Closing the thread


My thread was locked too do you see me coming on here complaining about it? I would just private messaged one of the moderators who locked my thread and asked for a clean-up. One of my thread Final Judgment was thrown in the trash because some members made my thread go down hill, do you see me creating a thread complaining about it?

Another thread just recently closed because one member got upset at another member.

If members think they are so perfect and never broke a rule on AD, then you guys are so full of it, You bashed people too, Some of you even made a thread to be locked, and you think it's soo unfair the moderators locked a thread that you liked or your own thread, consider yourself lucky that you did not get banned for other threads that went down hill on your own purpose.

Members can be much a whiner. I'm sorry to say, they complain about everything. It's very simple, You want your own thread open then private messsage a moderator. Use your brains.

My thread was locked too do you see me coming on here complaining about it? I would just private messaged one of the moderators who locked my thread and asked for a clean-up. One of my thread Final Judgment was thrown in the trash because some members made my thread go down hill, do you see me creating a thread complaining about it?

Moderator locked your 1st thread "Final Judgment" accord your wish. This is a difference.

Another thread just recently closed because one member got upset at another member.

If members think they are so perfect and never broke a rule on AD, then you guys are so full of it, You bashed people too, Some of you even made a thread to be locked, and you think it's soo unfair the moderators locked a thread that you liked or your own thread, consider yourself lucky that you did not get banned for other threads that went down hill on your own purpose.

Members can be much a whiner. I'm sorry to say, they complain about everything. It's very simple, You want your own thread open then private messsage a moderator. Use your brains.

I am sorry how you feeling like this when you don't like what you see but ADers have the right to share their venting how they feeling since the thread creator create his/her thread under Forum Feedback & Suggestion Section.
Moderator locked your 1st thread "Final Judgment" accord your wish. This is a difference.

I did not asked to remove it out of the public eye, I was hoping for a clean-up, but it didn't happen that way, so I did not complain about it, many good posts were on that thread was worth reading, now it's gone. Oh well, so I created another thread. No biggie. :)
I did not asked to remove it out of the public eye, I was hoping for a clean-up, but it didn't happen that way, so I did not complain about it, many good posts were on that thread was worth reading, now it's gone. Oh well, so I created another thread. No biggie. :)

I saw one of your post in your thread to ask moderator to lock your thread.
Where am I denying that? I said but but but but, I did not asked for it to be removed out of the public eyes. :ty:

Yes I know because your 1st thread was too far and mess which is an unacceptance, that's why.

I can understand and support it.

As a mod, I can say several threads were only locked to be cleaned up. Our jobs as mods is to determine what a poster may or may not mean when they make a post.

Some threads such as the sports one started out as a very informative and useful thread, then it went so far off topic and despite best efforts to clean it up and keep it on topic the members kept posting pictures and insults unrelated to the thread. There was even a challenge made in that thread to see how long it took to get the thread closed. This is an unecessary waste of Alldeaf's bandwidth. The creator of that thread even agreed to try to get locked.

As for other threads getting locked, sometimes they are locked to allow for a cool down period. Other times they are locked due to members taking posts too seriously and then it turns into a accusation thread of he did she did.

Our jobs are very simple in a lot of ways. It all means one thing KEEP THE PEACE in Alldeaf. We are no different than the posters, we are people with feelings and emotions. We are not robots and machines. We try our best to make the best judgements possible. But we also read these threads and try our best to see situations from all sides.

I find it funny at times how the members can complain about this or that. And ask why nothing was done about this person or that person, when they themselves are guilty of the same actions.

I do not believe a voting system would be a good system. The reason is because too many people like to see the arguing and juicy gossip that may come out in a flame thread or bashing thread. That is why the mods are here. We are here to make sure none of this happens.

You complain that we do this or that, but yet you also complain that you can't find a mod around when you need one. So really, I ask you, would you prefer we did our jobs to the best of our abilities, or would you prefer we were never here and let Alldeaf go down into a junk forum?

As for discussing on what to do here in Alldeaf, sometimes we do get together and say hey what do you think? Be glad that we do do this, because it allows for a different perspective on a thread, and alot of times, keeps that thread from being closed. We work as a team and that is what moderating all deaf and being on the MOD TEAM is all about.

It may sometimes, take us a little longer than you wish to get threads reopened, but you have to remember we are people too, with jobs,kids, lives outside of AD, social lives, and sickness.

There have been times when I spent myself, 12+ hours moderating AD. Would you spend that many hours reading threads and making judgement calls on how best to handle a thread?

We do try our best not to have to lock a thread. We sometimes sit there and delete up to 20 posts to clean a thread up, so it may be debated on some more. Do you know how time consuming that is for us?

But we dont mind, we do it out of love for Alldeaf and our members here.

