Dislike Smoking Commerical

Yes that one! FLY FREE--- that one! THANK YOU for refresh my memory! It's cute about daddy and her daughter but other part with drugs-- it's OK OK example but still! YOU KNOW?

Yea, I know Bango. It might be fake but who knows! *shrugs* But poor that kid in that commerical *sighs* Some parents wont be responsible to smoke around kids- they should be smoking outside and keep their home atomsphere *air* inside CLEAN so kids can breath-- no smokes smell on the walls, clothes, etc u know? oh well hope that can improve later on in the future
Well the tobacco buddies in the Bush administration is behind the flip flop.


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*changed my mind*
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I happen to agree with you, it was a poor taste of commerical that you have seen on TV....I haven't seen that commerical yet myself....
^Angel^ said:
I respect your opinion but I happen to disagree, I don't think cigarette is a drug, if so then I would have been high already....but that is just your opinion....

Actually, I wasn't expressing my opinion... I was stating a fact.

Cigarette is a drug. Especially when it has nicotine and more small poisonous ingredients. Around 3,000 to 4,000 different dangerous substances in a single cigarette.

Facts can't be argued with. That's like saying Earth is flat when it isn't.


<drug> A plant alkaloid from tobacco, blocks transmission at nicotinic synapses.

(18 Nov 1997)


Nicotine is a poisonous ingredient. They can be found in animal tranquilizers, some brands of insecticides, tobacco leaves, cigarettes, chewing tobacco, pipe tobacco, nicotine gum, etc. Imagine how many poisonous ingredients a person inhale from a single cigarette.
VamPyroX said:
I've never heard of a smoking commercial.
TV commercials selling cigarettes have been banned since 1970 in America.

I think DelicPumpkPie saw a PSA against smoking.

Commercials sell products and services. Companies pay TV and radio stations for the time they use.

PSAs (Public Service Announcements) support non-profit groups for the public good. Air time for them is free, and it is required for TV and radio stations to use a percentage of their air time to show them. They promote such things as good health, animal shelters, anti-littering, safe driving, literacy, etc.
Its funny that you guys talked about this.. Yesterday, I was watching play offs-- OFC Vikings loss.. anyway..
I saw the beer commericals..
I told my man.. that its not fair for Cigarettes banned and Let Beers go on commericals.. Beers are much wrose than Cigarettes..
People smoke and slowly die from cigarettes and lead the kids becoming smokers.. BUT..
what about beer & whiskey.. it has alcoholic in it.. people get drunk from it, and drink/drive.. kill others.. also it does lead the kids becoming alcoholicism... ALSO its not good for pregnancies too.. People drink and slowly die from it but kills them rightaway if overdrink or out driving and hit someone..
So my theory that Beers/whiskey commericals should be banned? is it fair enough?

I was like SMH at Commericals.. Most of us were young and we had cigarette commericals .. with those handsome guys.. but it didnt affect us smoking.. I just quit smoking since my surgery (Nov).. its HARD but.. my smoking affect by PEER PRESSURE.. not from commericals.. commericals just making monies.. or comparism with other companies..
Now days... the commericals dont make sense or stupidity.. We missed the commericals in 80's they are funny-awesome..
MsGiglz said:
I saw the beer commericals..
.. that its not fair for Cigarettes banned and Let Beers go on commericals.. Beers are much wrose than Cigarettes....
Beer companies claim that their ads do not cause people to take up beer drinking, nor do they encourage increased beer drinking. They claim that the ads only cause people to prefer that brand of beer instead of the competitors' beers.

That is their claim. I am not saying that it is true.

That used to be the same excuse for cigarette advertising.
DelicPumpkPie said:
*sighs* I watch a commerical with a girl in the car and the mother rolled up the window and locked the doors. Then light up her cigs. I HATE THAT commerical. I know it's showing an example but WRONG WAY to show the commerical like that. POOR THAT KID to suffer that smoking air trapped in that car! :(

Anyone of you see that commerical yet or lately?

was that the FOR THE TRUTH commercial?
DelicPumpkPie said:
Yes that one! FLY FREE--- that one! THANK YOU for refresh my memory! It's cute about daddy and her daughter but other part with drugs-- it's OK OK example but still! YOU KNOW?

