Discussion about crimes and bad areas


New Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I tought we might need a new thread to discuss more about Detroit, or whatever that we was discussing in other thread which was off topics, so hopefully this is right place.
Nevermind, wrong topic.

btw, thanks for create other thread.
Have anyone know about South LA? It's known as former South Central LA and big riots are occured in 1992, it had been twice in 1965 Watts Riot but 1992 LA riot is much worse, because my uncle got shot and killed when he parked his car in South LA and he just saw something is wrong with fires, he just checked then group of blacks killed him. That's sad.
I'm very sorry about your uncle. :(
Thanks, Reba. :(

San Diego and San Jose is most safest city that I had been seen.
I know about bad areas and crimes in Michigan are in Detroit, in first list for Michigan and also in the list for USA. But also, in Flint in some of ways. That's all so far I know because of Detroit have HIGHEST crime in there. And, Flint once someone from my school told me that there's a gas station by my school, it's only over the road from the dorm to gas station, there have a shot every night from someone to shoot there. That's crazy...
I have seen the bad areas like Oakland, CA which is West Oakland. There's lot of poor looking buildings and few trees and it looks run-down, too. That area gives me the chills. When I was very low on gas and I had to fill up the gas in that area and sped away because I don't want to be a victim.
wow.. does it have crimes there?

sequoias said:
I have seen the bad areas like Oakland, CA which is West Oakland. There's lot of poor looking buildings and few trees and it looks run-down, too. That area gives me the chills. When I was very low on gas and I had to fill up the gas in that area and sped away because I don't want to be a victim.
FelixKat930 said:
wow.. does it have crimes there?

yup, there's pretty good amount of crime in that area, mostly stealing, homicide, murders, etc. I'm not sure if it has gone better now than in the past.
FelixKat930 said:
wow.. hope you are doing ok there..is Settle.. bad area?

Far better than what I mentioned about Oakland. Of course, Seattle has a few bad areas. Most of the city, it's great.
Have you heard about Bayview and Hunter Point? It's bad neighborhood in southeast SF.

Many of people said East Oakland is bad too.
I am sorry to hear about your uncle and it is all the more reason to start thinking about what places are safer to go to than to stay obessed about bad high crime areas, not worth it.

Think in terms of good areas, good neighborhoods to live in.
Most cities in the US all have bad areas. Small or big communities....either way...I live not far from bad area in Seattle city.
Minneapolis is worse than St. Paul, but St. Paul do have some areas that are bad like Old Rondo, Westside, by my work.... Eastside is gaining with asian gang, so thats why my grandparents are moving to old folks apartment by my college which is more safer.

Last saturday night I had to go out and get pizza because when I called, they said that the delivery takes 2 hours to arrive to my work and that pizza place is in Downtown. On bus way back to work, a guy kept on bugging me about wanting some pizza on the bus, I kept on telling him NO!!!! then I took off the bus, I had to watch the surrendings, lucky he didn't follow me, so I used back door with my work ID, so I got in the building quickly as I could. It is bad area at the night. My dad showed me pics of criminals that are in the area, I was like man....
Small towns are some bad also because there have killing, robbery, etc but dont happen often. My dad live in small town in his all life. He said there have many robbery, rapist, sick people around and drug people also.
racheleggert said:
Minneapolis is worse than St. Paul, but St. Paul do have some areas that are bad like Old Rondo, Westside, by my work.... Eastside is gaining with asian gang, so thats why my grandparents are moving to old folks apartment by my college which is more safer.

Last saturday night I had to go out and get pizza because when I called, they said that the delivery takes 2 hours to arrive to my work and that pizza place is in Downtown. On bus way back to work, a guy kept on bugging me about wanting some pizza on the bus, I kept on telling him NO!!!! then I took off the bus, I had to watch the surrendings, lucky he didn't follow me, so I used back door with my work ID, so I got in the building quickly as I could. It is bad area at the night. My dad showed me pics of criminals that are in the area, I was like man....

