CI operation

CI Operation

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 61.9%
  • Unsure

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
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Active Member
Aug 8, 2003
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It's best to implant on babies (18 months approx) as possible for a higher rate of success in language, speech etc, rather than waiting till your child is 18 to make his/her choices, the opportunity for learning, speech, etc would probably result in greatly reduced.

Would you let your baby to go ahead with this operation?
I vote No...I think the Child should reach the age of 7 Or up to decide if that what she/he wants...
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I agree with you, RedRum....
i voted no and i agree with Cheri -- id rather wait til the child is older and is able to participate in a VERY big decision making with something so invasive and make their own educated decisions after reviewing ALL documented information ref to CI including the negative information!
Fly Free said:
i voted no and i agree with Cheri -- id rather wait til the child is older and is able to participate in a VERY big decision making with something so invasive and make their own educated decisions after reviewing ALL documented information ref to CI including the negative information!

Right on Girl! :thumb:
I vote no because the children & adults should choose themselves either they want CI or not.

Poor babies/small children can´t defend themselves against their parents. :tears: :tears: :tears:
The parents are not accepting for their Deaf children for who they are. It looks like when you have a baby boy cutting his penis off. You want your baby boy turns to girl. The Deaf babies born on this planet as they did not ask for bonic baby !

I prefer, the adult turns 18 to make their own decision.
I voted ' No '....because, I feel its up to the child when theyre old enough to make the choice on their own..... :D
I voted No because I want my kids to wait until they r old enough to decide on it and see if they want it or not. It's up to them and I will love them still no matter what. :)
i voted unsure.....

Because it depends on sitution. These days children with CI are improving their reading skills, their english skills, and their speech skills. however not all of them are success...

I'm netural....
This is a tough one.
I personally wouldn't go for one myself.
With my own child, their choice.

Actually when I first saw a CI on a highschool student, the first thing I thought was "Cyborg."
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I wouldn't implant my child if I had one. But wait until 18? Maybe wait until like 6 or 7 years old and see what the child wants. I would take the child to visit deaf world and hearing world, and introduce them to CI users, etc... Try to educate the child as much as possible about his/her choices.
The one thing most people seem to forget is that as "Parents" we make decisions for our children every day about schools they attend, what they eat, who they visit, medical decisions with dental or if they require to visit a doctor etc. With CI. its the same. Our decision influences our children!!! All the decisions we make are in the best interests of our children and our childrens future and you would not base these decisions on hearsay, you would learn the facts. There seems to be much anger and confusion in the deaf community re CI. Is it because they fear there children will be different from them? The age of the child should not be to young, I agree but leaving it until they are too old could also cause problems. A reasonable decision needs to be made and this is once again, up to the parents.

Parents always do what they think is best!!!

I wish I had the chance for operation, however when I applied they told me I couldn't because I had been deaf all my life and there would be too many years of learning!!!
Sabrina said:
The parents are not accepting for their Deaf children for who they are. It looks like when you have a baby boy cutting his penis off. You want your baby boy turns to girl. The Deaf babies born on this planet as they did not ask for bonic baby !

I prefer, the adult turns 18 to make their own decision.

Ok, don't you agree if baby born siamese-twin, (twin joined together in one piece) to be seperated or let them wait till 18 to make their own decision?

Its same thing about CI.
:nono:, Red Rum
There're a big difference between deaf & Siamese-twin because those Siamese-twin issues belongs to malformation, not Deaf.
I dont want to be rude but umm this is not the right place for discussing CI operation. This is a hearing relationship forum.
RedRum said:
Ok, don't you agree if baby born siamese-twin, (twin joined together in one piece) to be seperated or let them wait till 18 to make their own decision?

Its same thing about CI.

DEAF is not a disease. Little ears are healthy and cute. Little head with softly blonde hair is natural when they born. Why would you take your baby into the surgery room, as the baby born is healthy? They did not ask for bionic baby! Sign Language is natural of their language. Why would we see baby wear huge band-aid because you do not accept your son or daughter who is Deaf?

If your mom or dad saw that you have a brown eyes because your color eyes are not like them. They want the blue eyes; take your eyeballs out to replacement blue one. How would you feel that? Mom and Dad are not acceptable for the Deaf babies. They are not disease.
RedRum said:
Ok, don't you agree if baby born siamese-twin, (twin joined together in one piece) to be seperated or let them wait till 18 to make their own decision?

Its same thing about CI.

CI is different from baby born Siamese-twin... CI is made for People who were born deaf or became deaf at a later age... Listen if a baby is born deaf why would u want to change that child into someone different they are healthy they just cant hear that's all that is wrong with them. So just because they cant hear u have to change them into someone u want them to be into "hearing" that is nonsense! U know that is discriminated against the deaf. cuz u cant accept the fact that the child is born deaf u can still find a school/learn to talk well with speech/and some deaf people do hear sounds. That what makes them special. but turning them into CI will not make them better it would make them different! from who they really are!
Still talkin' about CI ? Oh, boy ! :dizzy:
just a waste of time talking about CI just let people have their own opinions about them.
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