Clinton blasts ABCs 9/11 film, amid report of changes

ABC TV is own by Walt Disney Company.And Walt Disney Company isnt liberal like Ted Turners CNN is.Look how Larry King ask Bill Clinton easy questions and Clinton loved being on CNN cause Larry King isnt gonna ask him about monica lewinsky or Bin Laden.Fox News is very Tough they will get to the bottom of things just like MEET THE PRESS always get tough on republicans and never get tough on democrats.Jim Carville never gets in a political argument on MEET THE PRESS cause they ask easy questions to him.CBS is also Liberal,,Just like Katie Couric wouldnt allow Bill Maher talk about Religon or GOD on CBS evening news.
I Am Sacred Right Now "ohno"

666 = Number of the Beast NUMBER OF THE BEAST THIS WILLIAM JEFFERSON KLINTON PERFECT 666!!!!! THIS CAUSE HE STILL LIVE NOT YET DIED?? I DONT TRUST ABOUT HIM IS FALSE SPEAKER ABOUT THIS MOVIE 9/11! HE SHOULD NOT BLAH BLAH BLAH ABOUT MOVIE 9/11? I REMMY HIM ABOUT 10YR AGO. KEEP OPEN EYE OF WATCH HIM...........not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar! HE NOT PRO HOLLYWOOD!
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See,,Hes the Third Anitchrist.NOT BUSH!!!!! And get this ...Nostradamus said the word MABUS and MABUS was Saddam!!!!! See bush did the right thing by invading IRAQ, And he needs to invade IRAN too then we can prevent WWIII from happening.The Word Mahammed means the End of Days in Arabic terms.You see Clinton is the devil that helped bin laden to suceed on 9/11. Why you think he lashed out on chris wallace on said ABC TV movie path to 9/11 was false? Cause the Devil doesnt like to be blamed for his work.ABC TV put that movie on for one reason.To get even with Micheal Moore movie Fahrenheit 9/11.GOD put bush in the oval office to alter and undo satans work.Thats why those Florida Voting machines didnt work for liberals to keep GORE from contining satans work.
See,,Hes the Third Anitchrist.NOT BUSH!!!!! And get this ...Nostradamus said the word MABUS and MABUS was Saddam!!!!! See bush did the right thing by invading IRAQ, And he needs to invade IRAN too then we can prevent WWIII from happening.The Word Mahammed means the End of Days in Arabic terms.You see Clinton is the devil that helped bin laden to suceed on 9/11. Why you think he lashed out on chris wallace on said ABC TV movie path to 9/11 was false? Cause the Devil doesnt like to be blamed for his work.ABC TV put that movie on for one reason.To get even with Micheal Moore movie Fahrenheit 9/11.GOD put bush in the oval office to alter and undo satans work.Thats why those Florida Voting machines didnt work for liberals to keep GORE from contining satans work.
You realise you are talking about the Bush family that can be linked back to financing Hitler...

The same Bush that allowed the family of terror-suspects to fly out of the country.

The same Bush that lied about weapens of mass destruction in Iraq!

The same Bush that deserted his easy flying-job in the National Guard in order to prevent going to Vietnam.

The same Bush that prevented any investigation in 911 and fortunetely was pressured to do so.. And then put Kissinger!!! as chairman...

The same Bush that said that he saw the plane hit the north tower, then went into a classroom. And this when footage of that plane hitting the tower was released the day AFTER!!

You mean THAT Bush......

That took many day's to get to victems of the hurricane that destroyed New Orleans.

Anyone care to add to this list ....... ????
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Yes thats true I believe that to. We have no business in Iraq period. We should be after Bin Laden.
Actually... I am beginning to wonder more and more if Bin Laden is the problem.... After all, were were told that he was the real bad guy by....... Bush and co.
Clinton deserve the part of blame.

After Oklahoma Bomb, Clinton didn't do anything that much in security issues. Maybe it's reason, it add the chapter that cause 9/11.
i serious that did before bush not should lair!!!!!!

You realise you are talking about the Bush family that can be linked back to financing Hitler...

The same Bush that allowed the family of terror-suspects to fly out of the country.

The same Bush that lied about weapens of mass destruction in Iraq!

