CI for son...CI friendly only please

webexplorer said:
The best is to be in 3 or 4 years old. I understand that you want to hurry up... I believe that when he turns 3 or 4, he will get a better technology like a smaller CI and more advanced wires or programs.
I am waiting for an announcement about a regeneration hearing that makes the stem cells to create ear hair cells grow. .

The problem with waiting for the next best thing is that the child's brain is not being stimulated for hearing and by the time the best thing comes out they won't be able to take much advantage of it because their brain has reallocated the neurons that would have been used for hearing elsewhere.

Independent, controlled studies show that the first 3 years is the best age to be implanted in terms of outcome. For some children waiting until they are 4 may lead to a poorer outcome.
Momoftwo said:
Yes! Hair cell regeneration is MUCH, MUCH BETTER than CI. Yes, in my strong opinion, CI isn't a very good idea at all. Hope that hair cell regeneration will happen one day.

So you believe that if Isaac waits until he is 50 for stem cell regeneration to be available to everyone that he will magically be able to hear?

How do you propose for his brain to suddenly develop hearing neurons? Stem cell regeneration only fixes the ear but it doesn't fix the part of the brain devoted to interpreting sounds, which basically moves on after not receiving sound in the first few years.

I really think in your zeal against CIs that you have thought this through.
deafdyke said:
Yeah, but they are never going to come up with viable haircell regeneration b/c hearing healthcare is such a goldmine.....

I'm not a big fan of conspiracy theories.

If hair cell regeneration became a reality there would still be big bucks to be made anyway. Just think of all those costs that insurance companies and governments would save (unemployment benefit, running schools for deaf, paying for CI operations and CIs)

I think the insurance lobby is stronger than Cochlear by a long shot! :)
webexplorer said:
I am waiting for an announcement about a regeneration hearing that makes the stem cells to create ear hair cells grow. The only real problem is George Bush. I cannot wait for him to get out of office or impeach him.

I AGREE!! The only way for that to happen that you vote for the democratic party in November straght down the line! Who ever is Republican DO NOT ELECT OR RE-ELECT HIM OR HER! Whoever is a democrat VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE! So when they regain power they can all focus on impeaching George W Bush!
Buckdodgers said:
I AGREE!! The only way for that to happen that you vote for the democratic party in November straght down the line! Who ever is Republican DO NOT ELECT OR RE-ELECT HIM OR HER! Whoever is a democrat VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE! So when they regain power they can all focus on impeaching George W Bush!

Yea, I agree with you. :)
Oh I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories either, but I'm just too cynical to even think that medical companies will go for a cure when there are billions to be made off of dhh cure them with hair cells, there's only ONE op to make money.....but with hearing technology you make a whole population be dependant on a product that has to be upgraded, replaced etc etc.
deafdyke said:
Oh I'm not a fan of conspiracy theories either, but I'm just too cynical to even think that medical companies will go for a cure when there are billions to be made off of dhh cure them with hair cells, there's only ONE op to make money.....but with hearing technology you make a whole population be dependant on a product that has to be upgraded, replaced etc etc.

I appreciate what you are saying about corporate greed but I doubt that they are that powerful to prevent medical advances being made. If your viewpoint was true across the board then we would not have seen breastfeeding come back to prominence for example. Breastfeeding is completely free with no profit interests to anyone but people have realised the health benefits to a degree that it is strongly promoted today at least in Australia (less so in the US). This is despite the fact formula companies are very powerful and have done some unethical things to maintain their market.

Stem cell regeneration at least has long term potential cost saving advantages to the government and to insurance companies so I doubt it will be held back to please health care providers.
Best of luck for your son!
May he have a successful surgery and outcomes.........
Please keep us posted.
Good luck!
R2D2 said:

Stem cell regeneration at least has long term potential cost saving advantages to the government and to insurance companies so I doubt it will be held back to please health care providers.

Just think of this as new markets for companies... ;)
Isaacsmom and her husband,

I beg you, please cancel the operation on your son s cochlear implants. I worked with three Deaf children ages at 4 to 9 yrs old. They complained headache and dizzy due to cochlear implants. Fluid in their ears and got the medication.