When you complain about the Mod Teams actions, you are in effect putting down OUR efforts at providing you a peaceful, fun and entertaining atmosphere.

All in all, I would like to say that I personally think that the mod team does the best job that they can, and I appreciate them being there not only for me as another mod but also for me as a member of Alldeaf.

Bear, :ty: for response with explanation. I can understand your point.
As a mod, I can say several threads were only locked to be cleaned up. Our jobs as mods is to determine what a poster may or may not mean when they make a post.

Some threads such as the sports one started out as a very informative and useful thread, then it went so far off topic and despite best efforts to clean it up and keep it on topic the members kept posting pictures and insults unrelated to the thread. There was even a challenge made in that thread to see how long it took to get the thread closed. This is an unecessary waste of Alldeaf's bandwidth. The creator of that thread even agreed to try to get locked.

As for other threads getting locked, sometimes they are locked to allow for a cool down period. Other times they are locked due to members taking posts too seriously and then it turns into a accusation thread of he did she did.

Our jobs are very simple in a lot of ways. It all means one thing KEEP THE PEACE in Alldeaf. We are no different than the posters, we are people with feelings and emotions. We are not robots and machines. We try our best to make the best judgements possible. But we also read these threads and try our best to see situations from all sides.

I find it funny at times how the members can complain about this or that. And ask why nothing was done about this person or that person, when they themselves are guilty of the same actions.

I do not believe a voting system would be a good system. The reason is because too many people like to see the arguing and juicy gossip that may come out in a flame thread or bashing thread. That is why the mods are here. We are here to make sure none of this happens.

You complain that we do this or that, but yet you also complain that you can't find a mod around when you need one. So really, I ask you, would you prefer we did our jobs to the best of our abilities, or would you prefer we were never here and let Alldeaf go down into a junk forum?

As for discussing on what to do here in Alldeaf, sometimes we do get together and say hey what do you think? Be glad that we do do this, because it allows for a different perspective on a thread, and alot of times, keeps that thread from being closed. We work as a team and that is what moderating all deaf and being on the MOD TEAM is all about.

It may sometimes, take us a little longer than you wish to get threads reopened, but you have to remember we are people too, with jobs,kids, lives outside of AD, social lives, and sickness.

There have been times when I spent myself, 12+ hours moderating AD. Would you spend that many hours reading threads and making judgement calls on how best to handle a thread?

We do try our best not to have to lock a thread. We sometimes sit there and delete up to 20 posts to clean a thread up, so it may be debated on some more. Do you know how time consuming that is for us?

But we dont mind, we do it out of love for Alldeaf and our members here.

When you complain about the Mod Teams actions, you are in effect putting down OUR efforts at providing you a peaceful, fun and entertaining atmosphere.

All in all, I would like to say that I personally think that the mod team does the best job that they can, and I appreciate them being there not only for me as another mod but also for me as a member of Alldeaf.


Are you so sure about that? He made fun of me

That one, I was not sure authenic was just kidding or get back at me for second time after last time thread on post #26 without any ":D;):lol:" icon there.

Otherwise, I am fine like I say noboby can crush my pride. Happened, some ADers send me private email to tell me to report to lock these thread and I did for them since we wanted everyone (and our friends) to see AllDeaf to be great website. :)

BTW, I appericated AD Mods to handle the sitaution of all thread in the past very well. Great jobs, Mods! :ily:

P.S. authenic, I didn't tell you to be stop because I let you to be exposure yourself to ADers here to be funny or to be what they thought of you (I thought you might be racism?). Now, I am cool with you either we do not have to be friend or we do not have to be enemy. :cool:
Forgot to add :

I wants to said : I am apologize for what I did unnesscary posts here and over there, Mods and all members of AllDeaf.

Got in heat moment with some ADer myself which I wish I didn't because that is not my type to bash ADer in personally. But no excuse myself since I should to think before action. :|

Until I was told that I can put anyone on my irgone list (darn, I wish I knew) but what more, I learned my lesson and gotta be better person.

Again, I am sorry. Time to move on and be enjoy our AllDeaf website here.
Until I was told that I can put anyone on my irgone list (darn, I wish I knew)

Go to the person's user's name that you want to ignored, click on profile under the user's name, You'll see on their profile "Add "user's name" to Your Ignore List", click that, and then saved. ;)
Go to the person's user's name that you want to ignored, click on profile under the user's name, You'll see on their profile "Add "user's name" to Your Ignore List", click that, and then saved. ;)

Is that simple? Darn myself...thank you, Cheri! :)
It s no biggie deal. Honest, I believe I am on several people's ingore lists. LOL. LIfe is short so I dont give jack what others think :cheers:


I am with u on that. I have bigger problems than worrying aobut what others think of me. :)