Deaf Lesbians Criticized For Efforts to Create Deaf Child


Premium Member
Dec 8, 2003
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I dont know if anyone did post here before.. so i go ahead put here...

By Matt Pyeatt Staff Writer

( - A leading pro-family organization is questioning attempts by a Suburban Washington, D.C. lesbian couple to deliberately create a deaf child.

Candy McCullough and Sharon Duchesneau of North Bethesda, Md. said they did everything possible to make sure their newborn son is deaf by specifically seeking and obtaining a sperm donor for artificial insemination who has a lengthy family history of deafness.

But one group has made it clear it disagrees with the women's choice to produce children with disabilities, not to mention raising them in a homosexual household.

"This couple has effectively decided that their desire to have a deaf child is of more concern to them than is the burden they are placing on their son," Ken Connor, president of the Family Research Council, said.

"To intentionally give a child a disability, in addition to all the disadvantages that come as a result of being raised in a homosexual household, is incredibly selfish," Connor said.

McCullough and Duchesneau, who were featured in a cover story of the Washington Post Magazine March 31, already have a daughter who was designed to be deaf and they're hoping their son Gauvin is deaf as well. Duchesneau is the mother of both children.

Because the child is a newborn infant, it will take several months until an audiologist can determine whether Gauvin can or cannot hear.

The women, however, insisted that it is not of utmost important that Gauvin is deaf, but they would like their son to have the same disability as the rest of the family.

Duchesneau hopes the family's deafness stays intact. "He'd be the only hearing member of the family. Other than the cats," she told the Washington Post Magazine.

McCullough was more direct in her hopes that their son would be deaf. "I would say that we wanted to increase our chances of having a baby who is deaf," she said in an interview with the Post.

But Connor said it was wrong to attempt to produce a deaf child and that serious challenges against the traditional definition of family were taking place.

"This reduces the father to a mere inseminator, raises the prospects of donor shopping and designer genes, and turns a baby into a trophy," Connor said.

An official with the Family Research Council said the group's opposition to deliberately creating deaf children would not change if the couple were heterosexual.

McCullough told the Post that families should have the right to seek sperm donors from anyone in order to be comfortable with the culture of the family.

"Some people look at it like, 'Oh my gosh, you shouldn't have a child who has a disability'. But, you know, black people have harder lives. Why shouldn't parents be able to go ahead and pick a black donor if that's what they want," McCullough asked rhetorically.
\sb100\sa100"They should have that option. They can feel related to that culture, bonded with that culture," McCullough said.

But Connor disagrees when it comes to deliberately trying to create children with the burdens of physical disabilities.

"We've seen many parents try to ensure they create children possessing a certain trait, however, this couple has sought to create a child so that he does not possess a certain trait - in this case, the ability to hear," Connor said.
"One can only hope that this practice of intentionally manufacturing disabled children in order to fit the lifestyles of the parents will not progress any further," Connor said.

The women were quick to point out that they would not be disappointed if Gauvin could hear but were just as clear in telling the Post that they preferred him to be deaf.

"A hearing baby would be a blessing," Duchesneau said. "A deaf baby would be a special blessing."

Connor hopes the practice of designing babies is stopped. "The places this slippery slope could lead are frightening," he said.
Why does it really matter if the baby's deaf or hearing? Gosh! :nono:
I've heard about it before.. The most important is to see the child is healthy, not must be deaf period!, *smh* What if their son is hearing? Will they give him up for adopt and try again bec he's hearing? They didn't care what is the best for the baby except themselves.
yea thats right!!! to me no matter to me if i wanna hearing or deaf not MUST! no way!! god make them who give LOVE!!!
yea have read the article back east a few years ago -- one of the women was an ex to a friend of mine -- they were blessed to have deaf kids despite the complaints -- i agreed with their comments cuz now a days theres a way to get "designer babies" which i think is stupid to begin with so i dont see any reason why we cannot have a deaf child to raise!

