and stay there all day without having to pay each time to go swimming. I go and drop them off at the day care, work out and pick them up zoom to the pool for fun all day. :) It is my only LUXURY that I can afford...:giggle:

The cost is about $10 more a month than most of the gyms around here but worth it!
It works just as well as a all depends on the person who is more motivated to exercise at home or at the gym. If u are motivated to exercise at home then it would be worth it but if not..gym is probably better. I used to buy all these exercise machines for my home but they ended up collecting dust so I go to the gym. I realized that for me to stay motivated with exercise, I must go to the gym straight after work cuz if I step in my home, I dont want to exercise. Weird pychological thing with me. :giggle:

I agree with you Shel90 about the exercise machines at home haha.. I more motivated to go to the gym and workout. I have toned my arms that's a bonus now working on my abs those are the worse ha.. I am getting there might post a pic at a later time heehee