The wire around from their heads to chest, they activities are limit to interact with other Deaf children at the playground and swimming pool. They had to removal their device to put in safety place.

They did not ask for change their true idienty from Deaf to hearing. You should be proud that God provides you a beautiful and healthy son. God does not create cochlear implant equipment for your Deaf son.

Alot of teenager Deaf are very angry with their hearing parents not accept for who they are. The parents were not willing to learn ASL to communication with their Deaf children.

I am very against infants and young children got the cochlear implants. :mad:
Kalista said:
Isaacsmom and her husband,

I beg you, please cancel the operation on your son s cochlear implants. I worked with three Deaf children ages at 4 to 9 yrs old. They complained headache and dizzy due to cochlear implants. Fluid in their ears and got the medication.

The wire around from their heads to chest, they activities are limit to interact with other Deaf children at the playground and swimming pool. They had to removal their device to put in safety place.

They did not ask for change their true idienty from Deaf to hearing. You should be proud that God provides you a beautiful and healthy son. God does not create cochlear implant equipment for your Deaf son.

Alot of teenager Deaf are very angry with their hearing parents not accept for who they are. The parents were not willing to learn ASL to communication with their Deaf children.

I am very against infants and young children got the cochlear implants. :mad:

I agree with you! I talked with the interpreter at the deaf center for CI yesterday about teenagers and yes you're right that so many teenagers removed their magnets. The interpreter just learned that 70% remains the SAME as of now that 70% of CI don't work. The interpreter was talking to someone who works with CI research.

I would like to recommend you to think about delaying the operation. The woman with CI believes that the best for your son to grow and adjust his body system to be stable so that he could be ready to have an operation - i.e. 4 years old - I don't know about two years old what I have read in the thread. ...This woman w/CI is real happy that she hears almost everything - like 90 percent is a big deal to me. I have seen her communicating with people, and I could not catch up what they were saying.

How about if you contact Clarke School for the Deaf in Northampton, Massachusetts, and ask some questions about the CI young children. Many CI deaf kids attend there. I strongly suggest that your kid goes to a hearing school instead of a deaf school because he will learn faster, etc...

Especially, I would really appreciate if your son will learn some sign languages so that he would help deaf people someday.
Dear Thread starter,

You and your husband have the right to make the best decision for your son. Ignore these people.


webexplorer said:
Especially, I would really appreciate if your son will learn some sign languages so that he would help deaf people someday.

Please refrain from telling other parents how to raise their children. Her son has the right to choose whatever profession he pleases. He might not want to help deaf people. I know I don't want to help other deaf people because I want to help myself and my family more than anyone else!

Thank you.
implant on son

Isaacs mom..Hello!! and God bless you.. What a wonderful decision you have given your son. My son got the nuhcleas freedom on March 7th 2006 at 16 months old. He was born with eva sydrome and is always a progressive loss. he started at a mild loss. We wanted the best for our child .WE never regret the decision son is now 20 months old and is doing amazing..he talks , follows commands, sings and does so much. I am amazed at what the future holds for him.He attends av theropy once a week. and may or maynot teach sign language. We knew the risks involved but we knew there were risk in every surgery.right now we are waiting for the new mini by freedom.he wears the bodyworn right now.. Isaac will probably start out with the bodyworn processor.we have the beige color but are waiting to get in blue.I wish you and your son the best..and you alone are the decision maker for your baby.What a gift.. I also know that the deaf is cruel when it comes to implant on babies but just ignore them. they seem to forget that what ever we do for our child to improve our kids hearing that they will always be deaf. why not give them the gift of hearing... let me know how everything goes.. :)
Fragmenter said:
Please refrain from telling other parents how to raise their children. Her son has the right to choose whatever profession he pleases. He might not want to help deaf people. I know I don't want to help other deaf people because I want to help myself and my family more than anyone else!

Thank you.

I mean that I hope that, someday when he gets older, he might help some deaf people for a small thing such as at a store if a register does not understand them. Maybe, he would interprete them a little bit as long as he knows some sign languages. That's all. I did not say that he should know all sign language or to be involved both side of the worlds. I made a positive suggestion.

