CI for son...CI friendly only please

Isaac's surgery is on a Monday in the late morning. We have to call the Friday before to get his operation time. The surgeon said that he will go home the same day. That is what I have been hearing from other implant centers too. I guess that if there are any complications, they will keep him another night. This is a question for Lily's Dad and Cloggy: Did you have to keep your kids at home for a period of time after surgery? I guess what I mean is, is it going to be ok to leave Isaac in the nursery at church while we are in service and is it ok to leave Isaac in the gym nursery while we work out? Just curious. I work in the nursery at the gym and I take him with me on nights that I work. I just want to know if that is safe in the weeks after surgery.
Isaac's surgery is on a Monday in the late morning. We have to call the Friday before to get his operation time. The surgeon said that he will go home the same day. That is what I have been hearing from other implant centers too. I guess that if there are any complications, they will keep him another night. This is a question for Lily's Dad and Cloggy: Did you have to keep your kids at home for a period of time after surgery? I guess what I mean is, is it going to be ok to leave Isaac in the nursery at church while we are in service and is it ok to leave Isaac in the gym nursery while we work out? Just curious. I work in the nursery at the gym and I take him with me on nights that I work. I just want to know if that is safe in the weeks after surgery.
My experience was that they will be up and going in no time. (Posted elsewhere..) and in a way there's no stopping them.
Of course the wound still needs to heal, but we never restricted Lotte in any way. When the wound is closed and heals well, I would not worry. Of course we worried, but in retrospect, there was no need. The CI cannot be damaged with normal play.
We did experience some bleeding that came out of her nose which came from the middle-ear.

So, if he's up to it, just let him do as he allways did. You will probably exhoust yourself by being over-cautious...

Perhaps most important.... follow your own instinct. (Keep in mind that the case of the CI is probably tougher than his head..)

When the "due"-date?
Best wishes!

I am glad you have made the decision and have viewed the risks. I just want to let you know that I work for FDA and my area of surveillance is Cochlear Implants. I have seen many adverse events associated with them, but I have heard of numerous more success stories.

Just be on guard for infection at the flap site as this is themost reported adverse event. If you have any additional questions, please email me. Best wishes and God bless:fingersx:


Nice to see you here.
Looking forward to read more from you....

We're excited for your daughter and you can ask any one of us parents of implanted children specific questions and I'm sure none of us will hesitate to answer you! Even if it's a personal question.

Dr. Jones (here) operated on my son at University of Kentucky and I was really pleased with how they handled our son and family members. UK Children's Hospital was AWESOME to stay at. I've heard of people travelling across state lines because they wanted a specific doctor. Fortunately, we have a brother in law who is a doctor and he's had nothing but wonderful things to say about Dr. Jones and he said he was one of the best so we went local.

Anyway, your daughter is still an infant so you guys have tons of sand in the top part of the hourglass to do your research. All the best of luck to your family!

Thank you so much! And you are so right, I am just in the beginning stages of learning. I am sure time will fly by, but I still have time to research everything!!
Lillys Dad and Cloggy - Thanks for the details of the surgery. It is great to hear about other people's experiences. I know everyone reacts differently, but it helps to see how other children recovered. Seems like your girls did great after surgery.

Greema - it really is nice to not see arguing and negative comments. I am glad things changed too!

Thanks to all for offering information and allowing me and others to ask questions!!! I look forward to learning more from all of you.
Sorry for the delayed response. My computer is screwed up again. As for keeping you kid isolated for a while, we were told to keep her home for several days. The reasoning behind this was for two main reasons. 1. We were told that the implant cannot take a hard blow for three weeks after implantation. If there is a hard blow, the array (the wire that goes into the cochlea) may become dislodged from the cochlea. The cochlea has not yet scarred over the wire to prevent it from coming out.
2. infection. As ai said in a previous message, there are huge concerns about getting an infection. With a recent foriegn object implanted in the childs head, there is a chance that the body can build up white blood cells and try to attck the implant. This may lead to memingitus. (this is at least my interpritation of the explaination). This would kind of make sense with Dnbobes' statement. If the kid is allowed to interact with other children too soon, they may open the incision through play, and get exposed to all kinds of nasty viruses.

By the way, welcome Dnbobe!