
I don't like web browser, I like Media Center with remote control for relex without mouse and keyboard on HDTV. I don't remember "Zane" (wrong spell) had lot of Apple, Microsoft, C|Net, NASA, more more than AppleTV and GoogleTV, Zane is GONE!

Well, time for you to use DVR to record the TV shows and get over it.

There is no perfect device that will make you happy.
I am using Roku 3 which kick the butt of any Apple TV :D

I feel that Apple is restricting the Apps on it because they want $$$ from other provider to allow Apps on their Apple TV.

Same as XBox, you have to pay monthly to Micro$oft to be able to use Netflix or any streaming Apps on their Xbox which is stupid and plain greedy.

I believe Roku and Google TV is gonna take off in near future.


This is why I use PS3 for that. =P Hehee
I can see that alot of people are popular on Chromecast. I had looked at ebay about Chromecast and wow there are 33,350 items from seller has. I am thinking about Chromecast and other media player.