
Good question...in regards of when both father and son Bush both were in office -- we had wars...whilst with Clinton, we didn't have any, only peace.
I just wish that Gore would've won the presidency election, *sigh*. Oh well...all we can do now is HOPE and vote Bush OUT of the office!
eternity said:
The truth is.... as IF doesn't even EXIST. Don't waste time to talk about him because there's nothing can change. Let's adhere to our president BUSH.
Agree. Dwelling on the "what if's" of the past doesn't solve the future.
PurpleRose71 said:
...whilst with Clinton, we didn't have any, only peace.
Um, what about Bosnia and Somalia? I wouldn't call that "peace".
BostonIceFire said:
Clinton - nothing. he just avoided it or whatsoever...
Did you forget Bosnia and Somalia?
Regardless in who president were or should have been, and whatsnot, president holds very delicate position, easily criticized or persuaded. Let's imagine this scenario, you got a position as principal of high school. In first three months, a student shot to death by whoever, people would cry "You suck! Look at that murder! If you have not been a principal, THEN none of this will happen!!" Then what are you to do? The same is true with President of the United States, what is he to do?