ahhh gotcha -- no plm DPP :D that PSA commercial is really targeted to the parents not the kids -- yes i know what u mean but it does hit home to the parents tho cuz it makes the parents IMAGINE what could happen, thus encourage them to have a preventive measure in place which IS to talk to the kids before they experiment with drugs, booze, cigs or any other substances
This thread reminded me of something....most of you may be too young to remember this, but when I was a kid in the 1970s, there were cigarette ads in magazines, one of them was of people with black eyes (but they look like for football players) and they were smoking. The signature line for these ads were "I rather fight than switch!". I forgot the name of the brand of cigarette ads there were advertising in these magazine ads. ALSO I remember the Malboro cowboy man in cig ads then too....he always had a cigarette in his mouth. The model who played him had died of of a condition related to smoking (I think it was lung cancer).
Since the 1970s, I have not seen anymore of these cig ads, except for Joe Cool which that disappeared too.

Hey, you all are missing the point. Anti-smoking commericals are not banned. Commericals trying to sell cigarettes are banned. I agree with Banjo, it's best to show the graphic details of the effects of smoking. I love Canada's graphic warnings on their cigarettes, warning people of the effects of smoking. In Utah, they have a huge anti-smoking campaign, which broadcast a lot of commericals on the television warning people the effects of smoking.

One commerical I saw in Utah TV shows you an autospy room, with a lung or windpipe on the table. Then you see the hands (covered with rubber scrubs etc) holding one end of it, pushing the inside items out of it. It showed a lot of ughy yellow mass coming out of the pipe. It was disgusting to see, but quite effective in my thoughts.

In Quebec, I saw a funny commerical where they show people in a restaurant trying to hold their breathe. You see each table with people holding their breath, then a kid holding breath, then the waiter comes out and starts to hold his breath. He walks up to this table where four people are smoking. It shows how inconsiderate smokers can be when smoking in a public space like a restaurant.
Another commerical in Utah comes to mind:

It shows you a pregnant woman in a doctor's office, and an ultrasound is being done on her to show the baby. Then the woman lights up a cigarette and starts smoking. The doctor shows the woman that the baby inside her stomach is struggling or something, and the woman starts to look worried.

Dont smoke when you're pregnant!
*changed my mind*
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^Angel^ said:

Whether or not if it's a fact or an opinion, still I do not agree! ;)

A fact cannot be argued with. Period.
*changed my mind*
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^Angel^ said:

Whether or not if it's a fact or an opinion, still I do not agree! ;)
If you don't agree with a fact, that is called "denial".

Disagreeing with a fact doesn't change a fact.

The fact is, the earth revolves around the sun. If I disagree with that fact, I am denying it, but the fact does not change. The earth will still revolve around the sun, no matter how much I deny it.
*changed my mind*
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Here are some facts about nicotine:


"For centuries, people have chewed and smoked tobacco, which comes from the plant nicotiana tabacum. The reason tobacco is used by so many people is because it contains a powerful drug known as nicotine.

...When tobacco is smoked, nicotine is absorbed by the lungs and quickly moved into the bloodstream, where it is circulated throughout the brain. All of this happens very rapidly. In fact, nicotine reaches the brain within 8 seconds after someone inhales tobacco smoke...

Nicotine affects the entire body. Nicotine acts directly on the heart to change heart rate and blood pressure. It also acts on the nerves that control respiration to change breathing patterns. In high concentrations, nicotine is deadly, in fact one drop of purified nicotine on the tongue will kill a person. It's so lethal that it has been used as a pesticide for centuries.

So why do people smoke? Because nicotine acts in the brain where it can stimulate feelings of pleasure.

Nicotine also activates areas of the brain that are involved in producing feelings of pleasure and reward. Recently, scientists discovered that nicotine raises the levels of a neurotransmitter called dopamine in the parts of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward. Dopamine, which is sometimes called the pleasure molecule, is the same neurotransmitter that is involved in addictions to other drugs such as cocaine and heroin. Researchers now believe that this change in dopamine may play a key role in all addictions. ..

Did you know that nicotine is as addictive as heroin or cocaine? If someone uses nicotine again and again...his or her body develops a tolerance for it. Eventually, a person can become addicted. Once a person becomes addicted, it is extremely difficult to quit. People who start smoking before the age of 21 have the hardest time quitting...

When nicotine addicts stop smoking they may suffer from restlessness, hunger, depression, headaches, and other uncomfortable feelings. These are called "withdrawal symptoms" because they happen when nicotine is withdrawn from the body."