I was in the mexican part of St. Paul and it was not too bad. Alots of bars and resturants there were young adults hanging out all night and I stayed away from the more bad areas, obivously. I remember the Deaf club was downtown St. Paul on the 1st floor somewhere but then go over to Minneapolis they have a huge, nice bar in Deaf club somewhere in a very safe part of Mlps. I enjoyed my time in Minneapolis / St. Paul ... nice city but very cold in the wintertime. :D
Heath said:
I was in the mexican part of St. Paul and it was not too bad. Alots of bars and resturants there were young adults hanging out all night and I stayed away from the more bad areas, obivously. I remember the Deaf club was downtown St. Paul on the 1st floor somewhere but then go over to Minneapolis they have a huge, nice bar in Deaf club somewhere in a very safe part of Mlps. I enjoyed my time in Minneapolis / St. Paul ... nice city but very cold in the wintertime. :D

Thats called Westside or West End I think. I always have to be careful because of weirdos on the bus, and there are usually Latin King, or any mexican/latino gang members there.

There is deaf club in St. Paul, close to Old Rondo Neighborhood. I have never heard of deaf club in downtown St. Paul. If you go to Phillips neighborhood or North, South, they are just like Detroit, lot of dangerous people. I only go to Downtown Minneapolis thats all.... there have been recent crimes in Uptown area as well. Now I rarely go to Minneapolis unless if I am called by campaigns or go meet a friend, thats all. Lake Street in Minneapolis is worse too- at Lake and Chicago ave, you will find plenty of whores after midnight. I know someone that got beaten up on Broadway by Bus #14 route, she tought it would be short cut, so she took it, and got off, somehow she got jumped by black men, they beated her with bat. She ended up getting 25 stitches on back of her head. I would NEVER go to Broadway alone. If she have taken bus #19 then it wouldn't happen to her.

As for work, there are lot of prousitutes up University Avenue- not far from the Capitol. Haven't seen them because I rarely go up on University Avenue at late night, I only take express bus from/to Minneapolis and St. Paul that run on I 94. I am glad that I was issued State Capitol ID few weeks ago (my boss forget to mention about it when I started working). If I didn't had that, I would have to go to the front door, would never know if I get beaten up or robbed. I don't feel safe at late night by my work, but I have to take bus- that's life.
racheleggert said:
Thats called Westside or West End I think. I always have to be careful because of weirdos on the bus, and there are usually Latin King, or any mexican/latino gang members there.

There is deaf club in St. Paul, close to Old Rondo Neighborhood. I have never heard of deaf club in downtown St. Paul. If you go to Phillips neighborhood or North, South, they are just like Detroit, lot of dangerous people. I only go to Downtown Minneapolis thats all.... there have been recent crimes in Uptown area as well. Now I rarely go to Minneapolis unless if I am called by campaigns or go meet a friend, thats all. Lake Street in Minneapolis is worse too- at Lake and Chicago ave, you will find plenty of whores after midnight. I know someone that got beaten up on Broadway by Bus #14 route, she tought it would be short cut, so she took it, and got off, somehow she got jumped by black men, they beated her with bat. She ended up getting 25 stitches on back of her head. I would NEVER go to Broadway alone. If she have taken bus #19 then it wouldn't happen to her.

As for work, there are lot of prousitutes up University Avenue- not far from the Capitol. Haven't seen them because I rarely go up on University Avenue at late night, I only take express bus from/to Minneapolis and St. Paul that run on I 94. I am glad that I was issued State Capitol ID few weeks ago (my boss forget to mention about it when I started working). If I didn't had that, I would have to go to the front door, would never know if I get beaten up or robbed. I don't feel safe at late night by my work, but I have to take bus- that's life.

That is good. I went to Minneapolis / St. Paul years ago. Please consider getting yourself a car. This way you do not have to deal with people on the bus. I know from experience myself, not from Minneapolis but in another city in another state on the bus. I got in fights on the city bus and the subway sometimes too. Your best mode of transportation is a car. One that goes very fast in an emergency usually 120 mph to 140 mph because they will usualy go from 0-60 seconds in a quarter of a mile really fast which is what you want and need in an emergency. If you can afford the gas prices then get a car with a V-8 engine preferablly 350 h.p. or above.
Heath said:
That is good. I went to Minneapolis / St. Paul years ago. Please consider getting yourself a car. This way you do not have to deal with people on the bus. I know from experience myself, not from Minneapolis but in another city in another state on the bus. I got in fights on the city bus and the subway sometimes too. Your best mode of transportation is a car. One that goes very fast in an emergency usually 120 mph to 140 mph because they will usualy go from 0-60 seconds in a quarter of a mile really fast which is what you want and need in an emergency. If you can afford the gas prices then get a car with a V-8 engine preferablly 350 h.p. or above.

I am legally blind, and I cannot drive. I decided to take cab home sunday night instead of bus because no buses run later than 11PM from Downtown St. Paul to my home.