Clinton blasts ABCs 9/11 film, amid report of changes

That's been all over the news since after 9/11. That was one of the biggest investigation by the FBI in U.S. History & it all added up & lead towards Bin Laden. & later on months after attacks of 9/11 a video of Bin Laden & 2 other guys I don't remember who but I'm sure were accomplises to him. Congradulated him & talked all about the plan & how it was a succeeded on the days that lead up to the attacks on 9/11. Bin Laden has been quiet for a while & wanted The U.S.A. to know it was all him. He was made other attacks also but none was as big as 9/11.
All this information is coming US intelligence etc.
The same people that either totally screwed up on 911 or that organised 911.
However you look at it.... the source is unreliable.

Everyone knows that the more often you repeat something, the more it becomes the truth..
In order for the american war-industry to live... one needs an enemy.....
We need to Nuke IRAN to let them arabs know just whos boss in our world.
Ahh, the delicate touch!!

Buckdodgers... I found your map...
Naw,,This would be my map

Would I become chinese? :eek: That hard to believe that USA will end up to become christian, also you hate California, Northeast, Maryland, Seattle, Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin and Hawaii and some other states because of liberal? :crazy:

You just mark on PA as EU because you are afraid of C.C. Sinned. ;)
Would I become chinese? :eek: That hard to believe that USA will end up to become christian, also you hate California, Northeast, Seattle, Oregon, Illinois, Wisconsin and Hawaii because of liberal? :crazy:

Theyre Called THE LEFT COAST!!!! And China is very Liberal
It's good to become European because more support than USA does. :rofl:

Nah, fk that shit! I like to be American, not European cuz I have USA eagle tattoo on my upper right calf, I dont want to change Europe flags or bs!