Death Penalty

CyberRed said:
Well, since you stated that you disagree with the death penalty... you think there SHOULD be no cable TV, no gym facilities..and so forth, right ? Ok, well like I mentioned earlier that the death penalty will help them to think about themselves, if not for cable TV, no gym facilities and so forth. But, I don't think that it will help them when they have all those luxury things in jails. But, there's ONE thing I know of that there's some works to do for the prisoners. They do work in jails by cookin', do laundry, and all that.

Actually, in the prisons where my family work at, they said that jobs that pay are considered "priviledges" that are given to good inmates. If they do good job in prison, then they are allowed to go out to work in factories or restaurants to earn some money.

I think that EVERYONE should work, priviledge or not, and if you don't behave, then get the hardest jobs out there in the prison. If you do good job, then do "good" jobs like laundry, cooking, etc... My family complained that they felt like they were just babysitting immature inmates.
kuifje75 said:
Actually, in the prisons where my family work at, they said that jobs that pay are considered "priviledges" that are given to good inmates. If they do good job in prison, then they are allowed to go out to work in factories or restaurants to earn some money.

Priviledges? Oh, does that mean that they are bein' watched to be sure they are well-behaved ? If, they are well-behaved, then, I don't find it a good idea to allow them to go out to work outside of the prison. They should be sendin' to the army instead. We need more armies to protect our country.

I think that EVERYONE should work, priviledge or not, and if you don't behave, then get the hardest jobs out there in the prison. If you do good job, then do "good" jobs like laundry, cooking, etc... My family complained that they felt like they were just babysitting immature inmates.

Yeah, I don't blame your family for feelin' this way about them bein' immature inmates. If, they feel this way... why don't they challenge to see about sendin' the prisoners to the army since we need more armies to protect our country, hmm? Our USA armies aren't enough.

I was thinkin' here. What if, all prisons are overcrowded and then, there will be no rooms for new criminals to send to ? What's goin' to happen, if ya know anythin' ?
I have seen some inmates with Two Officers At the Rib Cook off they were Picking up Trash and Taking Garbage Cans to dump into the Dumpster... They Did Seem Very Nice too... :)
Steel said:
dont forget that he destoryed the daycare building which has tons of kids there
Yes, i know, Steel..Im from Oklahoma so i know the whole story, in fact, my ex brother in law worked in that building but! he was out of town that day!! He was very lucky! some of his co-workers were killed..he was shaken to the core of his soul and it really has changed him a lot..he doesnt take anything for granted anymore and he appreciate life more too..bless his heart!
Yeah, i know that these prisoners have it too easy in prisons..not fair to the victims at all..The government need to change their system of running the privileges like tv, movies, computers etc etc..they should put them to work, i mean hard labor, make them suffer. They are too pampered ,for what? just because they killed somebody? damn!! They should be tortured in prisons..i dont care if it is too inhumane, what about the victims?? ..................*enuf all got my drfit heh.
I do not agree on death pentality uknow why???? too many get away with it, too many innocents die if they find out too late they didn't do the murder, rape whatever, if they are doing life sentence they should go to MAX security prison and let them out only one hr each day and then that's it! 23 hrs of lock up with nothing but thier brains to think of the crimes they did! So seriously Death pentality is the easy way out, by two choices, gas chamber or leathal injection, no USA will do the hang them, firing squad or cut thier balls off and have them sing high falsetto, seriously it's too easy for them! so what the next best thing???? life setence in maxium security prison with only 1 hr out each day for showers and excerise that's it!
Well thats what DNA is for...for evidence. The dna testing system is so good now since it helps solve some crimes and it also helped release some prisoners that didnt really commit whatever crime they did. I have read a lot of these death row prisoners had dna testing to make sure that whether they did the crime or not. If they executed prisoner by mistake, thats rare really.
Anyone seen the movie "The Green Mile"? that one was one of my favorites... pretty sad that they had to put some people into the electric chair, even though they judge them too quickly without proof...and put one man who was found holding two dead girls was found guilty only because he was black... *sigh* such poor judgement, if you ask me

it seems that more black people were put in death rows than whites
javapride said:
I do not agree on death pentality uknow why???? too many get away with it, too many innocents die if they find out too late they didn't do the murder, rape whatever, if they are doing life sentence they should go to MAX security prison and let them out only one hr each day and then that's it! 23 hrs of lock up with nothing but thier brains to think of the crimes they did! So seriously Death pentality is the easy way out, by two choices, gas chamber or leathal injection, no USA will do the hang them, firing squad or cut thier balls off and have them sing high falsetto, seriously it's too easy for them! so what the next best thing???? life setence in maxium security prison with only 1 hr out each day for showers and excerise that's it!