The same Bush that deserted his easy flying-job in the National Guard in order to prevent going to Vietnam.

The same Bush that prevented any investigation in 911 and fortunetely was pressured to do so.. And then put Kissinger!!! as chairman...

The same Bush that said that he saw the plane hit the north tower, then went into a classroom. And this when footage of that plane hitting the tower was released the day AFTER!!

You mean THAT Bush......

That took many day's to get to victems of the hurricane that destroyed New Orleans.

Anyone care to add to this list ....... ????
better know bush before footage! you are right cloggy you are smart ass!!!!!!!!
Cloggy what about the Warren Commisson who covered up the JFK assassination? You know damn well the CIA and the FBI Murdered JFK.You can blame the republicans on 9-11. But why dont you blame the democrats who covered up JFKs truth who wont tell you who really killed JFK.
Cloggy what about the Warren Commisson who covered up the JFK assassination? You know damn well the CIA and the FBI Murdered JFK.You can blame the republicans on 9-11. But why dont you blame the democrats who covered up JFKs truth who wont tell you who really killed JFK.
Sure, let's clean us the future first and work our way back.
After all, shouldn't criminals being punished asap!!
Clinton deserve the part of blame.

After Oklahoma Bomb, Clinton didn't do anything that much in security issues. Maybe it's reason, it add the chapter that cause 9/11.
You really have your maths wrong.....
Clinton, 9/11 and the Facts
By William Rivers Pitt
t r u t h o u t | Perspective

Wednesday 30 August 2006

.................................................. ...

Measures taken by the Clinton administration to thwart international terrorism and bin Laden's network were historic, unprecedented and, sadly, not followed up on. Consider the steps offered by Clinton's 1996 omnibus anti-terror legislation, the pricetag for which stood at $1.097 billion. The following is a partial list of the initiatives offered by the Clinton anti-terrorism bill:

Screen Checked Baggage: $91.1 million

Screen Carry-On Baggage: $37.8 million

Passenger Profiling: $10 million

Screener Training: $5.3 million

Screen Passengers (portals) and Document Scanners: $1 million

Deploying Existing Technology to Inspect International Air Cargo: $31.4

Provide Additional Air/Counterterrorism Security: $26.6 million

Explosives Detection Training: $1.8 million

Augment FAA Security Research: $20 million

Customs Service: Explosives and Radiation Detection Equipment at Ports: $2.2 million

Anti-Terrorism Assistance to Foreign Governments: $2 million

Capacity to Collect and Assemble Explosives Data: $2.1 million

Improve Domestic Intelligence: $38.9 million

Critical Incident Response Teams for Post-Blast Deployment: $7.2 million

Additional Security for Federal Facilities: $6.7 million

Firefighter/Emergency Services Financial Assistance: $2.7 million

Public Building and Museum Security: $7.3 million

Improve Technology to Prevent Nuclear Smuggling: $8 million

Critical Incident Response Facility: $2 million

Counter-Terrorism Fund: $35 million

Explosives Intelligence and Support Systems: $14.2 million

Office of Emergency Preparedness: $5.8 million
The Clinton administration poured more than a billion dollars into counterterrorism.
As I recall... Bush & Co. took away money from FBI and other services.... See here for more detail... (And this is an organisation with lots of patriots... that fought for your country...)

[SIZE=+1]Between tax cuts for the rich, war profits for Halliburton, or support for our troops - which does the Bush Administration choose, time and time again?[/SIZE]
  • Bush Administration cuts $1.5 billion from military family housing.
  • Bush Republicans support millionaires instead of military veterans.
  • Bush Administration underfunded veterans' health care by $2 billion.
  • Bush Administration proposal would end health care benefits for 173,000 veterans.
  • Bush Administration budget cuts force more than 200,000 veterans to wait for health care.
  • Bush Administration opposed plan to give National Guard and Reserve Members access to health insurance.
  • Bush Administration cuts $172 million allotted for educating the children of military personnel.
  • Bush Administration tax cut denies military families increase in child tax credit.
Clinton deserve the part of blame.