For me, I really like to help some people if they don't understand someone at a store. I understand that your family comes first. I'm willing to give some advises for them... Actually, it is not healthy to be greedy for not helping them.

Again, about Clarke School for the Deaf, I thought that she might be interested to learn about the CI kids - like pros and cons related CI issue. It's up to her to find out.
Thank You Everyone!

I really appreciate the encouragement and support I have received here. I have been browsing through threads for months but been reluctant to post anything becuase I did not want to be bashed. I understand both sides of the CI debate. I started out against it, but gradually began to understand that this is the technology available at the time when my son would be acquiring language. We could wait until some scientist somewhere down the road figures out how to regenerate hair cells.....but God only knows when that will happen. We are concerned with our son's ability to learn and become independent now. In our entire county there are maybe 5-10 profoundly deaf children. We live in the country. I am against shipping my child to a deaf school that is 2 hours away and having him stay all week only to come home on the weekends. I want to raise my child. I do not want strangers to raise him. That was a huge concern for my husband and I. We are learning sign language, but feel that we will never become fluent enough in it. We are going to continue to learn and teach Isaac ASL. I said earlier that we want him to know ASL so he has the choice when he is older. When he is older, if he wants to take the implant off and live in the deaf culture, we totally support him. We love our son very much and would not change a thing about him. We are proud that he is deaf. With the CI, he is being given the technology to succeed in a predominantly hearing world. We are giving him every opportunity to succeed. God did not create the CI, but he created human beings with the intellectual ability to improve the quality of life for others. I believe that God has given Isaac a special gift. He is deaf, but he will be able to hear. No one knows yet how successful the implant will be for him, but it will give him access to more sound than he has now. Thanks again to everyone and God Bless!
with no profit interests to anyone
True, but formula is still very much pushed. I'd like to hear more about the situion in Austrailia!!! (lactation consultant's daughter) Maybe, they are more open to stuff like that b/c healthcare in Oz is socialized, whereas we are totally a capitalized interest market here in the US.

Issac's mom......have you contacted Western PA School for the Deaf? I know Issac is still kind of young, but they could help you with early intervention and things like that. Also contact the PA Association for the Deaf....sometimes they have mentor programs where Deaf adults come into your house to teach you guys Sign. .....I know you're in the country, and that's wicked good that you're open as to communication perferences. I know off the top of my head that most oral "sucesses" are either products of the oral schools or products of intensive auditory verbal therapy or have VERY hyperinvolved parents. Please keep an open mind as to schooling. I mean you might have to send him off to the Deaf school anyway, b/c either the hearing school might not have any idear of how to teach a dhh kid, or b/c the alternative means a very very LONG bus ride. Look into the regional dhh programs in your area.
CI Naysayers

Guys, give it up. This lady already did her research. She is doing what she feels is best for her son. That is her right as a Mother and should be supported; no matter how strongly against the CI some of you are in this thread. This dear lady has already said she is going to see to it that her son is not only going to be apart of the hearing world, but also the deaf world as well. This can only be the best of both worlds.

He is too young right now to make these choices for himself, but when he's older, if he chooses not to hear; all he will have to do is remove the implant. Simple. He won't hear a lick without all proper parts of the CI functioning together. Once the implant is off, he can rely on ASL to communicate, or use his voice if chooses to.

I see this as giving this little boy options he can choose from when he's older. As for now, hopefully, the CI will help him with his speech developement, and his language skills. THis can only serve to help him later in life.

Why don't you and your family move to Pittsburgh, PA? So, your son can go to that school. I grew up in Pittsburgh and went to WPSD and loved there very much. It's only 10 minutes away from WPSD to my parents' house. Maybe you don't want to move to PGH because of your job or your husband's job but if you really care for your son to interact with other deaf kids, then I recommend you to think about moving to PGH for your son's sake. You have to find a way. If I were you, we will move to PGH and look for a new job for our child's sake.

Your son would be a lot happier if you move to PGH and send him to WPSD as a day student.

WPSD is a good school - it is an oral/sl school. It's a beautiful campus.

Think about it.

Good luck!