Java -- the thousands of tax dollars to "babysit" the inmates while there and they would be deemed as the worst of the worst would be wayy too expensive -- and with today's technology there are many ways to prevent an innocent person from being charged with a crime they have not commited -- i still think that the USA is being too easy on the inmates anyway -- they get an easy death by injection which i think is not right -- and besides 23 hours of lock up with only 1 hour of excercise only would clutter up the cells with all the other inmates who are also in lock up 23 hrs a day with 1 hour of excercise period -- that would then lead to a massive overcrowding issue much worse than it is now
javapride said:
I do not agree on death pentality uknow why???? too many get away with it, too many innocents die if they find out too late they didn't do the murder, rape whatever, if they are doing life sentence they should go to MAX security prison and let them out only one hr each day and then that's it! 23 hrs of lock up with nothing but thier brains to think of the crimes they did! So seriously Death pentality is the easy way out, by two choices, gas chamber or leathal injection, no USA will do the hang them, firing squad or cut thier balls off and have them sing high falsetto, seriously it's too easy for them! so what the next best thing???? life setence in maxium security prison with only 1 hr out each day for showers and excerise that's it!
How often does that happen? With better technology these days, it's harder for that kind of mistake to happen.
true we do love techies, and i understand ur point fly, but i for one think let them die a SLOW death considering what they have done to the victims! some died a slow death and some just died a brutal death, for my point of veiw life sentence even tho i know there is overcrowding of the jails, it's a rarity today s society now to put anyone to death pentality without botching up the DNA, I just think of my respectablity of this, die a slow death by serving life sentence i know some lifers in prison who are suffering, one woman i remmy hearing abt did a terriorist on the plane if i remmy the yr that's right 1984 when the twa flight was hijacked, three men and one woman was charged to serve life sentence, to make all suffer for the turmoil of the nation and the plane. and this woman that's doing a life sentence will be serving til she dies she's now currently in her 80s and her health's failing, she suffered two heart attacks, so its no suprise she won't be around much longer. but still concept of this she in the duration of the heart attack confessed t o the hijacking and etc. and asked god to forgive her, but she herself will never get out ansd when she dies she ll go to the county plot cementary due to no family will be claiming her they all died as well. So she's the last surving family, pity on her for her stupidity, but there's nothing we can do.

I ll be honest on only two things, only murderers and cop killers should get the death pentality and the child molesters should serve life sentence with no parole status, to teach them that in no certainity should they be allow to roam free where there are childrens EVERYWHERE!

thank u for pointing out ur thoughts it's apperticated
I don't support death penalty.

Remember Dr Cripple, his tenant was found guilty and put to death by hanging after the death of Dr Cripple's wife. Few years later he admitted he killed his own wife! Britain feel remorsed about this and because of it death penalty is not used since 1960s. Australia follows the same example as Britain, death penalty is banned too.

Well, have you read a book about USSR's mad man who killed about 200 children, and he was caught several times and his DNA shows he has different semen and different blood, because he had one in a million rare and he got away with it and kill more and more innocent children to satisfied his hunger until Japanese research found it is possible rare and he got caught and put to death! DNA is not 100% accurate!!
Exactly RedRum!