After Oklahoma Bomb, Clinton didn't do anything that much in security issues. Maybe it's reason, it add the chapter that cause 9/11.
The Oklahoma City Bombing

It was President Clinton that tries to create a law that require taggant in all explosives but Republican balked.. hmm..
How stupid peopled will inhearit leathal weapons --- some combination!!

Bombs & Battleships Instead of Books & Upward Bound
In February, President Bush released his $2.7 trillion budget for fiscal year 2006. Congress continues to grapple with this budget proposal and the shortfall impact on education. The final outcome won't be known until late summer 2005.

A budget is a blueprint of the budget's priorities and plans. It's a full-color snapshot of the budgeter's heart and soul. It's a monetary mission statement. To evaluate an administration, we must examine its budgets.

George Bush, who portrayed himself as an “education" president, terminated 99 programs in his 2006 budget, including a whopping 48 programs from the US Education Department for a savings of $4.3 billion. He wants to replace those with new initiatives costing $2.3 billion.
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Perspective is vital to understanding budget priorities. Take Donald Rumsfeld's Defense Department, for instance. Total Defense spending in 2006 would be $421 billion, a 4.8%, or about $20 billion, increase.

Included in Defense spending would be $40 billion to build more lethal nuclear weapons; $7.8 billion to test a missile defense system; $9.4 billion for a new generation of war ships; $4.3 billion for F/A-22 Raptor fighters; $5 billion for the new Joint Strike fighter; $3.7 billion for C-13 military transports; even $3.4 billion for spiffy new Army uniforms.

A total of $73.6 billion. Thirty-six times the $2 billion in cuts to education for US students. The additions to our deadly nuclear arsenal cost 20 times Bush's budget cuts to education.

Program changes planned by Mr. Bush within the Education Department reveal startling motives. Virtually all 48 programs that Mr. Bush desires to end are intended to educate children, young adults and college students who are disabled, economically disadvantaged, limited English-proficient and even illiterate.

The President wants to replace these programs with $1.5 billion to hold high schools "accountable" (police and punish, not help) for teaching and providing "intervention" for "non-performing" students. He also plans to give teachers business-style bonuses of $500 million to improve test scores. The remaining $300 million will be invested in high-end academics as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) courses, and a Math/Science "Partnership" program.

Nothing wrong with supporting AP and IB programs and new math/science initiatives that are grounded in scientific thinking. Such programs, though, disproportionately benefit wealthier schools and districts, and upper middle-class families. And AP and IB students are segregated into better courses and facilities than mainstream students. Like a two-tier social class system.

Thus, George Bush's education budget cuts provide more funds for wealthier students, while taking educational opportunities and assistance away from poor, disabled and immigrant students. Just like all of Mr. Bush's other domestic spending plans.

Some of the education programs Mr. Bush has slated to kill are:

- Javits Gifted and Talented meets special needs of gifted students who are disabled, economically disadvantaged and limited English proficient

- Star Schools improved instruction in math, science and foreign language for disadvantaged, illiterate and disabled students

- Community Technology Centers creates technology centers for disadvantaged students in economically distressed areas to provide access to the internet and technology

- Upward Bound provides support to high schoolers from low-income families and low-income first-generation military veterans to succeed in pre-college performance.

- Talent Search increase number of youth from disadvantaged backgrounds to complete high school and attend college

-All vocational education at the high school level

- Dropout Prevention

- Safe and Drug-Free Schools includes the wildly successful DARE program

- Civic Education

- Women's Educational Equity

- Elementary and High School Counseling

- Parental Information & Resource Centers assists parents whose children attend schools identified for improvements or corrections under No Child Left Behind to help their students to meet state and local academic standards

And every education program named after a Democrat:

- Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity intended to increase the number of students from low-come and minority backgrounds in law school; named after the first African-American Supreme Court Justice.

- BJ Stupak Olympic Scholarship named after the deceased son of Congressman Bart Stupak (D-Michigan)

And especially....the 20-year old pride and joy, and legacy, of Senator Robert C. Byrd, a member of Congress since 1953 and vocal Bush critic: the Robert C. Byrd Scholarship Program, the only national, merit-based scholarship program funded through the Department of Education.

