
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
Yeah I see what you mean..

The first Bush had war in the Gulf..

Clinton - nothing. he just avoided it or whatsoever

second Bush - another war..

Of course, that explain why Clinton is such a lover. :roll:
Wrong. Im glad they choose to WAR against those imbeciles in IRAQ whoever has caused us a PROBLEM when they did to WTC.. You think we are going to sit and DO nothing, eh?
If he's became president, he will do with monica lewiskey again.:o
Originally posted by kuifje75
In my opinion, Gore would probably try to work with the United Nations more closely, and not have the Texan mentality to push his way around. Gore is a very educated guy, so I am sure he would have come up with a good solution to create something better than "Homeland Security Office." I mean, why isn't the FBI or CIA doing that work anyway? Anyway, as for the terrorism, Gore would probably have followed the European approach. France and Germany have actually been doing a good job arresting suspects and sentencing them to prison. The Germans sentenced a guy a few months ago to prison for being an accomplice to the WTC attacks. We should really listen to what other ppl are doing and learn something.

Agreed. Everyone already know that Texans are the leaxt intelligent people out of America.
Originally posted by PSORules79
Agreed. Everyone already know that Texans are the leaxt intelligent people out of America.
oh gee thanks. from a TEXAN, the correction of your sentence is "Everyone already knowS that Texans are the leaSt intelligent people IN America." Anything else?
:roll: Geez, PSO..
NOT ALL texans are the least intelligent people..SOME are, but NOT ALL. :roll:
lilridinhood doesn't seem the least intelligent to me. Maybe that's you who is the least intelligent. :o
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Originally posted by PSORules79
Agreed. Everyone already know that Texans are the leaxt intelligent people out of America.
Hey! :fu2: I oughtta smack you silly for that! :fu:
That's is so true!! Tejas people.. those dumbfawk people.. JUST KIDDING..

NOW VAMP.. whatcha gonna do about it?
Originally posted by BostonIceFire
That's is so true!! Tejas people.. those dumbfawk people.. JUST KIDDING..

NOW VAMP.. whatcha gonna do about it?
Moving cursor over BAN button...

You were saying?
Originally posted by PSORules79
Agreed. Everyone already know that Texans are the leaxt intelligent people out of America.

yo, Bush isn't original from Texas. He born in Maine!
The War Department will press on Gore or Bush to declare war, regardless of whoever President is.