plus there are wayy too many deaf children are being abandoned and waiting to be adopted into good homes -- so thus in my opinion those children would be raised in a good and loving home
I remember when this was big news. My parents both thought it was hilarious and could have been a headline from the Onion. I mean think about it.....Yuppie parents try for designer babies ALL THE adverstising in Ivy League allumi magazines for an egg donor who is very high powered and high acheiving and is beatiful and white and all that desirable stuff...and remmy when those babies with supermodel genes were born a few years ago?
Yet we have a case where the parents simply wanted the child to be deaf? have NO idea how many kids are in social services b/c their parents couldn't deal with the fact that their kid was dhh....and you also have no idea how many parents of dhh kids are uninvolved with their upbringing. There are some parents who are heavily involved with their dhh child's upbringing and who learn Sign and everything...but there's even more parents who just can't deal with the fact that their child has special needs.
plus there are wayy too many deaf children are being abandoned and waiting to be adopted into good homes -- so thus in my opinion those children would be raised in a good and loving home
Yes indeedy. I read somewhere that it's really hard to place a dhh kid in the foster system b/c of the lack of parents who are fluent in ASL or who don't want to deal with a child with special issues. One upside to that is that most dhh kids who are in the foster system end up going to a res school. (which has probaly saved a lot of res school systems) But yeah.....they should have looked into adopting a dhh from the foster system or from abroad!
I think it was posted somewhere in here -- cos I heard about it via a forum, I reckon either here or another site. ;)
Nevertheless...I just think modifying a baby before she/he is born to the parents' liking isn't ideal at all. What happened to accepting the child the way he/she were born? :confused:
I think it's stupid for a couple to try to make a handicapped child. That would probably make the kid think, "My parents wanted me to be deaf?" That wouldn't be good. I can understand parents wanting to have babies who are born with no life-threatening physical defects, but... with a non-life-threatening handicap is stupid.
*nodding*, it the stupiest thing I ever heard....
i agree its stupid.. why should we, the people, be like " playing-god" let god decide what he wants to do
I dont think theres anything wrong with wanting their children to be deaf. try to create them to be deaf. nothing wrong with that... to me, it doesnt matter deaf or hearing. I'd still love them equally. I'd try to get my hearing kid(s) to be involved in deaf world. So he/she would be more open minded, and have a taste of deaf culture, and knowing different languages other than english spoken language. if they want to try to produce deaf baby, that's their choice. nobody's else.
I don't think it is the first time I heard of this :o . I think the lesbians need to get a life. :wtf:
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HKG I uddy ur dislike for the gays and lesbains but please refrain from those kinds of remarks if u dont like lesbains or gays then please do not come in here and try and attempt on bashing us ok ?? thanks thats ALL im asking u had ur say on the other thread let's not keep this going in another thread ok?? ;) thanks :)
Speaking as a deaf person, I would much rather have been hearing than Deaf. I personally think it is incredibly selfish and barbaric to try to force a deaf child birth. To me there is no difference between having a baby that is deaf intentionaly, and taking a perfectly healthy baby and gouging out it's ears with a knife.

Because that is essentially what they are doing to this child and it's future. Deaf "culture" has it's place, but in a perfect world there would be NO deaf culture because we would all be hearing.

Ummm, javapride. I don't think you understand completely my feelings about lesbians and gay. I was not in any way referring to them about their lesbian background. I said that I dislike the issue of them trying to have a deaf child. Ok?

Lastly, if you think that I hate gay and lesbians...well, you're wrong. I don't hate gay/lesbian people. I simply do not think that liking someone of the same sex is right. If you don't think it is possible to be nice to gay/lesbian while thinking it is wrong to be gay/lesbian, then you better believe the's very much possible.

Maybe you should consult with me first via PM before you think something quiet the contrary. Thanks.
javapride said:
HKG I uddy ur dislike for the gays and lesbains but please refrain from those kinds of remarks if u dont like lesbains or gays then please do not come in here and try and attempt on bashing us ok ?? thanks thats ALL im asking u had ur say on the other thread let's not keep this going in another thread ok?? ;) thanks :)
I think she was referring to the lesbians in the article. Am I right?

I wouldn't want my child in the future thinking, "My parents tried to make me handicapped?"
dhw5320's statement is well saying. I agreed with.

I understand about HelloKittyGal's post tried tell me about. she meant the lesbians = the couple who want a deaf child, that mean not all lesbians are.

I do remmy I read the article somewhere few years ago about Marlee Martin's remark on the lesbian couple who want a deaf child.

A couple want to have a deaf child that make me feel like they breed another Deaf Power babies. NO offend, okay?

For me, if i am a lesbian or not, I still rather to having a hearing kid period.
I think she was referring to the lesbians in the article. Am I right?

Yes, in the article. I wasn't starting any bashing at all nor do I want to create one. :sure: I see where javapride might have gotten confused.
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Really stupid.. The articile.

Don't let play act-God by people(professinal) want create as Deaf Child

Let's be naturally have birth Deaf Child or Hearing Child whatever depends on Genitic.
Gay/Lesbian want have a child.. That's fine by me... As long they want giving good provider to Hearing or Deaf Child. Child need "Love" growth family!
Heard this news long time ago.

Anyway I believe it's moral wrong to go any length to get a DEAF baby on purpose.

I prefer to see a baby born to a woman and a man, because if a lesbian couple spilt up, it is very confusing which one parent the child will live with. They will have to think very hard before conieved a baby in first place.

Also in Australia more than a year ago, a hearing mother went through a IVF to make sure she will not produce a deaf baby because of her family's deaf genes, she want to have a hearing baby with her hearing husband. People don't object with her decision but they will object the deaf lesbian's choices, we cannot win!!!
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