deaf/hearing relationships

do deaf and hearing relationships work??

  • yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • no

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • sometimes

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • never been in one

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


do deaf and hearing relationships work??? :ily:
Originally posted by buttongrl
do deaf and hearing relationships work??? :ily:

Hello and welcome!

There is a thread regarding deaf and hearing relationships at this link.

You can continue your postings there. :D
I've dated a few hearing and deaf blokes in the I'm married to a hearing bloke in Australia. :)

Originally posted by LeviathanC
:thumbd: due to the lack of communication. :|

I beg to differ with you, LeviathanC. "Patience and persistence comes hand in hand." If a couple truly loves each other and wants to work their relationship out, they will communicate with each other and compromise. That's what relationships are about. :D
Re: Re: deaf/hearing relationships

Originally posted by SilenceGold
Hello and welcome!

There is a thread regarding deaf and hearing relationships at this link.

You can continue your postings there. :D

Just curious SilenceGold but Other link has no Polls. this one has polls ? so I guess either way can be post ? :-D

Voting is permitted..that's why I didn't lock this thread. :D

The postings would have been encouraged at a different thread along with the existing discussions to keep it all under the original thread. :D
Originally posted by LeviathanC
:thumbd: due to the lack of communication. :|

There isn't that communication barrier if the hearing person knows sign. I'm engaged to someone deaf, but I'm fluent in sign.
Well, coyner and Freaky......since what I have seen the deaf girl/hearing guy relationship.....lots of that kind of relationship mostly end shortly because most of the hearing guys hardly or refused to learn any sign language to communicate with the deaf girls and then later the relationship ended shortly becuz of lack of communications. Believe that!
Originally posted by LeviathanC
Well, coyner and Freaky......since what I have seen the deaf girl/hearing guy relationship.....lots of that kind of relationship mostly end shortly because most of the hearing guys hardly or refused to learn any sign language to communicate with the deaf girls and then later the relationship ended shortly becuz of lack of communications. Believe that!

I agree that a relationship between a deaf person who signs and a hearing person who doesn't is likely to fail, but a relationship like mine, where communication is not an issue, will thrive
my bro's deaf and he always grew up saying that he must marry a deaf girl... guess what... he is engaged to a hearing girl who loved him dearly and she is learning ASL very well!
It could work if both parties are willing to be committed to each other due to the fact that there might be communication problems. But it can work. I have seen couples make it through and got married. Some did not work out just becuase they are not into each other. some does not work out becuase of communication.

BUt other than that, it can be work out
i think they can work, if they know each other really well, and know some form of sign language. lip reading doesn't always work, but i tdoes some times.
LeviathanC said:
Well, coyner and Freaky......since what I have seen the deaf girl/hearing guy relationship.....lots of that kind of relationship mostly end shortly because most of the hearing guys hardly or refused to learn any sign language to communicate with the deaf girls and then later the relationship ended shortly becuz of lack of communications. Believe that!
well, i met this guy 3 weeks ago and we ve been seeing each other for a while now.. he is a hearing guy and he is willing to learn how to sign..he begged me to teach him how to sign, also he bought a book abt ASL.. he said that he doesnt want to push me away cuz he doesnt know how to sign, but i told him that it will be a while for him to learn, but im glad that he is willing to learn how to sign.. :)

It really depends. I've heard that the divorce rate for deaf woman with hearing husbands is lower. I wonder why? It also depends on how willing the hearing spouse is to become a part of the Deaf world. Also, how important is the Deaf Community to the Deaf person?

Another big issue is children. If the Deaf-Hearing couple has children, communication issues multiply. If the hearing spouse is willing to work with the children on sign language, the Deaf spouse can be more involved in the family if not.... isolation is a severe problem.

I'm deaf, my wife is hearing. We face these issues b/c our children are all hearing. Is it working?

Sometimes. Sometimes not. Some problems have nothing to do with the Deaf-hearing issues.
My girlfriend is hearing... She's not a good signer, but she's not terrible either. Then again, I'm not great myself, though I'm not bad and definately much better than she is. A lot of what she knows has been learned from me, which has in turn been learned by me from my deaf friends. I'm hh, but I speak like a hearing person, and while I do lipread to some extent (I didn't really notice until I started dealing with my hearing loss, which was fairly recently) I mostly rely on my hearing aid helping my limited hearing.

Deaf/hearing relationships can and do work if the hearing person is willing and able to sign, or extremely willing to learn.

HH/hearing relationships can and do work if the hearing person is able to sign somewhat and is willing to learn more and/or the hh person is able to deal with speech at least moderately well.
buttongrl said:
do deaf and hearing relationships work??? :ily:

They do for me! At least with the guy I am with now. We have been broken up & been dating again off/on for 2 years. We never broke up because he is hearing only because he is a jerk!! But it is ok now.
I had a relationship with a hearin' man before - things worked out well, but not always 100% worked out well. I am 100 % profoundly deaf and I prefer to have a relationship with a deaf or hoh man. Not hearin' unless, if he is an interpreter who has alot of experience through the deaf community/culture - then, it would be great ! :thumb:

Really, it all depends on every individual - everyone are not the same.
LeviathanC said:
:thumbd: due to the lack of communication. :|

I, too, will have to disagree. I myself am hearing, but, have been raised by deaf parent's. I learned to sign when I was 4 years old. I have been married to a deaf man for 27 years, and it has been a great 27 years, with ups and downs of course. We have 2 hearing daughters who both sign fluently, and now in the process of adopting a little deaf boy. So, there is no lack of communication here. But, I can understand where you're coming from.