Death sentence for pregnant Christian mom in Sudan

more the reason i think we should ban all religion, its just so old world, stupid and dumb
I agree , this very horrible and criminal , there is no justice in this. It's cold blooded murder . :(
Yes, Sudan is very horrible place. :(

Ask Sudanese government to send Christian mom's families to US and we welcome her and her families - thanks to First Amendment.
This is the problem when you have wackaloon religious fundamentalist running countries.
People have no choice in where they're born and some can't afford to move. Between all those kidnapped girls and now this - I hope world leaders and UN step in rather than look the other way....disgusting. Don't be fooled, this isn't about religion, it's about control and using violence to achieve a twisted political goal.

People have no choice in where they're born and some can't afford to move. Between all those kidnapped girls and now this - I hope world leaders and UN step in rather than look the other way....disgusting. Don't be fooled, this isn't about religion, it's about control and using violence to achieve a twisted political goal.


Your right but they are hiding behind their twisted interpretation of islam to force their control of the people and murder those that don't follow the rules.
We aren't talking about execution but murder and these people should be held accountable. They will definitely understand the concept of an eye for an eye and this is how this should be handled because they don't understand any other way.
Maybe our president can hastag them into submission. Call them big ole meanies in public. That'll show em!!!
Seriously though ... ranting and raving about this miscarriage of justice is going to do nothing. That whole part of the world needs to be nuked.
Seriously though ... ranting and raving about this miscarriage of justice is going to do nothing. That whole part of the world needs to be nuked.

Yes, there is wrong with Sudanese court system. :ugh:
more the reason i think we should ban all religion, its just so old world, stupid and dumb
No. Banning beliefs other than your own (which includes non-religious beliefs) is as bad as what others do in forcing conversion to their religion.
This thread has no room for jokes or humor, this situation is very disturbing. I saw somewhere in the article that they can't execute her while pregnant to 2 years after born. After 2 years, who knows what would happen... I hope they can change and give the peace for all religion involved.
I just hope they nuke the Mfer's that would kill someone based on a religious belief.

I can assure you, there is no humor involved in my sentiments. Rid the entire globe of the scum. But then again .. that's just how I would do it.
Her husband is an American, she is Sudanese. She should be given citizenship and Sudan's "authoritah" should be thoroughly challenged.
more the reason i think we should ban all religion, its just so old world, stupid and dumb

Actual... without religion, there is no United States of America today. You might want to do the research before decide to say. It goes same as ban on gun and everything went pretty sour.

And Islam (or Muslims) is mean for PEACE and they're conflict themselves. They simple disobey their religion law. Same as people here disobey the speed limited as they go too fast.
This thread has no room for jokes or humor, this situation is very disturbing. I saw somewhere in the article that they can't execute her while pregnant to 2 years after born. After 2 years, who knows what would happen... I hope they can change and give the peace for all religion involved.
In the meantime, her other child lives with her in prison! I suppose that's how this baby would live, too. The whole situation is terrible. :(

I just hope during this two-year delay that she can be saved from the punishment.