Define L-I-F-E

life is something not to be analyzed. by sitting around trying to figure out what the meaning of life is, we're wasting precious time, of which we don't have much left.
life like allisonjoy mentioned is abt lessons and learning experince, life's to short to dwell on the past and move on with the future :)
lilredridinhood said:
life is something not to be analyzed. by sitting around trying to figure out what the meaning of life is, we're wasting precious time, of which we don't have much left.

I disagree. Life w/o reflection or introspection is a shallow one, and no different than that of a lower life-form: sheep.

The secret to life is what you make of it.
1.) Life is bootiful when u have the pure love of ur significant other to share with

2.) in life, we are always learning regardless of how old we are
The Heretic said:
I disagree. Life w/o reflection or introspection is a shallow one, and no different than that of a lower life-form: sheep.

The secret to life is what you make of it.

yes, but what's the point of trying to analyze anything, we're all going to die anyway, so whether you've "found the meaning of life" or not, you're going to die anyway.
lame and lamerer

lilredridinhood said:
yes, but what's the point of trying to analyze anything, we're all going to die anyway, so whether you've "found the meaning of life" or not, you're going to die anyway.

The unsaid question is why don't you kill yourself?

I know why i don't, and that is because i have examined my own life. :)

After you answer this question, then i will tell you why i don't fear death.
The Heretic said:
I disagree. Life w/o reflection or introspection is a shallow one, and no different than that of a lower life-form: sheep.

The secret to life is what you make of it.

amen to that. ;)
Meaning of Life

Not to be dry here regarding the definition of life According to the good old Merriam Webster:

Main Entry: 1life
Pronunciation: 'lIf
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural lives /'lIvz/
Etymology: Middle English lif, from Old English lIf; akin to Old English libban to live -- more at LIVE

Date: before 12th century

a : the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from a dead body
b : a principle or force that is considered to underlie the distinctive quality of animate beings -- compare VITALISM 1
c : an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction

a : the sequence of physical and mental experiences that make up the existence of an individual
b : one or more aspects of the process of living <sex life of the frog>


4 : spiritual existence transcending physical death

a : the period from birth to death
b : a specific phase of earthly existence <adult life>
c : the period from an event until death <a judge appointed for life>
d : a sentence of imprisonment for the remainder of a convict's life

6 : a way or manner of living


8 : a vital or living being; specifically : PERSON <many lives were lost in the disaster>

9 : an animating and shaping force or principle

10 : SPIRIT, ANIMATION <there was no life in her dancing>

11 : the form or pattern of something existing in reality <painted from life>

12 : the period of duration, usefulness, or popularity of something <the expected life of flashlight batteries>

13 : the period of existence (as of a subatomic particle) -- compare HALF-LIFE

14 : a property (as resilience or elasticity) of an inanimate substance or object resembling the animate quality of a living being

15 : living beings (as of a particular kind or environment) <forest life>

a : human activities
b : animate activity and movement <stirrings of life>
c : the activities of a given sphere, area, or time <the political life of the country>

17 : one providing interest and vigor <life of the party>

18 : an opportunity for continued viability <gave the patient a new life>

19 capitalized, Christian Science : GOD 1b

20 : something resembling animate life <a grant saved the project's life>

Not to wax poetic,
Socrates had it right.

"An unexamined life is not worth living."

Praise Umanita!

The Heretic said:
The unsaid question is why don't you kill yourself?

I know why i don't, and that is because i have examined my own life. :)

After you answer this question, then i will tell you why i don't fear death.
because i just don't have the guts to. death isn't something i fear, but i've seen the results of sucidice, and it's not something i want to do, out of respect for others i know.
What the Holy. . .

lilredridinhood said:
because i just don't have the guts to. death isn't something i fear, but i've seen the results of sucidice, and it's not something i want to do, out of respect for others i know.

Okay. Let's just stand back and deconstruct what you said:

Premise 1. I can't face death.

Premise 2. I don't fear death.

Premise 3. I've seen what suicide does to a person.

Premise 4. I don't want others to see what suicide does to a person.

Conclusion: I don't want to commit suicide.

Pardon me when I say this.

"Praise Allah, What in the Holy Temple of Babylon are you saying?"

Praise Umanita!

Okay. Let's just stand back and deconstruct what you said:

Premise 1. I can't face death.

Premise 2. I don't fear death.

Premise 3. I've seen what suicide does to a person.

Premise 4. I don't want others to see what suicide does to a person.

Conclusion: I don't want to commit suicide.

Pardon me when I say this.

"Praise Allah, What in the Holy Temple of Babylon are you saying?"

Praise Umanita!


let me translate it in ASL for you:

because i just don't have the guts to. death isn't something i fear, but i've seen the results of sucidice, and it's not something i want to do, out of respect for others i know.

because me don't want kill myself, but dead me fear not, but i know people kill themselves, me don't want that. because me don't want other people to see me kill myself"

premise 1: I don't fear death.

premise 2: One's death may cause others to suffer

premise 3: I know the consequence of one's death on others.

conclusion: I don't want to kill myself out of respect of others' feeling.

*toss hair*
Life is a meaning of EVIL as u can read the backwards of the letter life..
"efil" can look like EVIL replacing f and V :) :devil:
the meaning of life is to try to have as much fun as you can without catch STD... hahahaha j/k
lilredridinhood said:
because i just don't have the guts to.

Thank you for answering my question.

If you don't have the guts to kill yourself, then you value your life. And the only way you could have valued your life is through introspection, whether consciously or subconsciously. Since you arrived at the belief that you couldn't abandon your mortal shell for the void, there was some period of time (however brief or unconsciously) you reflected on life. Thus, it's good to analyze your own life. Nobody else can do it for you and nobody else will decide for you, because you're stuck with the choice.

By the way a good reason for living is also a good reason for dying.
The Heretic said:
The unsaid question is why don't you kill yourself?

I know why i don't, and that is because i have examined my own life. :)

After you answer this question, then i will tell you why i don't fear death.

the question is, what if you fuck up in the process of killing yourself? that I think stops most people from crossing over themselves. I can't imagine life as a vegetable or a retarded or a cripple
Cricket said:
the question is, what if you fuck up in the process of killing yourself? that I think stops most people from crossing over themselves. I can't imagine life as a vegetable or a retarded or a cripple

Actually that's not so bad, cuz you won't be able to realize that you have become a vegetable or a 'tard. A cripple on the other hand... well, surviving a suicide attempt completely intact could be even worse - it means not only you think your life is a failure, you also failed at suicide.

I know a couple of folks who are psychologically messed up cuz they have tried to off themselves more than 8 or 9 times. Sad thing is they walk around parading this wound of theirs like it is some kind of badge of honor, and a license to shout down others.

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