Oops....formerly funded, if President Bush has his way. He proposed no cuts in programs named after Republicans.
Bin Laden is the one who was behind the 9/11 attacks. Why the troops in Iraq? I highley doubt thats where Bin Laden is. No the idiot Bush says they have WMD, for Iraq Freedom, no actually its for Oil. I mean come on,,How is America safer because Saddam was removed from office? It was all Bin Laden on those attacks not him. I believe our troops are dying for nothing in Iraq.

Actually... I am beginning to wonder more and more if Bin Laden is the problem.... After all, were were told that he was the real bad guy by....... Bush and co.
Actually... I am beginning to wonder more and more if Bin Laden is the problem.... After all, were were told that he was the real bad guy by....... Bush and co.
yes he is great monster! bin liden very bad guy damn it...
Bin Laden is the one who was behind the 9/11 attacks. Why the troops in Iraq? I highley doubt thats where Bin Laden is. No the idiot Bush says they have WMD, for Iraq Freedom, no actually its for Oil. I mean come on,,How is America safer because Saddam was removed from office? It was all Bin Laden on those attacks not him. I believe our troops are dying for nothing in Iraq.
because bush too many worry about oil and gasoline.. because this imporment oil and gas for car or plane other thing need for!!!
That's been all over the news since after 9/11. That was one of the biggest investigation by the FBI in U.S. History & it all added up & lead towards Bin Laden. & later on months after attacks of 9/11 a video of Bin Laden & 2 other guys I don't remember who but I'm sure were accomplises to him. Congradulated him & talked all about the plan & how it was a succeeded on the days that lead up to the attacks on 9/11. Bin Laden has been quiet for a while & wanted The U.S.A. to know it was all him. He was made other attacks also but none was as big as 9/11.

Who told you that??
That's been all over the news since after 9/11. That was one of the biggest investigation by the FBI in U.S. History & it all added up & lead towards Bin Laden. & later on months after attacks of 9/11 a video of Bin Laden & 2 other guys I don't remember who but I'm sure were accomplises to him. Congradulated him & talked all about the plan & how it was a succeeded on the days that lead up to the attacks on 9/11. Bin Laden has been quiet for a while & wanted The U.S.A. to know it was all him. He was made other attacks also but none was as big as 9/11.

I remember from saw his video but he bragged but not exactly but talk too much. No wonder, everyone got influence to belelive that it's Bin Laden...

Look, at first Bush blame Saddam then Bin Laden.. :roll:

Don't you remember that Bush label Iraq as 9/11 terrorists and want to attack Iraq as revenage... Really is OIL, he sees after, not 9/11... Why can't Bush send his soliders to search Bin Laden after Saddam's arrest?

Bush KNEW Saddam has nothing do with 9/11...

What Bush did is pretty illogical to me... At first I thought Bin Laden or Saddam is responsible for 9/11... Now I am not sure anymore...
The evidence not just from the video but from alot of other things show its Bin Laden responsible & Bush actually went to Afganastain 1st for Bin laden. It was only later that he went to Iraq for Saddam. He called it "War for Iraqi Freedom" from Saddam & claimed about the weapons of mass destruction. He later tried to pin point Saddam & Bin Laden were in the 9/11 attacks together. But there wasn't no proof of that & was later dismissed.

Funny one thing I remember when that war started in Iraq. One of the 1st things Saddam had his Iraqi people do was set the oil diggers on fire & did & quickly the US was ordered by Bush with the assistance of Kuwait to put those fires out & Bush says "To save Iraq'a riches" In other words I'm sure Bush had in mind oil for us later on during & after the war. Bush is so stupid & pathetic & some things he says its like hes still in high school & not very professional on his duty as President of The United States

I remember from saw his video but he bragged but not exactly but talk too much. No wonder, everyone got influence to belelive that it's Bin Laden...

Look, at first Bush blame Saddam then Bin Laden.. :roll:

Don't you remember that Bush label Iraq as 9/11 terrorists and want to attack Iraq as revenage... Really is OIL, he sees after, not 9/11... Why can't Bush send his soliders to search Bin Laden after Saddam's arrest?

Bush KNEW Saddam has nothing do with 9/11...

What Bush did is pretty illogical to me... At first I thought Bin Laden or Saddam is responsible for 9/11... Now I am not sure anymore...