Marc Dutroux´s case as murder, sexual abuse, kidnapped is the CHILDREN is a most scandal as the same as other examples like this
British Jack the Ripper & 14 victim (play with women´s organ with knife after raped).
British Gay Dennis who lived next road my Grandma´s house with many victims (raped men/boys/tourist then cut their bodies with electrical saw & boil them, then throw them into toilet etc) are the most horrible condition.
This situation, I said to myself when I was angry that they deserved the right to be punish to death.
I think it´s not good idea to support death penalty.
The reason is I´m not support death penalty because alot of innocent people were punish to death after believe the false witnesses, DNA etc. Yes, I´m also agree that DNA is not 100% accurate.
Example of all.
John Evans was put to death by hanged because they beleive policeman´s not him because the policeman is a "police". Few years later after that they realized it´s him, not John who murdered his wives & women, then hide them behind the wall, also buried them, too etc. It´s sad that they can´t make John alive because of this.
Few months after Ruth Ellis´s last hanged (she´s last woman who hanged), then the law was changed for banned death penalty in 1965.
Jack the Ripper´s case , Margaret Thatcher received her furious people against him to be punish to death. The government asked their people for the vote to support death penalty. There´re many influence from Medias, polities, etc over innocent people in the past until we´re agreed to not support death penalty so they put him long life sentence to share with severe criminals there which we know there´re severe volience around.... He was ended to hospital many times. Gay Dennis is also followed him there. He also was put in hospital, too but they are not only one but alot.... They suffered there... beat up, rape, etc.

I rather to see them suffering there than just put them to death like "sleep" after suffered within few to 15 minutes because they deserve to be suffering REST of their life after what they have done to their victims!!!
No wonder, what you talked about him.. Espically I dunno who that guy cuz must be related to USA..
So somehow I found the site.. and how's so interesting...
Bullym0m said:
No wonder, what you talked about him.. Espically I dunno who that guy cuz must be related to USA..
So somehow I found the site.. and how's so interesting...
and your point is?................
Alrightly.. I've seen everyones who talking about that guy. I wasn't aware of knowing who that guy who is involved murdering nearly 200 children and put him away into death pentaly. I do not know who is guy... cuz That guy is coming from usa. But me.. I'm from Canada.. so somehow I found the site.. ahh pretty interesting about this guy who did murdered nearly 200 children.
That what I was talking about this and thought could bring this images on here..

Now I understand now, What really they were trying talking about that guy..

I hope you undy what am I talk'n about ?
Thanks for your time.
Bullym0m said:
Alrightly.. I've seen everyones who talking about that guy. I wasn't aware of knowing who that guy who is involved murdering nearly 200 children and put him away into death pentaly. I do not know who is guy... cuz That guy is coming from usa. But me.. I'm from Canada.. so somehow I found the site.. ahh pretty interesting about this guy who did murdered nearly 200 children.
That what I was talking about this and thought could bring this images on here..

Now I understand now, What really they were trying talking about that guy..

I hope you undy what am I talk'n about ?
Thanks for your time.
Yes thats Timothy McVeigh, he was executed for murdering 168 people including children in Oklahoma City. Right now, here in my hometown in Oklahoma they are starting to try Terry Nichols, another guy accused of the same thing, he was co-conspirator..he will get the death penalty also..they just finished selecting the jury so the trial i think will start Monday. I hope this trial will end quickly and over with!..cant stand that mass murderer in my town! grrrrrr........
Have a good day, Bullymom!
I support death penalty in some ways.. if the murder killed 2 or more people they should desirve a death penalty..

Remember that it cost Federal or state 26,000 per year for each prisioners. image that if a prision stays for 50 years.. it will cost $1,300,000 for just one person in 50 years... leathel injection cost around $30,000 just to kill them, funeral costs, etc... its much cheaper to have a death penalty...

however if the person is 60's they should deserve a death penalty.. cuz its a mere 13 years of prision while its on an average of life span for humans 73 yrs old..
Liebling:-))) said:
Jack the Ripper´s case , Margaret Thatcher received her furious people against him to be punish to death. The government asked their people for the vote to support death penalty. There´re many influence from Medias, polities, etc over innocent people in the past until we´re agreed to not support death penalty so they put him long life sentence to share with severe criminals

The first Jack the Ripper never got caught in Victorian times, the second one is called "Yorkshire Ripper" Peter Sutcliffe got caught during Margaret Thatcher's time.