Deaf Actress on CSI:NY

okay didn't know they moved it, that is why there are two by me! LOL oh well
okay didn't know they moved it, that is why there are two by me! LOL oh well

I merged your thread into this thread because it was the same topic about the CSI: NY "Silent Night" episode. I have already requested for anyone who wishes to make a post related to the "Silent Night" episode on CSI is to be put in this thread instead of having several seperate threads that consist the same issue.
Ohhh it's next Wednesday, :doh: we thought it was this week so we watched it but didn't see any deaf people , we'll watch that show again next Wed, the 13th!!...Thanks for letting us know :)
Hey thanks for the info on that!......... I watch that show !....... but I'm not too "hot" about some of the actors on that particular one.... but hey if it's the deaf....... let's show em' we can do it!........
Wednesday, December 13th, 2006
Amber Stanton, deaf actress

Jerry Ferris (Former Bachlorette in 2005)

Jerry Ferris' parents are deaf of Rochester, NY
He will play as NYPD cop interpreter for Marlee Martlin , deaf actress

CBS channel

**Please check your location schedule**

got via email...
Tonight? dang I wanted to watch lost room tonight, now I have to make decision to watch which one of them.
Yep have the tape ready and everything. I know the signs will probably be too fast for me so i want to tape it and then watch without the aid of the terp till i get it with np. I really need to improve my receptive skills with fast signing. I think this is the best way instead of bugging my friends.
CSI NY Deaf show on now

Deaf families daughter murdered. SHould be an interesting one. I normally dont watch the show, but will this time.
Just watched it, and it was very good! The side murder story i could have done with out. The whole show should have been about the family and that murder. Marlee (sp) was of course great but she is a great actress anyway, she is famous for a reason. Over all good show and i enjoyed seeing sign on TV. =)
Oh wait the guy who played the terp, um okay i understand he was on the bachelorette and all so that is probably why he got the part but, he was very slow. I thought he should have been faster. He looked like me signing all slow and stuff! LOL
One of my sorority sisters, Amber Stanton, will be acting in an episode "Silent Night" along with other few deaf casts on CSI: NY, Channel CBS on Wednesday, December 13, at 10 PM ET. DO NOT MISS IT!!!!!

I'm going to try and post this under General Chat too as well. I want to get Amber the publicity she needs. We need to support our deaf fellows!!!

She ceases to amaze me. From the time we first started dating in high school, she always said she wanted to act and now look where she is. She's such an amazing person and i hope she gets more gigs in the future.

By the way, it was a great show.

One of my sorority sisters, Amber Stanton, will be acting in an episode "Silent Night" along with other few deaf casts on CSI: NY, Channel CBS on Wednesday, December 13, at 10 PM ET. DO NOT MISS IT!!!!!

You may remember Amber from the short movie "Resonare" if you watched it. She was the sexy woman and the only woman in that movie.

when was the movie played? i never heard of it! is it in the theaters/on dvd?? i would love to watch it!! please let me know!!! :fingersx:

do i know you? i know amber too... from our rit days... and we worked together at the ACD lab too... i love her! she is a great gal! i miss her... we keep in touch every now and then... she is really happy out in california with her love of 4 yrs!!! sheesh! (can't believe it has been that long for her!) but great for her!!! :D

poor her!!! even though she had fun doing that show... but didn't like laying "dead" on that cold and metal bed thing for 5 hours... and the "blood/gore" dried up.. that it was so hard for her to wash off! :lol:
Sorry I had to shout out loud...Felt happy!!!

Definitely I've setup a reminder both in my Comcast HD Cable box (hoping to watch it in widescreen!) and in my Office Outlook 2007!!! :D :D :D :D :D

Shouldve watch "Stalker" movie created by Jon and David from Califorida. A homemade movie. Its very cool movie.
I met her in person. She is nice. She only did one episode...
I feel that Marlee Matlin is taking over too many deaf role in Hollywood..
won't let other deaf female actresses to act in film.

I guess Marlee is our only major deaf movie star.